Hardcore crisis

Chapter 93 The Third Person (Fourth Update)

But judging from the methods of this mysterious man, he knows his identity information silently and also knows the movements of people coming from the north. Maybe he really has such an ability.

He is not threatening himself!

Park Min-wook feels this way.

"what do you want?"

Several police cars came on the opposite side and roared past. Park Minxu's expression did not change and he still kept the car at a stable speed.

"Looks like you've got what Lee Jong Suk gave you...Leave Korea and go to Japan, where you'll get your answers."


"I will contact you again when I get to Japan. Remember, go to Japan!"

The person on the other end of the phone hung up the phone without giving Park Min-wook a chance to reply, as if he knew what Park Min-wook would choose.

With an uncertain look on his face, Park Minxu didn't sigh until he drove the car into the center of Seoul. The threat from this mysterious man was very serious. He knew that if he didn't agree to what the other party said, he would probably have nowhere to hide in the next step.

This person seems to be able to grasp his movements and can observe him anywhere. Even if he changes his mobile phone and SIM card, he can still find him by some unknown method.

Faced with such an enemy hiding in the darkness, the best way is not to forcefully confront them, but to agree to find out the opponent in person.


Park Minxu put away his mobile phone and looked up. If he kept going in this direction, he would reach Japan in the southeast.

OK, let’s go to Japan.

"It seemed that he had no choice but to agree."

Lu Yuan was not too surprised by this. People like Park Minxu were definitely not willing to be manipulated by others and were not willing to sacrifice in vain, so they chose to listen to him for the time being. It is also a natural result.

Once the second person is done, it’s time to start the third person.

The third person, Baleface, is 64 years old and currently lives in the Maurice Hotel in Paris. His apparent identity is that he is a wealthy man recuperating from New York. In fact, he is the accountant of XMFS, an underground drug trafficking group in New York. Three years ago, he used suspended animation to leave the drug trafficking group. After that, he came to Paris and has been living in the Maurice Hotel.

As the accountant of a drug cartel, he had control of a large amount of hidden funds. After he successfully faked his death and left, all the funds, whose whereabouts were unknown to anyone, became his.

But now he's in some trouble. Although this amount of money can be called a huge amount, after repeated gambling, it is gradually on the verge of bottoming out. So much so that the old guy Baleface became depressed, had to stop gambling, and began to worry about his future life in a few years.

This is not okay.

This old guy has been the confidant of the XMFS Group boss for more than thirty years. I have witnessed how a complete organization was established from a young age to a large one, and it has repeatedly made the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration and FBI helpless, which shows how powerful it is.

With the ability of this old guy, it will provide great help to Lu Yuan in building an organization later. It can be said that with his help, there is no need to worry about what will happen later.

It was to make the old guy worry-free. Just get it done as soon as possible.

The kind-hearted Lu Yuan cut off his funds first, because he could not prove the source of the huge funds, so he could only suffer this boring loss, but this still did not work. We also need to inform XMFS and let them know that the old guy who hated him so much turned out not to be dead at all. He has been enjoying it very much over the years. I think they will be very willing to invite the old guy back to New York to "enjoy" it.

Lu Yuan felt very happy when he thought of the old guy being furious.

After entering the number, he contacted the mobile phone in Baleface's house through the Internet call. Hearing the old New York accent coming from the mobile phone, Lu Yuan also changed his voice in English and said: "Balleface, how are you thinking about that matter? ?”

"It's you!"

Balefis said impatiently: "I don't know who you are, but don't even think about threatening me on the phone. I didn't grow up listening to threats."

"NO, NO... Baleface, how can this be said to be a threat? This is a friendly invitation."

Lu Yuan was not at all angry at Baleface's impatient tone on the phone. He said slowly: "Baleface, have you ever experienced despair?"

"Despair?" Baleface was stunned, then laughed loudly: "Are you talking to me about despair?"

"Yes, despair...this is not cutting off your power...you can check your account."


