Harry Potter and the Attack of the Squibs

Chapter 94 Moving to the new greenhouse

At this time, Johanna Ogulius suddenly said: "Are you talking about the monster who killed Myrtle, Lu Ke?"

Lu Ke looked surprised: "How do you know?"

Johanna Ogulius smiled: "The ghost represents the past, and she occupies a women's bathroom. She has a weird personality and is hated by people. When I want to verify my charm, she is the first thing that comes to mind. "

Lu Ke breathed a sigh of relief.

He was still hesitating just now about how to produce enough evidence to convince Dumbledore that the Chamber of Secrets still existed.

"That was fifty years ago..."

Dumbledore showed a meaningful expression: "And coincidentally...it is also related to Tom."

Johanna Ogulius smiled: "But I haven't told you about it, just because I know it and you know it."

Dumbledore nodded, then he looked at Lu Ke and smiled: "This sentence is like a tongue twister, right?"

Lu Ke smiled helplessly: "That's right."

Dumbledore sighed: "That monster hasn't appeared for too long. I don't think it is a threat unless Tom sneaks into Hogwarts again."

Lu Ke nodded: "That's exactly the problem. You have already seen Ravenclaw's crown. Voldemort has his own way of sneaking into the school."

Dumbledore shook his head: "We can't open the secret room where the monster is hiding. Parselmouth is almost completely extinct, and I will never let untrustworthy people enter Hogwarts."

Lu Ke hesitated: "Where is Harry?"

Dumbledore was silent for a moment: "Not now, he still needs to make more preparations."

Lu Ke nodded: "But I will not allow a hidden danger to be hidden in Hogwarts."

Dumbledore smiled: "You and I are two different people, Lu Ke. In my opinion, a place without danger is too boring."

Lu Ke sighed helplessly: "I..."

Dumbledore raised his right hand and stopped Lu Ke: "I also have the same view on the differences between the four colleges, but this does not mean that you are wrong, Lu Ke. Sometimes I also think that living too long will make I can't help but make mistakes. You're the only one who knows exactly what you did, and the more people who do it, the better.

"Although I have many different views from you, I fully support you on this point."

Dumbledore smiled and sighed: "It's very late. You should go back and rest. Remember to watch the stone and don't throw it away."

Lu Ke nodded, and then left the principal's office with Johanna Ogulius.

Walking on the stairs in the dark, Johanna Ogulius sighed: "There is a little secret between you, about Harry."

Lu Ke nodded: "I don't know why Dumbledore didn't tell you."

Johanna Ogulius smiled: "Because he thought you would tell me."

Lu Ke was silent for a moment: "Voldemort and Harry have a subtle connection, and Dumbledore knows it."

Johanna Ogulius and Lu Ke walked into the Slytherin common room together.

"And the last known Parseltongue in history is the mysterious man. It's amazing, Lu Ke, you are really a person who can make the most of the conditions around you."

Lu Ke sighed: "You know how dangerous the monster Myrtle once faced was."

Johanna Ogulius smiled: "It's so dangerous that Dumbledore thinks it's no big deal for it to stay in Hogwarts Castle. Lu Ke, you're not unreasonable, at least you're a little too neurotic. The savior Harry is here." , and you took good care of him.”

Lu Ke shook his head: "I hope so."

The next morning, Lu Ke was surprised to find that he seemed to have a completely leisurely school time.

The castle has never been like this, there is nowhere to go and nothing to do.

Then Lu Ke's biological clock took him to the kitchen.

There, he had breakfast and was surprised to find that the taste of the cold cabbage, which was the daily cold dish this morning, had changed slightly.

Not good, not bad, but the freshness makes you feel good.

The chef noticed the change in Lu Ke's expression at a glance, and he smiled proudly.

Lu Ke couldn't help but laugh: "That kind of vanilla, right?"

The chef nodded.

Lu Ke sighed: "Remember, you must please Professor Sputraw, who knows how many fresh things are hidden in the greenhouse."

The chef smiled proudly: "It's already started."

Lu Ke nodded: "Freshness...compared with skill improvement, it is also a high-cost pursuit with small rewards, but what does a chef who has reached the extreme still pursue?"

The chef looked proud and excited to be understood.

But Lu Ke left after breakfast.

He doesn't have nothing to do, he has a whole new greenhouse waiting for him.

Professor Sputraw must be going crazy.

And this is not the case.

Lu Ke suddenly understood with surprise what the chef's words "it has begun" meant.

There are at least two dozen house elves operating under the command of Professor Sputraw. They are almost everywhere, carrying flower pots, transplanting herbs, and even adjusting the layout of the greenhouse.

"Lu Ke! I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Lu Ke walked over with a smile.

"need help?"

Professor Sputraw nodded without hesitation: "Let us restore the greenhouse to the way Hufflepuff originally arranged it. You are right, Lu Ke, and these things are unknown to all previous herbology researchers." I think now that you have cured that black magic, you will smell a little more."

Lu Ke nodded.

In fact he smelled more than a little more.

What Hufflepuff is most proud of is herbalism and potions. What she left to her successors is not only the super potions flowing in her veins, but also a special feeling for herbs.

It was a kind of intuition. Lu Ke now knew what the medicinal herbs wanted without looking or smelling them, and whether they needed special care.

“Is the new greenhouse big enough?”

Professor Sputraw smiled: "I found enough helpers."

Then Lu Ke was surprised to find that Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, and Snape were all here.

There's even Hagrid.

Snape nodded to Lu Ke: "The greenhouse is the property of the entire Hogwarts, and a qualified potion master will pay attention to every ingredient in his hand, starting from the time it is still in the flower pot."

Professor Sputraw smiled: "Let's get started!"

Lu Ke nodded.

Then they started carrying herbs from the greenhouse.

Professors McGonagall and Flitwick are setting spells on the new greenhouse.



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