Hardcore crisis

Chapter 99 Gathering

But the person who caused such a dangerous stinging sensation turned out to be just an old man!

There were two people coming, one of them was about thirty years old, wearing a suit, and looked smart and capable. Albert could tell with just one glance that the other person was a professional manager, and he was the kind of person who had been on Wall Street for a long time. manager. Albert has seen too many people like this, he is just an ordinary person after all, but the old man behind the manager is wearing a gray peaked cap, a white shirt and a vest in summer, with half-squinted eyes showing a slight smile. With a smile, he seems to be just an ordinary and unattractive old man, but...

In Albert's eyes, the sense of threat this old man brought to him far exceeded that of the few people over there.

If we talk about the degree of threat, the first thing is this old man. He is like a cobra hiding in the grass. It is silent and there is no threat. However, once the snake is "alerted", the cobra can spray deadly venom in an instant.

As for the other people...for example, the beautiful woman who just arrived wearing denim shorts and a burgundy ponytail, and the two oriental men standing silently aside, they are not simple characters. They have not entered Nepal to practice with their masters. Before, he didn't dare to be sure of victory, but now he can put it aside for a while.

The next level is two boys who are not over twenty years old. Both of them have the smell of blood that Albert is familiar with, but it is not strong, not like the kind of people who kill people and get blood. , the threat of close combat is very low.

Needless to say about the last two girls, one is in a wheelchair and can be bullied by ordinary people. The other is probably not more than seventeen years old and is not worth mentioning.

So it's strange, what is the plan of the mysterious person who called him? Why did you call the person? Each other's occupations and identities are very strange, and they cannot be classified into the same category at all.

Albert was doubtful about this, and everyone present had doubts no less or even more than him.

"Ah. It seems the situation is a bit complicated..."

The old man walked in with narrowed eyes and paused for a moment on each person. "Well, there are old people, young people, middle-aged people and young people. This almost covers the age range of human beings. It seems that person is very interesting."

"Sorry. Are you..."

Before Albert could finish his words, he was interrupted by the woman next to him, who said rudely: "Hey, old man, you should go home well when you are so old. Can you still accept the mission like this?"


The old man seemed to have remembered something, nodded and said: "If you say it's a mission, you can call it that."

"Then hurry up..."

"Wait, please allow me to interrupt!"

Albert stretched out his thick arms. Stopping the conversation between the two parties, he interjected: "I think there is a misunderstanding. Miss, what do you mean by mission? I think the purpose of my coming here is definitely not to accept a mission."

"Huh? You said you're not here to accept a mission?"

Ivy, who came to Japan from Indonesia for 20 million US dollars, looked at Albert suspiciously. Judging from her eyesight, she naturally understood that Albert was not an ordinary person. No, except for a few people present, the rest of the people probably had blood on their hands. That's why she regarded the people gathered here as... Came here for the purpose of twenty million US dollars.

"Ahem, I'm sorry, I don't understand what you are saying."

The frustrated Kevin, who had just arrived in Japan in a hurry from New York, raised his right hand and said, "Is the gentleman who asked me to report here?"


No one here was an idiot. Kevin raised his right hand and shouted, and everyone turned their attention to him, looking at him a little cautiously, thinking that he had done something wrong.

"Haha, it's very interesting. It turns out that everyone who comes here has different purposes."

The old man Yas laughed. The wary and suspicious expressions among everyone had betrayed everything. As his favorite game in his life, he was full of gratitude to the people behind the scenes. He never expected that this game was indeed very interesting... ...It's so interesting that he wants to start playing now.

There's someone here again!

To say that the mutual suspicion was not over yet, another person came unexpectedly.

Not inferior to Albert's size and height, a young man with blond hair, an unruly look on his face, and a condescending attitude of looking down at everyone, slowly walked in.

"Huh, I didn't expect there to be so many people besides me!"

The blond young man put his hands in his trouser pockets, and his arrogant character was clearly displayed in his tone. He didn't mean to hide it at all, he just didn't look down on everyone present.

"Yo, who are you again?"

Ivy glanced sideways at the blond young man, leaned against the pillar, and blew out the smoke: "Is there anyone who hasn't come yet?"

Eleven people!

There were a total of eleven people gathered here, some old and some young, some men and some women, all belonging to different professions and personalities. According to common sense, they might not meet each other in their lives. After all, the earth is huge. , the number of seven billion people in the world is really not a small number.

But now, under the control of an unknown mastermind, they came to Japan from all over the world and gathered behind this shrine. They were suspicious of each other and kept a strong vigilance, fearing that the mastermind was hiding there. among the crowd.

Hearing Ivy's question, the blond young man straightened his chest, stood on his right foot, stood on the toes of his left foot, and never took his hands out of his trousers pockets. He maintained this weird posture, looked at the crowd and said, "You guys Everyone, listen up, let me, Brando, come here without any price. Since this world is a cage, then I, Brando, will be the one who will break the cage and be chosen by fate!"

"The world will spin around me!"

The blond young man stretched out his right hand extremely arrogantly, circled the crowd with one finger, and uttered the above unbelievable words, his eyes filled with arrogance.

Everyone: "..."

"Ah, he turns out to be an idiot!" Ivy blew out the smoke disdainfully and stubbed out the cigarette with only the butt left. "Kid, don't say that the world revolves around you. Let me ask you, your hair has grown. No?"

"Haha, still too young..."

Yas, who narrowed his eyes and held his hands behind his back, was not angry at the arrogant words of the blond young man Brando.

"Haha, you can come and give it a try!"

Brando seemed to be irritated by Ivy. He jumped up, suddenly went up the steps, and suddenly reached out to grab Ivy, who was leaning against the pillar.

This move was fast and violent, showing no mercy. If his neck was grabbed like this, five blood marks would immediately appear on it.

Brando moved quickly enough, and Ivy was not slow to react. A strong wind hit her face, and she kicked out sideways, pointing directly at Brando's waist. The length of her arms was naturally not comparable to her thighs. Before Brand could wait, Du grabbed Ivy's neck, and he was about to be kicked out first.

Fortunately, Brando suddenly shrinks his abdomen and retreats. In a split second, he narrowly avoids Ivy's kick. If he just reacts a beat slower, he will be hit hard, and he will fall down the steps at least, or fall down the steps at worst. Then it is possible to be kicked away on the spot.


There was a sudden move of hands between the two people, and to the surprise of the rest of the people present, Albert quickly intervened, straddling the two of them, spreading his hands, and shouted loudly to stop the conflict between the two parties from continuing.

Arrogance is arrogance, but Brando is not a fool. Seeing how this careless woman can be so powerful, he also understood that she was not someone who could be bullied. He did not continue to attack at the moment, but sneered. : "Woman, your reaction is good."

"You're not slow either."

"Okay, you two, I think we are not enemies. Please calm down first and don't be impulsive."

In order to prevent the two of them from acting impulsively, Albert kept standing between them and persuaded them: "The situation is unclear now. If you two take action easily, you may take advantage of that person's conspiracy."

"Conspiracy? What conspiracy? I don't know what the conspiracy is. I'm just here for 20 million US dollars."

Ivy didn't look at Brando. She took out a cigarette from somewhere and lit it. She took a long puff and puffed out smoke. "I don't care why you came. Anyway, I'm here just to The simple reason is money." (To be continued~^~)

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