Baleface's expression changed drastically, he hung up the phone, hurriedly came to the hall, picked up the notebook on the table, and quickly logged into his account...the balance was 0.

How can it be!

He just checked his account a few hours ago, and it was a total of 1.5 million US dollars!

His heart was beating violently unbearably. Baleface turned pale and quickly logged in to check other accounts. As an old fox, he had more than twenty accounts in different banks around the world.

The balance is 0, the balance is 0, the balance is 0…

All accounts have a balance of 0, and the remaining funds that once accumulated up to 30 million US dollars have been completely consumed.

This fact simply made Baleface unbelievable. Is this God joking with him?

Okay, how could the balances in more than 20 accounts be cleared out of thin air?

"Jingle Bell……"

The phone rang quickly again.

Is it that person?

Yes, could it be him?

Baleface was so angry that his chest almost exploded. He grabbed the phone, answered it and roared: "Fu.ck you bastard, did you do this? What did you do to my account?"

"Well, please don't be angry. In fact, I didn't do anything... I just moved them to a safer place. By the way, you are not stupid enough to call the police, are you?"


Baleface was really furious: "You damn bastard, you'd better give me your money back, otherwise you will find that you have provoked an old guy who should never be provoked."

"Sorry, are you sure I haven't offended you yet?"

Lu Yuan suddenly realized: "I understand, you must not have experienced despair yet... I forgot to tell you. Yesterday I informed Moir that there are still fifteen minutes left for your current location. Moir sent you People are probably coming to where you live."

Taking a breath of cold air, Baleface's angry blood was instantly extinguished, and instead his blood became freezing cold.

He knows very well who Moore is. After all, he is the boss he has served for more than thirty years. What kind of methods he will use on betrayers, Baleface has seen no less than a hundred experiments. .

"...What do you want from me, old guy?"

However, Baleface, who had calmed down, immediately grasped the psychological state of the man opposite him. Since this man had spent so much effort, cut off his funds, and used his former boss to threaten him, Then you definitely have something to ask for, and you won't just kill him so easily.

"I have bought a ticket to the Philippines for you. You can go to the airport to pick up the ticket immediately. You still have fourteen minutes. Please leave the hotel as soon as possible."

"Philippines? What do you want me to do there?"

"You'll understand when you get to the Philippines, now you can go."

The other party hung up the phone and stopped talking to him. When Balefis called again, the number was displayed as an empty number. It was obvious that the contact could only be one-way.

With his face turning green, Baleface had no choice but to sigh. The other party was able to quietly transfer the funds from his account. This ability was really terrifying. I'm afraid the final threat was not empty talk. As a result, he seemed to have no choice in order to avoid falling into the hands of his former boss.

For this reason, Baleface had no choice but to pack his luggage as quickly as possible, then quickly go downstairs and leave.

Unexpectedly, he had just gotten into the customer service car from the hotel to the airport when he saw two suspicious people getting out of the car. Judging from his years of experience, these two people were definitely not ordinary people... Think again. At that last threat, Baleface hurriedly urged the driver to leave the hotel.

Step by step, according to the route designed by Lu Yuan for Bale Feis, the 64-year-old man had to take a flight to the Philippines.

(PS: If you are interested in this old book, you can add Laoyu’s WeChat official account “Lost Fish”. Starting from Sunday this week, Laoyu will update a chapter of the universe on the official account every week. , telling Chen Yang’s adventures in the universe.

In addition, genuine readers can join the VIP group and take screenshots to verify. The group number is 424021076. Laoyu will not say that the rich man who rewarded the leader the night before yesterday sent a red envelope of 3,000 yuan in the group... It is said that on New Year's Day On the tenth night, the local tycoon will continue to give out red envelopes... In addition, Laoyu is not as good as the local tycoon, so he will also give out red envelopes to thank the readers who support Laoyu. Of course, it all depends on luck. )(To be continued ~^~)

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