Hardy Empire 1945

Chapter 90: Undercurrent

Mike and Hardy talked about their experiences in the military, brothers, battles, and a hail of bullets. Both of them were deeply touched.

Had a great time chatting.

Mike has always been a lonely person, rebellious in his youth, defying the wishes of the old godfather and becoming a soldier, participating in World War II, and finding an American girlfriend after retiring.

His philosophy is at odds with the Mafia family philosophy.

I thought that at this father's birthday party, after singing the birthday song to his father, he would still find a corner to stay for a long time, but he did not expect to meet a peer like Hardy who could talk to him.

What are you doing now? Hardy asked Mike.

I'm an editor for a social magazine, Mike said.

Hardy said in his heart that Mike now has no interest in the family business. I am afraid that he will not fully awaken the godfather's physique until something happens to the old godfather and the other four families attack the Corleone family together.

What are your thoughts after that, and have been editing?

Mike shook his head, What I studied in college was editing, but if I have the opportunity in the future, I want to enter the political arena and be a congressman or mayor who can help the people.

What about you, after chatting for so long, you still don't know what you are doing? Mike asked Hardy.

Hardy smiled, took a sip of his wine and said, I'm here as an assistant at Mr. Siegel's film company, and I also run a company myself. I don't know if you've heard of HD Security, that's my company. .

HD Security is your company?! Mike asked in surprise.

He has seen reports about the Los Angeles bank robbery. After the bank robbery was solved, HD Security became famous. After the documentary came out, he went to the cinema with his friends to watch the documentary, and was very impressed with HD Security.

Unexpectedly, this young man of the same age as him turned out to be the boss of HD Security.

You didn't join a gang? Mike asked curiously.

Strictly speaking, I've left the gang. I used to run a gang, but now I give it to my subordinates. I'm more optimistic about the future of legitimate business. Hardy said.

More optimistic about legitimate business, you are not optimistic about the development of the gang? Mike asked.

Hardy thought about it,

I think there is a natural barrier for the development of gangs. Maybe in the next 20 to 30 years, gangs can have a good life, but as society stabilizes, gang business will be more and more suppressed.

Some gray industries, such as gambling and smuggling, may still be able to continue, but the government will not tolerate the drug industry, which is extremely harmful to society, and will definitely crack down on it.

It is impossible for gangs to enter the upper class, and the people don't like gangs. There are great limitations in development. Even a company can achieve a very high level in the future, but gangs cannot.

I am more optimistic about the development of the legitimate industry. The gang can become a force to protect us, but it cannot be the direction of development.

Mike looked at Hardy in surprise.

Because of Hardy's words, his father, Vito Corleone, had also spoken to him.

He did not expect this young man named Jon Hardy to see the future of the gang so thoroughly.

Which line are you optimistic about in the future legitimate industry? Mike asked.

Hardy smiled. He had a vision that was decades ahead of this era, and this question couldn't help him.

There are too many promising industries. The war is over, and people need a stable life. In the future, products that serve people's lives will become mainstream.

Such as people's livelihood, clothes, shoes, bags, watches, luxury goods, cosmetics...

Such as communications, aviation, automotive, electronics, transportation and logistics...

For example, retail, insurance, entertainment, health care products, real estate...

Have you ever heard of a saying that women are afraid of being ugly, men have needs, old people want to live longer, and rich people want to serve. As long as the needs of these people are met, any category can develop.

Mike listened very carefully.

He agrees with Hardy's analysis.


While Hardy was chatting with Mike, Godfather Vito Corleone called Siegel and several gangsters who worked with him to the study, ready to mediate for them.

The atmosphere in the room was a little intense.

Tommy Galliano, the second boss of the Basini family, looked at Siegel and said ill-spokenly:

Siegel, at the beginning you told us that the construction of the casino would cost about 2.2 million, and each of the three of us paid 500,000, and you paid the rest, and the shares accounted for the proportion of the investment, but within a few months, you and We said that the funds were seriously insufficient, you changed the design and asked us to add more money.

Okay, each of us added another 300,000 to 800,000, but after a few months you asked us for money again and asked us to sign a share-sharing agreement. The total capital turned out to be 8 million, and each of us only had 10% of the shares.

Siegel, don't think we are fools, what kind of casino are you going to build for 8 million, are you building a palace!

Siegel raised his eyebrows nonchalantly.

Yes, I do want to build the Flamingo Casino into a palace in the desert, with a casino, rivers, oases, olive trees, rose gardens, complete amusement facilities, huge swimming pools, and villas Herds and racetracks.

