Hardcore crisis

Chapter 80 Doubts

"Has the person been found?"

Under the heavy rain, the search team was shaken, as if they would fall down at the next moment.

In such a noisy mountain forest, if you want the other party to hear what you are shouting, you have to exert all your strength. Lao Chen almost shouted loudly in the form of a roar, and then he barely let the two people in front of him hear it. sound.


The radio signal was also greatly affected by the strong wind and thunderstorm. The person in front held a walkie-talkie and talked for a long time before approaching Old Chen and whispered: "Team Chen, Team Zhang said to stop the search first. The rain is too heavy and the police dogs can't sniff." The smell, and it’s too dangerous to be in the mountains.”


I know what Zhang Yan said is right. It is too dangerous to continue searching in the mountains and forests during such a thunderstorm, but it is dangerous for them. Is it possible that those who can survive are not in danger?

The more time is delayed, the slimmer their chances of survival will become.

After sighing, Old Chen still ordered: "Stop the search first and return to the camp!"

The team's return did not encounter many difficulties. The three corpses discovered earlier and later had been sent back in advance. Together with the two initially discovered, the number reached five!

Counting the six people in the camp who were sent to the hospital, there are still eight people who have not been found.

Where would those eight people be?

Thinking of the tragic situation of the five corpses, Lao Chen, who had long lost his sense of fear, couldn't help but feel a slight chill in his heart.

The original camp was temporarily used, and the parked police cars, collection fleets, and SUVs occupied most of the space outside. After receiving a call from the search and rescue team, the entire bureau was immediately alarmed. Those on duty were dispatched immediately. Those who were not on duty and fell asleep had to crawl out of their quilts immediately and ride on the bumpy road for three hours to reach this mountain forest that they had never been before.

Two people died!

Six people were unconscious!

And there may be eleven more yet to be discovered!

This is already a very serious case, and action must be taken immediately.

When they arrived here and found three more bodies in the heavy rain, all the members of the search team couldn't help but feel a sinking feeling.


After opening the tent and walking in, Qin Xinling, who was busy inside, looked up and then fell into busyness again.

Generally speaking, female forensic doctors are arranged to work in forensic DNA laboratories or physical and chemical laboratories, and do not need to conduct on-site inspections. However, there are exceptions. Qin Xinling, a forensic doctor with a very different personality, does not like working in the laboratory. Go to the site for inspection. With her extraordinary background, the leaders above had no choice but to agree.

Facts have also proved another point. She is stronger than men. At least Lao Chen has never seen her show a disgusting and uncomfortable expression in the first scene. She is always as cold as ice.

The leaders of the city bureau are probably dying of panic, right?

Old Chen smiled mischievously, and then felt worried again.

This heavy rain came at the right time, destroying a large amount of on-site evidence in a timely manner and providing too many obstacles for subsequent on-site investigation, discovery, and collection of on-site evidence. On-site investigation has always been of great significance. The detection of many cases is based on clues found at the scene. These various types of physical evidence information have strong materiality and objectivity, and can shoulder the important task of laying the foundation and pointing out the direction for further investigation. .

Now... we can only rely on finding answers from the unconscious witnesses and these corpses.

Although the autopsy of a murder case does not require the consent of the family members, the family members are required to be present according to the procedure. They can only wait until tomorrow. But the answers given by the corpse sometimes do not require an autopsy, and experienced forensic doctors can also find many useful clues.

"How's it going?" Lao Chen asked standing at the edge of the tent without getting too close.

Not only was Qin Xinling alone in the tent, there was also Wei Yidong from the Trace Inspection Department, but his face didn't look very good.

"The heavy rain has destroyed many traces, so don't hold out too much hope." Wei Yidong coughed and his face seemed a little paler.

Old Chen saw that Qin Xinling didn't speak, and was carefully examining the deceased's mouth with both hands. He didn't want to be disturbed, so he stood quietly for a while before Qin Xinling's cold voice suddenly sounded.

"Can't you leave yet?"

Old Chen was stunned for a while before he realized that Qin Xinling was talking to him.

"No, it's raining too hard. The road we came from is flooded with water, and it's even deeper than our knees. It's dangerous for a car to pass by forcefully."

Old Chen shook his head. It was too dangerous to drive under such heavy rain.

