Hardcore crisis

Chapter 59 Influence

Three hundred and seventy-nine!

Sitting in front of the computer, Huang Ze's face was tense, his pupils were constricted, his lips were biting, his buttocks were straight, and his eyes were fixed. This was not a physiological reaction caused by watching Tokyo on a hot day. In fact, if you browse Tokyo's website openly in front of a group of colleagues, you will definitely attract disapproving looks from those around you.

Especially when you are surrounded by male colleagues.

Especially when the male colleagues around him were staring at the screen with him.

Especially when the male colleagues around him are standing behind him.

So for the sake of happiness in the rest of his life, Huang Ze couldn't make such a stupid mistake.

Three hundred and seventy-nine!

This is a number.

A short message number.

A number reached in less than a minute.

Moreover, this number is still moving rapidly towards a larger goal with the passage of time, and there is no sign of ending.

“Subscription numbers are about to explode.”

Huang Ze said decisively.

Naturally, the subscription account cannot really explode. Even if dozens or hundreds of times more people send messages, the subscription account will not explode.

What he was talking about was the messages sent by fans who paid attention to the subscription account. In the same time period, the number of messages sent greatly exceeded ever before.

"It's almost five hundred..."

The number of messages sent continues to increase, but the content is basically the same.

"Is the review content in this issue true?"

"Brother Yan, where did you get the system?"

"Where can I download this system? Is it suitable for my mobile phone? My mobile phone model is..."

It is nothing more than seeking the truth, asking for information about the download address, and mixed with some scolding for being a liar.

With the automatic reply robot here, Huang Ze didn't have to worry about how to answer. In fact, he couldn't answer them. There were too many.

He is lucky. As for Cheng Sheng, who manages the website forum, he can achieve the miracle of more than 20 comments appearing in one second by simply pressing F5 on the keyboard.

Even though Yan Zhiwen's evaluation is relatively famous on the Internet, most netizens are still exposed to "smart technology" through videos. In addition, "smart technology" was established not long ago, and the activity and traffic of the official website are not too high.

The views on Youku may exceed hundreds of thousands and the comments may be hundreds, but on the official website, the comments may only be 20 or 30.


The number of comments below this video has exceeded 500.

Very small, very ridiculous.

Cheng Sheng turned his attention to the monitor next to him, which was playing reviews of two barrage websites AB.

There are 9,764 people watching at Station A. Well, 355 more people were added at this moment.

The number of people watching at Station B...

35,234 people.

It has been played 550,000 times and the number of barrages is 54,000.

This is not an exaggerated figure. On these two barrage websites, there are many videos with millions of views, tens of thousands of barrage videos, and even exaggerated data with over ten million views.

It’s just this program…

There are only four hours until the video is uploaded and released.

Accompanying the sound of the video playing, there is also the ringing of the phone in the studio, and the operator's "Uh-huh... I'm sorry, our boss is not here right now."

"Where has Brother Yan gone?"

Cheng Sheng reached out and grabbed a colleague who was about to walk by in a hurry. It was like an eagle's claws hooking a poor white rabbit, showing no mercy to the female colleague.


The little white rabbit kicked his feet, pushed the eagle's body away, and jumped away.

"Can you escape it?"

The eagle was not frustrated by the rabbit's escape, and murmured to himself: "The monk's temple is still here, how can we escape it?"

Yan Zhiwen really needs to hide for a while. He can't do it without hiding.

He is no longer the single man who conquered the world in the past. After he established a studio, he naturally established contacts with various manufacturers, and sometimes it was inevitable to obtain some sponsorship.

If he turns on his cell phone, the calls from various companies will make him realize what it means to be a human being.

So Yan Zhiwen was very smart. Before the video was uploaded, he left Beijing, turned off his mobile phone, and changed his number so that no one could find him. Anyway, he had a lot to do. After many exchanges with Lu Yuan, his treatment issue was initially finalized. The salary was considered to be average in the industry, but the position offered was something Yan Zhiwen really didn't expect.

Whether you can do it or not is one thing, but whether you dare to do it or not is another thing entirely.

If he couldn't seize this opportunity, Yan Zhiwen would definitely regret it for the rest of his life. He was only thirty-three years old, which was a good time to start a business. Last year, he dared to independently create "smart technology", which matched his spirit of daring to fight. Inseparable from relationships. Now that there is a bigger and better opportunity in front of him, Yan Zhiwen has no reason not to fight for it.

Pull people, pull people, pull people...

The list he spent several nights on was all the special high-end talents he needed. If it were before, he really wouldn't be qualified to recruit others, and others would be able to recruit him... But he was holding a mobile phone that was flashed with the Pioneer system. , Yan Zhiwen felt much more confident, and took the information sent by Lu Yuan to embark on a week-long recruitment operation.

As soon as he left, the Internet started to get excited.

The review uploaded in the morning, four hours later, had been played more than 550,000 times at station B, and was placed in a prominent position on the homepage by station B staff.

But at this time, the scope of influence is still within a small circle.

There are too many people who don't pay attention to these things. After all, the evaluation of digital products is just a small circle.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, a well-known celebrity retweeted a message titled "Is Artificial Intelligence Really Coming?" 》’s ** began to attract the attention of outsiders.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, several heavyweight media published relevant news on the homepage of their websites, and Tencent pushed a pop-up window of this news.

By four o'clock in the afternoon, the number of views on the two stations AB had exceeded 2 million. Questions about whether it was true or false arose on Zhihu, and many people in the industry began to express their opinions.

When night fell, the official website of "Smart Technology" finally restored the link three hours after the server went down, but the comment area was still flooded with comments.

As the initiator of this incident, Lu Yuan was busy all day without any conscious thought. Only in the evening did he remember Yan Zhiwen's words, saying that the latest issue of reviews would be released today, so he searched online and paid attention.

This attention even made him stunned for a while.

The spread of information on modern networks is so fast!

In just one day, Yan Zhiwen's review video has hit the homepage of Facebook, WeChat Moments, and many websites. There are enthusiastic comments everywhere. Well, almost half of them are doubters.

But think about the many scandals in the past, which can spread to the entire Internet in a few hours and make everyone aware. And with the performance of Pioneer's artificial intelligence, anyone who has watched the video will naturally be attracted by Yan Zhiwen's episode. Reviews are amazing.

Yes, it’s as if I was used to a 2.5-inch large-screen mobile phone with a full keyboard, and suddenly saw a 3.5-inch capacitive touch-screen mobile phone with a retina screen. The kind of surprise that can be seen at a glance is the most amazing thing about this. Good feelings.

Thinking of this, Lu Yuan felt a little relieved, and he was also a little glad that he had weakened the AI ​​level of "Coco". Otherwise, the original version would not be amazing, but would be shocking.

Seeing the enthusiastic comments on the Internet, Lu Yuan didn't feel much excitement, or in other words, his heart was calm and there was no ripple at all.

He looked extremely calm.

This is indeed the case. If you come out with something that is obviously better than Microsoft and Apple products, let’s not discuss whether it can be successful. It will definitely cause huge waves. The outcome is 100%.

It's just that if this kind of heat is not handled well, it will obviously cause some trouble for subsequent plans.

As the popularity of this matter rises, major domestic manufacturers will definitely take notice, and international multinational companies will definitely be very interested.

As far as Lu Yuan knows, Paul Furgale, the former deputy director of the Automatic Systems Laboratory at ETH Zurich, joined Apple at the beginning of this year. A few months ago, Tesla's former top engineer, Nvidia's artificial intelligence expert, and deep learning software director were poached by Apple. It also acquired a number of companies that research artificial intelligence this year.

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