Last time, I told you that if Las Vegas wants to really develop, it needs to have the conditions to retain guests. When the Flamingo succeeds and attracts more guests, we can also fake more casinos. , attract more investors, and that's when Las Vegas really develops.

Siegel is very knowledgeable. He even takes into account the future development of Las Vegas. Unfortunately, his vision is too advanced. These gangsters don't care about future plans at all. They want immediate benefits and earn them as soon as possible. money.

The patriarch of the Tatakilia family sneered, Siegel, we are not idiots, we have already asked the architect, even if the casino is built according to your idea, the cost will not exceed 5 million, so it is hard for us to believe that you have not corruption.

The Strachey family Colobo looked at Siegel coldly and said: Siegel, we have already discussed, there are two ways to solve the current problem.

One is that you return the money we invested, including interest, and the other is that each of us must maintain 16% of the shares, which is the minimum number. The last point is that we must open before the end of the year. We don't want to wait any longer. Your crazy ideas are paying for it.

Siegel spread his hands.

I'm afraid it will be difficult to complete all the projects before the end of the year. My vision is that it will be just fine to open in April or May next year.

Siegel's indifferent attitude has always annoyed these gangsters.

The cost of 8 million, I also have a budget, you can see, and I have sold 18% of the shares at the price of 8 million, and raised 1.5 million in cash, each of you 10% is very suitable .

Several patriarchs frowned.

Which big guy bought 18% of the casino's shares with 1.5 million yuan, did he burn too much money?

Hardy was chatting with Mike when he suddenly felt an itchy nose and couldn't help sneezing. He never imagined that someone was complaining that he was taking advantage of him.

ten percent.

This stake is absolutely unacceptable to several family leaders.

Now in their hearts, Siegel just stole their money.

Godfather Vito Corleone looked at the crowd and said softly: I already understand the situation. Speaking of this, it is indeed that Siegel did not do it well.

It's not as good as this. The total share capital of the casino is calculated at 6 million, and each of you will take 13% of the shares. As for the casino, speed up the construction and strive to open by the end of this year. What do you think? Vito Corleone looked at the other patriarchs.

Several people looked at each other.

Although they were not satisfied with this share distribution, since Vito had spoken, they decided to take a step back.

Okay, just 13% of the shares, but it must not be delayed any longer. It must be opened by the end of the year. The head of the Strache family, Colobo said.

Siegel knew that things were running out of steam.

Okay, I agree too.

The topic of the casino was over, Tommy Galliano, the second boss of the Basini family, looked at Vito Corleone again, Vito, Solazo gave better conditions. We discussed with several families and felt that we should accept him. suggestion.”

The godfather frowned.

Drugs are a very lucrative business. It can bring millions of profits to each of our families every year. Now the Irish are doing this business, and the Mexicans are also doing this business. Why can't we mafia do it?

Patriarch Basini said.

The godfather shook his head, I said, I won't touch drugs, because it corrupts people's souls, and drug trafficking is too harmful. Politicians can tolerate the existence of gambling and prostitutes, but they will never allow the existence of drugs.

Why can other gangs do it?! The Stratage family patriarch asked in a questioning tone.

The godfather looked at him,

The head of the Strachey family who was watching lowered his head.

You want me to agree to this business because you want to seek asylum from my friends in politics, but you are wrong, you can be friends with them because you must have a bottom line in doing things. If I touch drugs, I will lose these friend.

Someone wanted to say something, but the old godfather raised his hand to interrupt him.

Okay, I've made it very clear, we don't need to discuss this issue anymore, thank you for coming to my birthday party.

The godfather is giving an expulsion order.

Several patriarchs stood up with sullen faces to say goodbye.

After they left, Vito Corleone looked at Siegel, Actually, I know that they are already secretly selling drugs in private, they just want me to agree, and then they can do this business openly.

I have always had the utmost vigilance against drugs. That thing can damage a person's body and put a person into hell. I can't control what other people do, but I won't do it. I can feel it. They come to participate. My birthday party is to persuade me to get involved in drug trafficking.

Siegel nodded. Jewish gangs don't touch drugs in Los Angeles.

The old godfather looked at Siegel and said, Jamie, pay attention to those families, I feel like someone is making a move.

Siegel frowned, You mean someone is fighting for power?

The old godfather looked at the front with deep eyes, For money, they can kill people and do everything. I rejected them, and you played them in the casino. There is no guarantee that they will be obedient and stable.

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