The next morning, owls flew back and forth over Hogwarts in an endless line.

Lu Ke and the other students didn't know what happened and just continued their normal lives, attending classes, eating, and playing Quidditch.

It's just that the deans of the four colleges all seem to be worried.

Moreover, some students who stayed up late at night were whispering that something strange seemed to have happened last night.

But Lu Ke, who never violated school rules and went to bed early, knew nothing about it.

The new semester has just begun, and Slytherin is facing a huge crisis: their Quidditch team has lost its Seeker.

There was no one to replace Johanna's seat, and the whole Slytherin was in panic.

Of course, the little wizards quickly selected a substitute, but it was still far behind Johanna.

In addition, since the semester has just begun, it is still very relaxed, and the little wizards feel that life is not bad.

In such tranquility, Lu Ke felt that everything seemed to be back to how it was before.

Lu Ke met with the professors as before, but they never mentioned Dumbledore and Johanna Ogulius.

Two weeks passed like this.

It's Quidditch this weekend. Slytherin faces Gryffindor for the first time in a long time, but their chances of winning are slim.

Half a month of training wasn't enough for the new Seeker to beat Charlie Weasley, who was indeed a great Quidditch player.

Lu Ke tried his best to comfort the players. Now he is a part-time coach of the Slytherin team, and the entire academy trusts Lu Ke.

But he was the only one who had no hope.

Because the strength gap between the two teams is too big, it is impossible for a miracle to happen.

Just when Lu Ke was thinking this, he heard cheers coming from behind him.


All of Slytherin was shouting.

Their Seeker is back.

Only Lu Ke looked gloomy.

"Don't be like this Lu Ke, you look like you've seen a mysterious person."

Lu Ke looked at Johanna and sighed: "Dumbledore thinks this is the best choice?"

Johanna smiled: "Why do you think Professor Snape didn't ask you to go find Harry Potter together since today is the weekend?"

Lu Ke seemed to understand something.

"Dumbledore regards Harry Potter as the centerpiece of defeating You-Know-Who, and I am at Hogwarts, the most suitable person to cooperate with his plan."

Johanna smiled and walked towards the team.

The game begins.

The final result was that Slytherin won.

And it was Johanna who caught the snitch while falling behind and turned the situation around.

This sent Slytherin into a frenzy.

This was not only a victory in the game, but also made Slytherin the highest scoring house in the House Cup.

They have a good chance of getting the Academy Cup.

Lu Ke was not that excited, but he was also very happy.

Very early the next day, Snape came to see Lu Ke.

But instead of going to Harry together, Dumbledore wanted to see him.

Although it was a bit strange, Lu Ke went to the principal's office alone.

Dumbledore was already waiting for him inside.

"Ah, Lu Ke."

What surprised Lu Ke was that Nico Flamel was also here.

"Good morning Professor, Monsieur Flamel."

Dumbledore glanced at Lu Ke, as if thinking about what to say.

Then Nico Flamel spoke before Dumbledore could.

"In view of your efforts in helping Dumbledore return to Hogwarts, as Dumbledore's old friend, I will give you a personal reward."

Lu Ke shook his head: "You have given me too many rewards, Professor."

Nico Flamel smiled and shook his head: "But every reward I give you is absolutely different. You won't want to miss this."

As he spoke, he took out a huge ruby.

Lu Ke shook his head and took a step back: "No... I have no interest in this thing at all."

Nico Flamel was stunned for a moment: "Why?"

Lu Ke himself was stunned for a moment.

He didn't know why he hated the Sorcerer's Stone.

This is the highest masterpiece of the legendary alchemy, capable of producing unlimited gold and magical items that make people immortal.

Nico Flamel could hardly keep the smile on his face: "It can create unlimited wealth, Lu Ke."

Lu Ke nodded: "That is indeed useful, but..."

Nico Flamel stuffed the magic stone into Lu Ke's hand: "At least hundreds of powerful wizards exchanged all kinds of precious and magical things with me and I didn't even give them! Take it and leave me. Sight! Now!”

Lu Ke did not move, however: "The elixir of life cannot be effective on squibs. I'm afraid it is only useful on wizards, right?"

Nico Flamel nodded: "So?"

Lu Ke nodded and returned the magic stone: "I'm not short of money."

Nico Flamel was surprised and speechless.

At this time, Dumbledore, who had been silent on the side, laughed: "I guessed it right, Nico."

Nico Flamel shook his head: "I don't think this is the right choice. It is too dangerous for him."

Dumbledore sighed: "After what happened to Ms. Johanna Ogulius, Lu Ke has proven his ability."

Lu Ke looked at the two people in front of him and sighed helplessly: "You will only give the magic stone to someone who has no greed for it. Why me?"

Nico Flamel looked at Lu Ke and sighed: "I trust you."

Dumbledore followed up by saying, "And you are Harry Potter's friend."

Lu Ke sighed helplessly: "Voldemort?"

Dumbledore nodded: "The sooner we deal with Voldemort, the sooner Harry can leave the Dursleys' house."

Lu Ke glanced at Dumbledore: "Is this the reason you used to convince Professor Snape?"

Dumbledore was silent for a moment: "Snape can't change my decision... This reason is used to convince me."

Lu Ke shook his head: "I refuse."

Dumbledore froze.

And Nico Flamel burst out laughing: "Yes, that's what makes it interesting, Lu Ke, you really did not disappoint me!"

Dumbledore sighed: "Hogwarts will help protect the Sorcerer's Stone and deal with everything..."

Lu Ke interrupted Dumbledore with a smile: "But when everything is over, I will be the sole owner of the Sorcerer's Stone. I said I refuse."

Nico Flamel laughed and drank a glass of wine in one gulp, then poured a glass for Dumbledore: "The grapes from three years ago are the best in the past hundred years. This is my treasure."

Dumbledore picked up the wine glass and took a sip: "There are not many opportunities like this, Nico, you should give me the whole bottle."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

"Anyway, it's yours now."


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