Harry Potter and the Attack of the Squibs

Chapter 50 Ms. Green is unhappy

"You don't have to do anything, Lu Ke. No one knows how doubts arise and grow better than me."

An evil smile appeared on Johanna's face. She always knew how to make Lu Ke feel scared: "When one person suspects another person, even if that person is completely innocent, it is difficult to eliminate this suspicion, but it will continue to expand."

Lu Ke was silent for a moment: "You won't use this trick on..."

Johanna just smiled and left.

Lu Ke sighed and went back to the dormitory to rest.

When Harry was training the next day, Hermione walked up to Lu Ke hesitantly.

"I'm sorry Lu Ke..."

Lu Ke was stunned for a moment.

Then he understood that this was because Johanna had completely blocked Voldemort from interfering with Hermione's thoughts.

But to be able to react so quickly, Hermione's mind is indeed very smart.

"Why do you say that suddenly?"

Hermione was silent for a moment, then shook her head: "I once thought you were a dark wizard..."

Lu Ke smiled helplessly: "Thank you for having such confidence in me. You must know that most people I know think that I will never be able to perform magic in my life."

Hermione was speechless for a moment.

"So how do you hold on?"

Lu Ke smiled: "I don't need to insist. Slytherin is pretentious, but I have never doubted myself just because I am a squib."

Hermione breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it is surprising that Lu Ke is like this now, it makes people feel much better than a Squib who is in pain and depression because he cannot cast the spell.

"So you believe in the Sorting Hat? I always thought it was an unnecessary trick and I should have been with Johanna."

Lu Ke smiled and shook his head.

"There are only two things in the entire Hogwarts that were made by the four founders, Granger, and one is the Sorting Hat."

Hermione smiled: "I have read a history of Hogwarts. The only thing like that is the Sorting Hat, but I don't think the Sorting Hat has done anything good. It separates students and makes people from different houses quarrel. Of course, the Sorting Hat It's a good thing to send students who can become bad to Slytherin..."

Lu Ke looked helpless.

"No house discrimination, Granger."

Hermione shook her head: "I read the book about Harry Potter, and it was mentioned in it that at least 90% of Death Eaters are Slytherins."

Lu Ke was silent for a moment.

"The relationship between the four houses is very complicated... Do you know the principles of the Sorting Hat?"

Hermione nodded: "Gryffindor values ​​bravery, Ravenclaw pursues wisdom, Slytherin requires pure blood, and Hufflepuff cares about kindness."

Lu Ke nodded: "That's a complete lie. The Sorting Hat sings that song every year at the sorting ceremony to tell you the criteria for sorting, but unfortunately almost no one remembers it."

"They remember Slytherin's stupid and radical speeches only because they remember the story of the four founders' falling out."

Hermione panted and tried to argue, but she suddenly stopped.

"You remember?"

Lu Ke smiled: "That's just a few simple words."

"Gryffindor cares about courage, the will and strength to pursue change, while Slytherin cares about ambition and pretentiousness. The difference between the two is that Slytherin only needs subordinates, while Gryffindor only needs partners."

"Slytherin always maintains some kind of order, either the old one or the one he established himself. Gryffindor, they always don't like order."

"Slytherin will choose to be a follower of the strong, while Gryffindor will always be a companion."

Hermione mused.

Lu Ke glanced at Harry on the broomstick: "Now you should understand why so many Death Eaters are Slytherins, right?"

Hermione nodded: "Because the mysterious man is a strong man who wants to establish absolute order. He is simply a perfect master."

Lu Ke nodded: "I am willing to use all my strength to reverse Slytherin and make them leave the mysterious man."

Hermione looked at him and smiled: "Considering that you are a Slytherin, are you actually competing with the mysterious man for followers?"

Lu Ke smiled: "You can think so."

Hermione was silent for a moment: "What about Johanna?"

Hermione had never seriously thought about this problem before, because Johanna was the apple of the Shafiq family's eye, and it seemed natural for her to enter Slytherin.

"She has big ambitions."

Lu Ke could only say this. He didn't dare to comment casually on Johanna with Hermione. If Johanna was made angry, Lu Ke couldn't bear the consequences.

Hermione fell silent.

But other thoughts suddenly arose in her mind.

From the first moment she met Johanna, Hermione felt that she would be her best friend.

It's like destiny.

But now that I think about it, it's all very strange. Why would a Slytherin, a pure-blooded daughter, like her, a Gryffindor from a Muggle family?

Hermione was very smart, and when she started thinking, many questions began to arise.

Lu Ke never expected that such a thing would happen, because he always thought that Johanna had absolute control over Hermione's heart.

And this is not the case.

After the training, Lu Ke went to see Ms. Green.

He asked a third-year student in Hufflepuff, who seemed to be a popular boy, and then in the corridor near the tower, Lu Ke found the ghost of Ravenclaw.

"Hello Ms. Green."

It's almost dark, and it's dinner time. Standing on the corridor, you can see the scenery outside the castle.

"I don't want to see you, thief!"

After Ms. Green finished speaking, she left. She passed directly through Lu Ke's body. At that moment, Lu Ke felt as if he had been doused with ice water, which was extremely sour.

Turning around and looking at Ms. Green's back, Lu Ke fell into silence.

He really didn't understand the ghost and didn't understand where her hostility came from.

But the words "thief" seem to imply something.

Lu Ke hesitated for a moment and then chased after him.

Of course, it is difficult to catch up with a ghost that can walk through walls at will. Fortunately, Lu Ke can run fast.

He finally caught up with Ms. Green on the other side of the corridor.

"If you want the Ravenclaw inheritance, I'll give it all to you!"

This sentence made Ms. Green stop in place as if petrified.

"You filthy viper, you stole everything! Despicable! Shameless!"

After saying these words, Ms. Green turned around and got into the wall on the side, disappearing completely.

Lu Ke was left standing alone, with a blank look on his face.

It's obvious that Ms. Green's attitude comes from Ravenclaw. As for how to solve it, I'm afraid it's not that simple.

Especially the sentence about poisonous snakes is the most troublesome.



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