Hardy Empire 1945

Chapter 37: Operation Christmas

A good night's dream.

Hardy suddenly felt a little itchy on his face.

Touch it with your hand.

Grab a delicate little hand.

open one's eyes,

It's already dawn outside.

Sunlight enters the room from the window.

Ava Gardner was lying beside her, with the quilt half covering her shoulders, she was teasing Hardy with her hands, but he was grabbed by him.

The woman's beautiful big eyes looked at him.

What's wrong Ava, why are you looking at me like that? Hardy asked the woman with a smile.

Hadi, I just thought about it. It's better to leave my brokerage contract with you. Didn't you already set up a brokerage company, and I'll be your off-duty artist. Ava Gardner said.

I don't have time to manage artists? Hardy said with a hand spread.

Then I'm freer, as long as you see any chance to think about me, that's enough. Ava Gardner smiled.

Hardy thought about it.

In fact, it is not too much trouble to get a brokerage company, the big deal is to recruit several brokers.

Okay, then I'll find a few brokers, get the brokerage company up, and change your contract at that time, so I'll split it between 50 and 50%. This is the treatment of big Hollywood stars. Hardy looked at the woman and said.

Thank you boss. Ava Gardner beamed.

Today is Christmas.

On the days of the city's carnival, there are floats passing by on the street, people in the mall, and the song White Christmas is playing on the gramophone.

Hardy is enjoying his first Christmas in this world, but no one is idle.

The Spanish Gang casino was robbed and lost more than 200,000 US dollars in cash, and because the casino was bombed, many of its subordinates were killed, and the casino could only be temporarily closed.

Dani sent people to look for the murderer, and even issued a bounty to hunt down the murderer, but there was no clue so far, which made him very annoyed.

Burstein, what happened to that shipment? Dani asked his advisor.

It should have been at sea, or the original route. The big ship sailed to the sea and then took the small boat to the dock. Burstein said.

Dani turned the cigar in his mouth and instructed: The transaction volume this time is five times the previous one. We must ensure safety and there can be no problems.

After doing business for so long, Dani was already familiar with it, but this time it still made him a little nervous.

After all, the transaction volume this time is far greater than in the past.

The personnel are ready. As soon as the goods arrive at the port, the transaction will be carried out immediately, and the other party will leave with the money. We will transport the goods to the secret location. It will take less than an hour before and after. Burstein said.

Well, make sure nothing goes wrong.

Just then there was a knock on the door.

Come in~!

A leader named Cranston under Dani came in, Boss, I'll report to you a piece of information that may be related to the casino robbery.

These days, Dani has been investigating the casino robbery, but he has no clues. Now he hears Cranston say that there is intelligence about the casino robbery.

What information?

I found a situation, do you remember Bill from the Jewish gang, the guy who had a conflict with Cook.

You mean Bill did the casino robbery? Dany asked, frowning.

No, I found out that Bill has been hospitalized since he was injured, and he has not been discharged from the hospital. The information I learned is that after Bill was injured, someone took over Bill's site. I heard that it was Bill's friend. Jon Hardy.

Later that Jon Hardy called out another group of men, all of whom served in the Marine Corps.

Later I wondered, is that Jon Hardy the one who killed Cook? And he called so many men, is it possible to attack our casino?

Dani narrowed his eyes.

Jon Hardy is Bill's friend.

Bill was wounded by Cook and killed in a raid that night.

Then the guy named Jon Hardy took over his turf.

Then a group of ex-soldiers were called together.

They have trouble with their Spanish gang.

Have a motive to rob yourself.

A few thoughts ran through Dani's mind. He looked at military advisor Berstein, Do you think it's possible that this Jon Hardy did it?

Burstein thought for a while, There is a certain suspicion.

Dani bit his cigar hard, and he was brooding about the casino robbery, and said solemnly: If there is any suspicion, investigate it.

After finishing speaking, he looked at Cranston, I'll leave this to you, and find a way to find out if they did the casino robbery!

Okay boss. Cranston happily accepted the task.

If you have a task, you can make money. If the investigation makes it clear that the guy named Jon Hardy did it, then he has made a great contribution and is expected to be promoted in the future.

The previous person in charge of the casino was beaten to death, and it has not yet opened. If you investigate this matter clearly, maybe you can get a casino person in charge of Dangdang, it will definitely be a fat poor.

After Dani finished speaking, he stood up and said to the military advisor Berstein: Okay, what we just said, just follow the previous plan, and you are responsible for it yourself.

I have a party with a few big people tonight. Those gentlemen can't be neglected. After that, he picked up his hat and walked out.

Cranston and Burstein followed out of the office. When they went out, Dani and Burstein were side by side, with Cranston following behind. He vaguely heard what Danny said about the dock and more staff.

He didn't care what it meant.

After sending Dani away, Cranston got into his car, and the younger brother who was driving turned back and asked, Boss, where are you going now?

Back to the station.

On the way, Cranston kept thinking about how to accomplish what Dani had told him to do.

Trying to figure out if that Jon Hardy did the casino robbery and how, there is no clue unless he admits it himself.

Back at the station, Cranston called the guy who provided him with information, a thief named Naxi, who was in his fifties this year.

Don't underestimate these guys who live at the bottom of society. Often these people have the best information, and rarely what happens on the street can escape their eyes.

Where do you say they are based? Cranston asked.

In the Jewish gang territory, there were about eight or nine people in the original sweater factory in Xiacheng District, but not all of them were there, Naxi said.

Cranston frowned, thinking of a countermeasure,

With his 100% illiterate level of education, he couldn't think of any constructive plans at all.

In fact, the easiest and most effective way is to rush in and arrest those people, and ask them to understand everything.

Dare to resist, directly to death.

If they didn't do it, it's very simple, just pretend it never happened.

What about being a soldier, it's useless to be a soldier in the case of a sneak attack.

He now has five or six people, feeling a little less, so he picked up the phone and called his friend: Beckman, is there something good to do?

What a good thing.

I may have discovered the group of robbers who robbed the casino and reported it to the boss Dani. The boss said that I will be fully responsible. If you do it with me, we will share the money equally.

What Cranston wanted most was the appreciation of the boss, Dani, so that he could be in charge of the casino. If he really grabbed the money, he wouldn't mind giving half of it.

Beckman immediately became interested when he heard it. If it was the robbers, they must have a large amount of cash in their hands, so they would send it.

Count me in! Beckman said immediately.

The one who is ready to take you, let's act tonight. Tonight is Christmas Eve. We also have a name, and it's called 'Christmas Eve Action'.

Cranston said proudly.

Time flies to night.

On Christmas Eve, the streets were brightly lit and crowded with people and children, and two trucks drove across the street to the remote downtown area.

This is a factory area, and there are relatively few people living here, so although it is Christmas, it still looks very deserted.

Two trucks were parked in front of the factory.

Let's go in in a while, if someone resists and shoots directly, but at least one or two must be left alive, you can hear it clearly. Cranston ordered.

The men nodded.

A nimble guy ran over the wall and quietly opened the door, and a group of people rushed into the factory.

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