Hardcore crisis

Chapter 62 Invitation Letter

On the page that was displayed after solving the problem, a string of characters combining English and numbers appeared, which seemed to have no meaning.

This made Zhao Shiqi very strange. He pulled down the page and looked around carefully. After confirming that there was no other explanation, he was a little dazed.

What does it mean?

The puzzle given by "K"? Do you want to untie it yourself?

Looking through other people's posts with confusion, Zhao Shiqi found that besides himself, there were several other people who seemed to have figured out the answer. Like him, the characters left behind were completely incomprehensible.

"Oh My God."

I just logged out of this post and refreshed it. In an instant, more than a dozen new posts appeared on the main page, all of which were posted by "K".

Click on a post at random to enter, and it turns out to be a different test question.

Zhao Shiqi quickly opened all the pages and couldn't help but be stunned. In these dozen new posts, each test question was completely different and involved a variety of complex problems. After a brief glance, he felt a little dizzy.

There are so many new posts that are flooding the screen, and I don’t know if the administrator will delete them.

Maybe not, the administrator can't do it.

This is not to say that the administrator does not have the authority to manage the forum, but that the "K" itself, in addition to refuting the big guy, has already proven its specialness with his ID.

This forum has been established for more than ten years, and the number of registered member IDs has already exceeded 800,000. Letters like "K" have been registered already, more than ten years ago.

But this "K", the registration time shows that it is a newly registered user, and the posts and online time at that time also prove this. Logically speaking, this is definitely an ID that cannot be registered, but he just appeared like this.

Is it a loophole in the system?


As far as Zhao Shiqi knows, the administrators of the forum are elite-level figures. How can they be able to impress so many experts without a few skills? If you want to take advantage of these administrators, the probability is basically zero.

Even if there is a vulnerability that no one knows about and is exploited, the administrator will fix it after seeing it. However, this ID pops up again, indicating that either the administrator did not fix it or was unable to do so. Done.

The administrator who has all the permissions of the forum can do nothing about an ID, and cannot even delete posts... What kind of technology is this?

Just thinking about it made Zhao Shiqi shake his head and sigh.

Obviously, "K"'s behavior of swiping the screen has made it impossible for members to ignore it. In addition, the different topics he set up involve all aspects, including issues related to artificial intelligence algorithms and software and hardware issues. It is called People were stunned. They didn’t know what kind of research this “K” was doing. It involved too many things.

As if a storm had been stirred up, many lions who had just been looking for food immediately turned their attention to this gluttonous feast and pounced in one by one with their teeth and claws open, without any grace at all.

In addition, it also verified Zhao Shiqi's guess. As he expected, even if "K" carried out such behavior as massacre, the administrators were helpless. The posts they deleted immediately appeared again, trying to block "K"'s ID. , and then unblocked. After doing this a few times, the situation was beyond their control and they had no choice but to let members post.

There are more than a dozen questions of different difficulty. It is easy to imagine how difficult it is to solve them all.

Those who are not capable will simply give up after trying it and start posting to ask for answers. And those who are capable will naturally not bother to answer these scum, and it is only right to immerse themselves in solving the answers.

Zhao Shiqi chose a few questions that he thought he could understand, and it took him more than two hours to figure out the answers to these questions.

Without solving a question, he got a string of characters with unknown meaning. The strangest thing is that even though it is the same question, solved by different people, the answers published by someone are not consistent.

"This is...a website address?"

After completing a few questions, Zhao Shiqi looked at all the characters and suddenly understood what this was. It turned out to be a website address.

What does "K" mean?

After solving five test questions, can you get a website address?

Everyone's characters are different, which means that people who can figure out the answer will get different addresses?

After a slight hesitation, Zhao Shiqi chose to log in to the obtained URL in the virtual machine.


As soon as he logged in, a previously designed animation was displayed in front of him. A black envelope appeared out of thin air and was slowly opened, revealing the contents above.

"Invitation card?"

Zhao Shiqi read along the page and his expression suddenly changed: "What? How is it possible?"

An invitation letter claiming to be the developer of the Pioneer System!

This mysterious "K" actually claimed to be the developer of the Pioneer system that was the subject of heated debate?


Just unbelievable.

It's as if a celebrity in the world is being discussed in a small shop on the street. Before the discussion can come to a conclusion, the diner sitting next to him suddenly reveals his identity and says, "I am the celebrity you are discussing." Beyond belief, I was deeply shocked.

When Zhao Shiqi suppressed his shock, it felt a bit natural.

Newly registered user three days ago...

It can make the engineers of Microsoft Research Asia speechless...

Able to pose more than a dozen extremely difficult and challenging questions with very different thinking...

It is only natural that such a person is a member of the team that develops the Pioneer system.

No wonder this "K" has such profound attainments in speech recognition technology and artificial intelligence...

After feeling relieved, Zhao Shiqi frowned again. The language of this invitation letter is simple and clear. It says straight to the point that those who can answer five questions will be eligible to receive the invitation letter. If I am willing, then "K" sincerely invites me to join his team.

To put it bluntly, this is a pull test.

But Zhao Shiqi had to admire him greatly. It was true that no one had never thought of recruiting people in the forum, but due to restrictions in the forum, they had to advertise for recruitment in the black market section. No one had ever come up with such a method. After passing more than a dozen test questions, Pick the person who can figure out the answer.

It is true that there are many masters in the forum, but if masters don't practice in person, how can they confirm that the other party really has that ability? Or what about the talents you need?

However, "K" is not only unique in his ideas, his actions are also almost impossible to copy.

Not everyone has the ability to ignore the administrator and act arbitrarily, and to attract all the member masters to participate.

This "K" may have already set up this game three days ago. First, the name "K" will be highlighted, and then a sensational evaluation program will be released today, and then candidates will be selected through test questions, and finally Tell qualified candidates who you are and entice them to join.

If it were anyone else, Zhao Shiqi would definitely give up after seeing this invitation letter for a moment. It is true that those questions can give a glimpse of the terrifying strength revealed by "K", but this will make Zhao Shiqi give up now. position, it is almost impossible to accept an inexplicable invitation.

But this "K" turned out to be the developer of today's system. This made Zhao Shiqi not only hesitate, but also waver.

His specialty is speech recognition technology, so he naturally knows how powerful "Coco" is.

It can be said that just by making this "cocoa", any company will not hesitate to meet any of the conditions of "K".

So Zhao Shiqi began to struggle in his heart...

Lu Yuan, who was thousands of miles away, looked at the thirteen people who passed the test on the screen and nodded with satisfaction.

After these thirteen people passed the test, their information was placed in front of Lu Yuan. Each of them can be said to be a high-level talent, the kind of talent with an annual salary of no less than one million.

"Hey, there can be five people with such talent... No, can two people agree?"

After Lu Yuan was satisfied, he couldn't help but have such doubts. (PS: In short, as the New Year approaches, Laoyu wishes all book friends a happy New Year, smooth work and study, and happy family... I have almost never asked for votes. Please vote for Laoyu before the end of 2015)

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