Harry nodded "I have a secret weapon."

Lu Ke stood up, "That would be the best."

After dinner on Saturday night, Lu Ke went on patrol with Filch.

This time he did not see Filch and Mrs. Norris, only Pallas accompanied Lu Ke.

He waited outside the Gryffindor common room door for a while, then felt something strange in the air.

Lu Ke stretched out his hand, and then he touched something.

Harry emerged from under the invisibility cloak and looked at Lu Ke in surprise, "Did you hear breathing?"

Lu Ke nodded and said, "Follow me."

He took out the Ravenclaw map and confirmed that there was no one else on the road from the time he went down to the tower until he left the castle.

"You should know that powerful wizards can see through the Invisibility Cloak, Harry, so you should learn not to rely on it so much."

Harry nodded.

But he didn't think so. After all, there was only one wizard like Dumbledore, and Lu Ke was probably just lucky.

And indeed it is.

Although Lu Ke was not lucky just now, there are indeed too few wizards who can see through the disguise of this invisibility cloak.

They walked quietly down the stairs, finally leaving the castle and walking into the darkness.

"It's going well, Filch seems to have other things..."

Lu Ke said, turning around and taking a look at the castle.

But he saw nothing.

"About Weasley's finger..."

"Oh! I'm fine!"

Ron's voice came from the air, "Madam Pomfrey gave me an ointment. It was quite useful. I was all healed in two days."

Lu Ke nodded, "Fantastic animals are very dangerous. If any of you want to take this course in your third grade, you'd better remember Weasley's lesson."

No one answered, they were already close to the edge.

Lu Ke looked around, then knocked on the door of Hagrid's hut.

Hagrid shouted from inside before opening the door. He looked sad and depressed.

Lu Ke sighed, "Charlie will take good care of Norbert. If he didn't like fire dragons, he wouldn't have left home so far to go to Romania."

Hagrid nodded, "You're right...I just...can't help it..."

He looked almost ready to cry.

Then the three Harrys emerged from under the invisibility cloak.

"Hagrid...you don't have to worry..."

Hagrid nodded, "I know, come in."

Lu Ke took the lead into the hut.

But Hagrid stopped the three Harrys outside, "Noble is too dangerous now."

Just as he was speaking, the grown-up fire dragon spit out a mouthful of flames at Lu Ke, who had just entered the room.

Lu Ke dodged.

"I'm sorry Lu Ke, I know I should have locked it up a long time ago... I think it will be easier with your help. I can hardly control it now."

Lu Ke nodded. He looked around and saw a large crate on one side of the room. Lu Ke didn't know if this thing could survive the fire dragon's breath.

But Hagrid was ready.

So Lu Ke and Hagrid walked over together.

Hagrid controlled the fire dragon's mouth to prevent it from spitting out flames, and Lu Ke controlled its strong tail and hind legs. Together, they forced the fire dragon into the crate.

Then Hagrid closed the lid, before throwing a lot of things into the box.

There's even a stuffed bear.

"I just hope it'll be happier."

Lu Ke nodded and ignored the sound of the doll being torn apart.

He walked out of the wooden house holding the crate with one hand. "Don't worry Hagrid, if you want to know about Noble's situation, you can ask Ron to write a letter to Charlie for you."

Hagrid nodded through sobs.

Then the three Harrys covered the crate with the invisibility cloak, and then got under the cloak.

"Goodbye Hagrid."

Lu Ke walked towards the castle.

He slowed his pace so that the three Harrys could keep up.

"Lu Ke, is there any more of that Reem cow blood you were talking about?"

Lu Ke couldn't help but laugh, "Sorry, I can't give it to you. Strictly speaking, that Riem cow doesn't belong to me, and neither does its blood."

Ron sighed helplessly, "I just feel that if I have such power, I can definitely become the best goalkeeper."

Lu Ke nodded, "Even if you don't rely on anything else, you can work hard to become the best goalkeeper. In Quidditch, all members of the Weasley family are very talented."

Ron smiled. "You must have forgotten Percy. He is not the kind of person who flies around on a broom. This would undermine the majesty of a prefect."

Hermione suddenly said "Quiet, Ron!"

They had entered the castle.

The tallest tower in Hogwarts is the Gryffindor Tower. Of course, the place where Charlie made an appointment with them was not on the top of the tower, but in the corridor below.

It was calm along the way and they climbed the steps effortlessly. Of course, because they had to climb to the highest point of the castle, although Lu Ke chose the most convenient way, the three of them were still out of breath.

Fortunately, this was a secret passage that only Lu Ke knew, and he didn't encounter any trouble along the way.

They walked out of the secret passage on the floor below the tallest tower, passed through a small door, and then turned.

At this moment, Lu Ke heard the voice.

At the end of the steps leading up, Professor McGonagall's voice came.

"Malfoy? You shouldn't be here right now."

Then Malfoy's horrified voice "Sorry Professor, I'm just lost..."

Professor McGonagall obviously would not let Malfoy go for such an obvious excuse. She gave a stern verdict: "Even so, you should not leave the dormitory at this time. Slytherin will deduct twenty points."

When the sound came, Lu Ke stood silently behind the corner under the stairs.

Until the conversation ended, Professor McGonagall and Malfoy walked down the stairs one after another.

They didn't notice Lu Ke who quietly returned to hide behind the door.

It wasn't until the footsteps faded away that the laughter of the three Harrys came from under the invisibility cloak. "Lost? Malfoy is really good at telling lies."

Lu Ke sighed, but he couldn't laugh at all.

Who knows what the mysterious man is trying to do when he takes Malfoy out for a night out again? No matter what it is, it's bad news.

Fortunately, the mysterious man did not discover Hermione, otherwise Johanna's lurking plan would have failed again.

Lu Ke was so worried for a while that he had no choice but to move forward according to the original plan, climbed the stairs, and came to the edge of the corridor.

From here you can overlook the campus, with stars reflecting on the water of the Black Lake.

Harry and three others got out from under the invisibility cloak.

"When will Charlie's friends arrive?"


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