Hardcore crisis

Chapter 66: Shocking Change (2)

Time went back seven minutes, and just after the night lights outside the warehouse went out without any warning, Lu Yuan frowned, turned around and walked towards the warehouse.

Opening the small door of the warehouse and walking in, the dark room contained only the flashing red light of the server. The lighting had been switched to emergency light mode, and the surveillance and most of the computers had entered a dormant state.

"Sonny, is the power out?"

Seeing that the UPS had started, Lu Yuan had a guess in his mind.

"Yes, sir."

Sure enough, Sonny came out of the darkness and answered Lu Yuan's answer.

But it doesn't matter if there is a power outage. Lu Yuan prepared a UPS, which is enough to support the continuous operation of the server for an hour.

Wait, it doesn't seem like the UPS is connected there.

Lu Yuan's heart moved. He ignored the dormant host and took a detour to the inner area of ​​the warehouse. He verified the fingerprint lock and opened the iron door.

Previously, I used a laptop to plug in a USB flash drive for playback. Later, the laptop froze several times, so Lu Yuan simply moved the host and monitor inside to play.

Now when there is a power outage, except for the core server, all other hosts enter a dormant state.

Under the red emergency lights, it was obvious that the display in the "refrigerator" had already gone black, and the playback was also interrupted. Lu Yuan looked inside and saw nothing unusual, so he reached out and grabbed the USB flash drive, preparing to pull it out.

But as soon as his fingers touched the USB flash drive, Lu Yuan immediately retracted.

hot! Very hot!

As if being burned by flames, the surface of the USB flash drive was incredibly hot. Lu Yuan's finger touched it slightly and he instantly retracted it.

"How could...how could it be possible?"

After a few brushes, cold sweat appeared on Lu Yuan's forehead. Even under the effect of NZT, he couldn't help but change his expression.

Don't blame him, it's just that the previous experience was too terrifying.

The USB flash drive was also showing such hotness before, and then the nightmare incident of T1000 invading the real world occurred. If it were not for the micro-swarm robots on hand at the time, otherwise it would have taken a lot of effort and effort to eliminate the T1000. What terrible consequences.

But now, the USB flash drive is getting hot again.

It shouldn't be. In the past two weeks, no accidents have occurred when running the USB flash drive for a long time. Why did the power outage cause the phenomenon of heat again?

Lu Yuan really couldn't stay 100% calm when he thought about the movies stored in the USB flash drive. He had wanted to delete a few too dangerous movies before, but it was a pity that the movies could not be deleted normally, otherwise...

There were thousands of thoughts in his mind. From the time Lu Yuan touched the USB flash drive to the time he retracted his fingers, it took only two or three seconds at most. A circle of light film emitting lightning-like colors expanded from small to rapidly rippling in the air. It was not at all Give people a little time to react.

If the sudden appearance of the light film was just the beginning, then when a dark and slender shadow slowly emerged from the light film, Lu Yuan's expression was not changed, but he was shocked.

Among the alien creatures imagined by humans, there are many kinds, but there is one alien creature whose status is unmatched by other imagined alien creatures. It is famous all over the world and no one knows it. No one knows.

That's Alien!

The Chinese name is "Alien".

The shadow of the body peeking out from the light film. The first thing exposed is a smooth forehead, which is slightly transparent. Under the illumination of the red emergency light, the internal layers can be vaguely seen, like ridges. The skull as a whole looks like a drop of water.

The combination of the forehead and the rear part is like the protruding integrated cockpit of a fighter jet, which can minimize the air resistance during movement; its torso is similar to that of humans, with the same ribs wrapping the chest area, but the back is The vertebrae were directly exposed and protruded.

Its limbs are even more slender, its ulna and tibia are much longer than those of humans, and a sticky fleshy membrane grows between its sharp claws. It is obvious at a glance that it is extremely suitable for climbing walls and swimming, and its densely textured muscles seem to hold up They are like tattered clothes, but tightly bound together, containing explosive power beyond human imagination.

This is not the most terrifying thing. Its tail is connected to the exposed vertebrae and is covered with segmented black horizontal bones. It trembles slightly in the air flexibly. The extremely sharp spikes at the end have great power to tear gold and iron. .

Compared with the aliens seen in movies, when this real alien appeared in reality, the shock it brought was completely powerful. It was obviously an alien monster, but its perfect and slender body presented an overall appearance. This violent and bloodthirsty mechanized beauty came out of the light film, and the huge impact of the picture shocked even Lu Yuan at this moment!

The gap between reality and movies is too big...

Lu Yuan believed that he was fully mentally prepared after facing the T1000.

But when a monster of this level is no longer a virtual creature like in the movie, but actually stands in front of him, thanks to Lu Yuan after taking NZT, if it were an ordinary person, he would not be able to face a black bear in the wild. You can be so frightened that you are paralyzed. There is no need to say what the consequences will be when faced with an alien that is ten times more terrifying.

A large amount of transparent saliva exuding a foul odor slowly dripped from between the canines of this alien and dripped to the ground. The crown of his head was not facing where Lu Yuan was standing. It seemed that he had not been seen?

Of course it's impossible. Judging from the performance in the movie, the alien's perspective is wider than that of humans, with a wide viewing angle of 180 degrees. Even if the alien is not facing Lu Yuan, it can definitely see a human standing here. .


Did not bring.

Defense measures deployed around?

A power outage means zero. Even if there is no power outage, unless Lu Yuan wants to die together and activates defensive measures, he will die in the iron prison.

To move or not to move?

It is only three meters away from the iron gate.

But damn, this alien blocked his way forward. He didn't think his own speed could compare with the alien's speed and agility. What's more, opening the fingerprint lock required verification time. If there was this delay, the alien would have been enough. Killed him a dozen times.

If you run, you will definitely die!

And facing the enemy empty-handed?

If faced with humans, even if there were ten humans armed with weapons, Lu Yuan would be confident in defeating them.

But the alien...the hard exoskeleton, the terrifying claws and tail, plus the inner teeth that can be ejected at high speed, and the commonly used fall and grapple are a complete act of seeking death when used on the alien. Human fighting skills are to deal with it. Human-sized creatures have almost no effect on aliens.

Wait, why haven't you attacked yet?

Lu Yuan remained on high alert and couldn't help but feel a little confused. It had been more than ten seconds since the alien appeared. Even the light film had disappeared, but the alien was still standing there motionless, just flowing continuously. Drooling.

Could it be that this alien has some physical problem?

Just thinking about it, Lu Yuan felt as if all the pores in his body were pricked by needles. Without thinking, he just shrank his head and rolled to the side.


The sound when the whip was thrown out was a sonic boom caused by the speed of the tip of the whip exceeding the speed of sound. The speed at which the alien tail was thrown out was definitely not inferior to that of the whip, and the air suddenly exploded!

If Lu Yuan hadn't avoided the roll in advance, his head would have been pierced by the tail stab in an instant, and he would have been dead!

"This beast is so cunning, he even pretended to make me relax..."

Looking up again, Lu Yuan was startled to see that the alien had disappeared.

No, on the head!

When Lu Yuan thought of the classic alien attack moves in the movie, he rolled again without hesitation.


Sure enough, the ground where he had just been was pierced by the tail thorn.


At the moment of life and death, there is no anger, no tension, all emotions are thrown away, and what is left is the greatest desire to survive.

As soon as he shouted, he didn't stop at all. He rolled several times in succession, then jumped up, grabbed the monitor and threw it behind him.


The sharp and cold tail spike suddenly shot out from the center of the monitor. With this block, it was still half a minute away from Lu Yuan's face.

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