Harry Potter and the Attack of the Squibs

Chapter 34: The First Alchemy

Who knows what the owl has been through to be able to deliver such heavy full-body armor.

And it didn't fall to the ground and wake up Lu Ke.

But Lu Ke put all these aside, the gift was not important.

He walked out of the dormitory and went to the hall.

The Christmas party was so grand that the whole hall was transformed and there were fireworks tubes on the tables.

Lu Ke curiously sat down at the Gryffindor long table: because the Weasley brothers were all there, this was the most crowded table among the four houses. There was no one at the Slytherin long table.

Harry was glad that Luke could come.

The twins smiled at Lu Ke: "Sorry, we forgot to ask mom to prepare a gift for you."

Their smiles are malicious.

Lu Ke smiled: "Your sweaters are very nice."

Harry looked at Ron and smiled. He had just spent a lot of effort to comfort Ron, and he also had a sweater also made by Mrs. Weasley.

"My mother will definitely like you, Lu Ke."

"You are simply a god-level sycophant."

Lu Ke smiled at the twins: "What are you talking about?"

The twins were silent. They took a firework tube from the long table and opened it to Lu Ke. With a huge roar, a top hat fell out of the smoke.

Lu Ke smiled and put the hat on his head: "Thank you."

Those firework tubes were like raffles, each had a little something inside that everyone could take apart if they wanted.

Of course Lu Ke doesn't need it at all.

They ate and drank together, and then went out to have a snowball fight.

This is a rare sunny day. Although the air is still very cold, the sunshine can bring a little heat.

Harry clearly enjoyed spending time with the Weasley brothers.

Lu Ke carefully swung back and forth among the snowballs, resisting the urge to dodge all the snowballs, and never made a single move from beginning to end.

They played like this all afternoon, and then went back to the common room.

Standing in front of the roaring fireplace in the Slytherin common room, Lu Ke casually glanced at the entrance to the dormitory.

Now that Malfoy was gone, he could go into the dormitory to see if this man was hiding anything.

Something to confirm whether or not he was possessed by Voldemort.

But in the end Lu Ke gave up.

He walked out of the common room alone and went to his own alchemy classroom.

Alchemy is a very complex subject. Now Lu Ke has only learned the basics, which already include material transformation, magic item manufacturing and special potion manufacturing. Advanced alchemy even includes such terrifying things as creating artificial intelligence. .

Lu Ke couldn't help but think that his alchemy progress was too slow.

Compared with other courses, Lu Ke started to study the content of fifth grade and even sixth grade courses on potions and herbal medicines, but Lu Ke felt that he could not even understand the teaching materials on alchemy.

But today he was planning to make an alchemical item for his own use for the first time.

Even if Ravenclaw had a map of the entire Hogwarts, it was still very inconvenient to do some things, such as determining whether Voldemort had possessed Malfoy.

Of course, Lu Ke clearly saw Voldemort's name on the map at the beginning, and it was on Quirrell.

But now, only Quirrell is left on the map, without Voldemort.

And it hasn't happened to anyone else either.

It was obvious that Voldemort had found a way to hide himself, even if he was on Malfoy, Ravenclaw's map couldn't be sure.

But alchemical items are certain.

Lu Ke decided to give it a try.

He wants to make a compass that can help him find Voldemort.

He carefully took out a small bottle from his body.

That was Harry's scent.

Although it sounds strange, Lu Ke just found a vial and asked Harry to breathe into it, even if it was the core material of this alchemical equation.

The effect of this so-called "breath" is exactly the same as blood, and it can leave information about the soul.

As for Harry, his relationship with Voldemort can be said to be mortal enemies.

Of course, Lu Ke could also collect Voldemort's own aura directly from Ravenclaw's crown, but unfortunately Dumbledore would never allow him to touch the crown, and Lu Ke himself would not dare.

In addition to Harry's breath, there is also steel.

As a metal rarely used in alchemy, its meaning here is "an arrow pointing at your enemies."

There is also a piece of thin rope, which represents "connection".

Lu Ke carefully recalculated the alchemical balance. In order to prevent the negative effects of steel, he was forced to replace the material of the rope with a combination of three different materials: Lu Ke's own hair, the cotton used to make bow strings, And willow leaves.

It's strange, but according to the calculations of the alchemical equations, this is what is necessary to achieve equilibrium.

Then Lu Ke started to make alchemy.

He melted the iron ingot in the crucible, and while stirring it according to the previously calculated method, he let his sapphire quill write a spell on the molten steel.

Of course, the magic power in the middle of the quill is not enough to support even the weakest spell, but it is definitely enough to complete alchemy.

Soon, the molten iron melted completely, and then Lu Ke threw the rope in.

Just like the calculation results, the rope did not start to burn, but was quietly wrapped in the molten iron, turning into a black line in the middle of the golden-red glittering liquid.

Like lightning, the sapphire quill pen wrote a line of text on the black line that was so tiny that it was impossible to distinguish it.

Then Lu Ke carefully opened the bottle and poured Harry's breath into the crucible.

At that moment, there was a crisp sound in the molten iron.

Lu Ke closed his eyes.

This is the last step, success or failure depends on a moment.

Then he heard a sound like cracking ice.

Lu Ke smiled.

This is a sign of success.

If it failed, all Lu Ke heard was a sound of metal cracking, and then it was over.

Opening his eyes, what appeared in front of Lu Ke was an arrow hanging on a thin chain.

Lu Ke reached out and picked up his first alchemy product from the crucible.

There was no heat on the steel chain, and the arrow was very light.

Then Lu Ke whispered: "Let me see his enemies."

The arrow spun around, then stopped.

Lu Ke glanced at that direction, and then took out the Ravenclaw map.

Two red dots appeared on the map, one was Quirrell and the other was Harry.

But none of them are in the direction the arrow points.


Lu Ke cares about Malfoy very much, because this is the battle for Slytherin, and Lu Ke's opponent is Voldemort.

Malfoy is a flag.


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