"Then I want to do an autopsy immediately."

Qin Xinling's dull eyes stared at Old Chen, with a power that no one could refuse: "We will notify the family members to arrive at the scene tomorrow. I'm worried that the changes on the body will affect the investigation results."

Indeed, the autopsy must be performed as soon as possible, otherwise as time goes by, the traces on the corpse will change accordingly, causing many difficulties in subsequent work.


Before Lao Chen nodded, the tent behind him was suddenly pulled up, and he agreed with Qin Xinling's suggestion by saying, "Let's do the dissection now."

"Old Zhang!"

Lao Chen didn't even need to look back to know that it was his good friend Zhang Yan.

"I know that the conditions here are a bit crude, but special situations are treated specially. I think Xiao Qin has also taken this into consideration, right, Xiao Qin?"

Ignoring Zhang Yan's joke, Qin Xinling continued to say in her indifferent tone: "I just looked through it and found that the death time of the five corpses was no more than half an hour apart from each other, and they were all probably seven to eight hours ago. The average age is about twenty-five years old, and the wounds are divided into open injuries caused by strong violence, rupture of the subcutaneous tissue and internal organs of the chest, and crushing rupture of the skull..."

Qin Xinling pointed to the large holes in the skulls of the deceased, "It looks like hole-shaped fractures caused by bullets or beating with sheep horns, but bullets will not spread and absorb human brain matter. The inside of the skulls of the five corpses are basically empty."


The three grown men present listened with expressionless faces.

"Interestingly, the chests of the five corpses looked like sharp-instrument wounds at first glance, because the wounds were regular in shape and the walls were smooth, but sharp-instrument wounds would not cause such large wounds. Well, there is another point related to There was a wound to the skull, and the heart and part of the stomach were missing."

She raised the corners of her mouth slightly, but still didn't smile: "Is it like inserting a big straw into the watermelon and sucking out all the pulp inside?"


A flash of thunder and lightning made everyone's ears hurt. Lao Chen coughed and said, "I'll go out for a walk first."

"...It's raining so hard, where are you going?"

Zhang Yan unceremoniously exposed Lao Chen's lies, and then said: "Xiao Qin, you go first, I'll go out and solve the internal crisis."

The two of them just walked out of the tent, leaving Qin Xinling and Wei Yidong alone inside. Wei Yidong, as Qin Xinling's temporary assistant, could not leave and could only look paler.

The rain outside seemed to be getting heavier. The two of them rushed into the car despite the heavy rain, closed the door and let out a breath.

"What? Are you under a lot of psychological pressure?"

Without Lao Chen opening his mouth, Zhang Yan lit up a cigarette and smoked it.

"No sense of public morality!"

Lao Chen glared at him fiercely before taking the cigarette from Zhang Yan and lighting it up without hesitation.

"Can it be less stressful? But I'm used to it."

After exhaling a puff of smoke, Lao Chen relieved his mental fatigue.

"This time is different."

Zhang Yan's eyes darkened, "It's different from previous cases."

"Huh, of course I know."

Lao Chen has also been a veteran detective for many years and has handled countless cases. If his stubborn temper had not offended too many people, he would have moved his position long ago. It's just that he enjoys it. In his opinion, although working on the front line is tiring, he is still willing to do so. Some people really can't take time off. When I'm free, I feel itchy all over my body.

"Then what do you think?"

Glancing at Lao Chen, Zhang Yan shook out the ashes from his cigarette.

Hearing these words, Lao Chen's eyes flashed sharply, and then he regained his composure, as if it was just an illusion: "He can't escape."

Zhang Yan naturally knew that this "him" was worthy of being the murderer.

If he guessed correctly, the remaining eight people... are not optimistic.

Five people died at once and eight people disappeared. It is very likely that these eight people also died in the same way. The murderer’s motive, method of killing and trace are unknown. Taken together, it is a major case among major cases and will definitely cause trouble in the province. The leader is furious!

You can imagine the pressure they felt after this!

But that's not the most important thing. Pressure is the driving force for detection. Zhang Yan still smiles on the surface, but in fact, he is burning with anger in his heart, for the injustice of the deceased and the cruelty of the murderer.

"Don't let me catch you!"

Zhang Yan glanced at the mountains under the thunderstorm outside the window, and these words passed through his heart silently.

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