Although what he had to do was simpler than Lu Ke expected, he still followed Professor Sputraw's instructions honestly.

Only when he actually started doing it did he realize how complicated it was.

Not all herbs of the same type can be labeled. Annual herbs and biennial herbs should be separated, and perennial herbs should depend on the growing season.

There are even trees that take up large areas of space that need to be labeled. Some of them may seem completely innocuous, but they are the type that cannot be exposed to the cold at all and must not be labeled.

It felt like Lu Ke was facing an impromptu exam. The content of the exam was still a big question covering everything from first grade to seventh grade.

But gradually Lu Ke got used to it.

Because he found the rules inside.

If these strange-shaped plants are not regarded as medicinal herbs, but as crops in the field, then it is very simple for Lu Ke to know what state they are in and whether they can withstand the cold.

In this way, he helped put the labels on for several days, and finally completed all the preparations before the deadline.

Professor Sputraw's work was much more troublesome than Lu Ke's. Not only did she have to paste most of the plants herself, but she also had to be distracted and check all the plants Lu Ke had posted.

Fortunately, Lu Ke was very serious and only made one or two mistakes.

The reason for doing this is because the part of adjusting the magic will be left to the house elves. They are not like Professor Sputrow, who can make their own judgments.

When all the preparations were finally completed, Professor Sputraw smiled and invited Lu Ke to drink tea with him.

It was a dark brown tea, but it tasted incredibly delicious.

"I'm sorry I can't let you go to lunch because it'll take a lot of time, and we're going to start now."

It was lunch time, just after the house elves had finished their work.

After the two finished drinking tea, the house elf suddenly appeared.

They stood together and bowed before Professor Sputraw, crowded together and filling the greenhouse.

"Lu Ke!"

They looked surprised when they saw Lu Ke.

Professor Sputraw smiled: "You seem to be very popular, Lu Ke."

Lu Ke could only smile helplessly.

Then the house elf got to work.

It seems very simple, just say a magic spell, but when you think about the number of herbs in the greenhouse, you will understand what a terrifying job it is.

After all, it took six days just to label the herbs.

But there were so many house elves that they managed to get all the work done before dinner.

Lu Ke was a little surprised.

The house elves were more powerful together than he had expected.

Then the house elves disappeared all together.

It was as sudden as it appeared, leaving only a loud bang that quickly dissipated in the greenhouse.

Professor Sputraw sighed: "That's enough. Give them a winter and all the herbs will be ready."

Lu Ke looked at the greenhouse in front of him and took a long breath: "The new greenhouse should not be like this, right?"

Professor Sputraw shook his head: "Convenience sometimes makes people overlook a lot of things. I don't think there is a need for too many changes in the new greenhouse."

Lu Ke sighed helplessly. It seemed that Professor Sputraw was still unwilling to accept Lu Ke's radical new greenhouse design.

"Tell me Lu Ke, in your opinion, what is the significance of the existence of a greenhouse?"

Professor Sputraw was looking at the herbs in the greenhouse when he spoke.

Lu Ke thought for a while: "Let the herbs grow."

Professor Sputraw shook his head: "To make them grow according to the needs of Hogwarts, the greenhouse was built for herbs, and it was also built for us, Hogwarts."

Lu Ke nodded blankly.

This sentence is absolutely correct, but Lu Ke doesn't understand what it means.

But Lu Ke didn't have time to think about this sentence for the time being, because he had already collected enough medicinal herbs.

You can prepare the potion to enter the Black Lake.

Lu Ke took all the prepared materials and went to the Potions classroom alone.

This potion called Diving Potion is a complex potion only found in advanced potions textbooks. Its effect is not just simple underwater breathing, but it allows people to move freely underwater like they can move on the ground. Even speak, open your eyes.

For Lu Ke, the most important thing is that no magic wand is used in the preparation process.

So even if Snape happened to be away, he didn't have to worry.

But before starting, Lu Ke carefully read the description of this potion in the textbook several times.

Then he started.

The more advanced the potion is, the more difficult it is to prepare. Sometimes the materials used are special, and sometimes the process is complicated. The difficulty of making diving potions lies in absolute timing control.

Six kinds of raw materials are processed in different ways, and semi-finished products need to be completed at the same time, and then the final deployment is completed in a short time.

As long as the time is exceeded, the success will be in vain.

But for Lu Ke, as long as it is a magic potion without a wand, it is not impossible to complete.

His power brings not only brute force, but also control over the body and responsiveness.

Lu Ke carefully prepared three crucibles and then started.

Boil the aerial roots of the banyan tree in water, soak the spine of the frog in oil, evaporate a bottle of water to obtain water vapor, mix and heat dry fig powder and moonstone powder, and cut the eyes of the puffer fish into pieces. Open and let the liquid flow out.

Everything has to be done at the same time, so start times are sequenced in advance.

Lu Ke carried out carefully and step by step.

Eventually, he got everything he needed.

Then mix them together in a large flask and heat in a water bath.

The originally turbid liquid will quickly separate into layers. At first, it will be red on top and transparent on the bottom. If it continues to be heated, it will become completely transparent, with a white precipitate on the bottom, like fine sand.

If you continue to heat it, it will turn into light blue on the top and dark green on the bottom.

This color level will last for a short time, and Lu Ke must take advantage of now to pour out all the light blue liquid on it.

The shorter the process, the better, but if you are too hasty and the blue liquid remains and the green liquid is poured out, it may lead to failure.

So Lu Ke was cautious.

Then continue to heat the remaining green liquid, and it will eventually turn into a clear, colorless liquid.

Just like pure water.

If you can smell the fishy smell of waterside mud in the liquid, it means the potion is successful.

Lu Ke let out a long breath.

There was no failure this time, so he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Then it’s time to store it, just seal it to prevent spills.



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