Harry Potter and the Attack of the Squibs

Chapter 55 Hufflepuff is the best

Lu Ke felt anxious for a moment.

The mysterious man was on Malfoy, and he happened to be in a place where he could see Hermione. At this time, I don't know if he had suspicions, or just wanted to take action. The mysterious man asked Hermione to do as he ordered.

But in fact, Hermione was not controlled by the mysterious man. What was controlled was a fake Hermione disguised as Johanna.

If Johanna hadn't walked up to Hermione at this time and caused a chaos, then Lu Ke and Johanna's fishing plan would have completely failed.

Even so, now that the two of them had entered the castle and Hermione stayed outside, Malfoy would still see them.

Their plan was almost certain to fail.

But Johanna still looked relaxed and unconcerned: "How was my performance just now? I didn't know your acting skills were so good before, Lu Ke."

Lu Ke sighed helplessly: "I'm not acting."

Johanna sighed: "It's too easy for you to be deceived like this, Lu Ke. The mysterious man is very good at manipulating people's hearts."

Lu Ke was silent for a moment: "What did you do again?"

Johanna turned and looked at the castle entrance and smiled.

Then she stopped smiling.

Hermione rushed in alone.

She came to Johanna and looked at her breathlessly: "What happened?"

Johanna shook her head: "You should go back to Gryffindor Tower, Hermione."

Hermione froze, then she turned and walked towards the tower.

Lu Ke frowned and looked at Johanna: "Do you control Granger?"

Johanna nodded: "This is for her own good. Do you know what the mysterious man asked her to do?"

Lu Ke glanced at the castle entrance.

Malfoy did not appear.


"Go to Professor Flitwick and ask him what kind of guardian magic stone he used."

Lu Ke was silent for a moment: "His target is the magic stone, which is exactly what we thought at the beginning..."

Johanna nodded: "So does our fishing still have any meaning?"

Lu Ke was speechless for a moment.

If this is the goal of the mysterious man, then Dumbledore has prepared a foolproof defense from the beginning, and even built a trap on top of it.

The only problem is, if Malfoy is the one who falls into the trap in the end, it's hard to say what will happen to him.

Lu Ke didn't want to see this happen.

"If you think about it carefully, this shouldn't be the mysterious man's final plan."

Johanna shook her head: "You have the patience, but will I always have such good luck?"

Lu Ke was speechless.

"Let's give up. You tell Hermione that I will use the Sorcerer's Stone to cure the curse, and then deal with Malfoy head-on. As for the outcome, I will find a way."

Johanna glanced at Lu Ke in surprise.

The two of them were walking and talking, and then they turned into an empty room.

Johanna turned back into Johanna Ogulius: "Do you think I can't break the curse?"

Lu Ke was stunned for a moment: "What?"

Johanna Ogulius spread her hands: "Put away your unrealistic ideas, I don't need you to worry, because I care about Hermione, so this matter is under my control, understand?"

Johanna Ogulius fell silent.

Lu Ke took a step back: "If there is absolutely no problem with your plan, then I will listen to you."

Johanna Ogulius nodded: "Then listen to me. Our fishing plan will continue. Then Hermione will go back to Professor Flitwick and ask him about the mechanism he arranged to guard the Sorcerer's Stone. As for the outcome, it depends on Flitwick." Professor’s performance.”

"Mysterious Man will always do something. Until then, we wait patiently."

"As for my curse and Hermione, you don't have to interfere in these matters, it's settled."

Lu Ke nodded: "Okay."

Johanna Ogulius smiled: "Look, isn't this good? What happened to you just now?"

Lu Ke was silent for a moment.

"Come on, it's time for Hermione to find Professor Flitwick."

As expected, "Hermione" failed to make the trick in the end. Professor Flitwick was experienced. Although he liked Hermione Granger, a genius in the Charms class, he was not willing to reveal the secrets of Hogwarts. degree.

The mysterious man knew the result, but had no reaction.

Lu Ke's life briefly returned to peace.

He tried to go to Ms. Green every day, and although he was rejected every time, he always persisted.

After a few days of this, Ms. Green finally couldn't stand it anymore.

She spoke for the first time.

"What's the difference between you and the Slytherin before?"

Lu Ke was stunned for a moment: "Before? Tom Riddle?"

Ms. Green gave Lu Ke a hard look: "You know! You really..."

Then Ms. Green stopped talking.

Because what she originally wanted to say was that Lu Ke really came for the Ravenclaw crown.

But obviously not, because Lu Ke has become the successor of Ravenclaw and controls the entire Hogwarts Castle. Moreover, he had already taken out Ravenclaw's crown from the Room of Requirement before, but gave it directly to Dumbledore.

Lu Ke smiled helplessly: "There is a big difference between me and Tom Riddle."

Ms. Green was silent for a moment: "If you really want to be the ghost's friend, then why did you run to the kitchen every day last year, but never talked to the ghost once? Even to Slytherin's Barrow!"

Lu Ke was speechless.

He considered the house elves as friends, but had never thought of becoming friends with ghosts.

"What is a Hufflepuff lady to a ghost?"

Ms. Green shook her head: "This has nothing to do with you!"

Lu Ke took out the badge: "Of course it's relevant. I only started to know you in order to become the successor of Hufflepuff. I'm also very curious, as the successor, what should I inherit?"

Ms. Green fell silent.

Then she shook her head: "Hufflepuff... is my only friend."

"A friend of Barrow's too."

"People today probably don't know what the four founders were like at that time. Ravenclaw and Slytherin had already shouldered the burden of the family. They held high positions, had many followers, and could build whatever they wanted. Build a castle.”

"Gryffindor is always in a hurry. He will not have a wife because he has devoted his life to justice and feels that three companions are completely enough."

"We are their followers. We are born to listen to them, but we have never been able to intervene in their conversations."

"It's ridiculous that everyone thinks this is how it should be!"



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