Hardcore crisis

Chapter 56 Evaluation (1)

It is said that a successful person should think more and sum up his experiences and lessons every day, so that he can take a successful step on the road to the peak of life.

In the early morning of September 5th, the weather was relatively cool, so why not say hello to your colleagues and sit down at your desk.

"Another beautiful day."

I poured myself a cup of tea and took a sip. It felt very good. It would be even better if today wasn't Saturday.

As the editor of Digital Home, we are not able to follow the weekend regulations like ordinary companies. Digital Home must update a large number of scientific and technological articles every day, so every Saturday and Sunday, we must work overtime in rotation.

There were only so many editors in total. After enjoying a short holiday, it was my turn to come to work again.

I silently put down the tea cup. Somehow, when I thought about working overtime on weekends, my mood began to feel depressed unconsciously.

Fortunately, I don't have a girlfriend, so I won't get into trouble if I work overtime on weekends.

This is your luck!

With a sigh, why not click on an article with the mouse? Just now, his colleague handed over his shift to him and went back to rest. Now it is his turn to work. There are about four more articles in the folder, all of which have been reviewed by colleagues. Every twenty to thirty minutes, Digital Home will publish a scientific article, so these four articles are really Not enough.

Fortunately, he was not the only editor working, and the other two colleagues must have the rest of the inventory.

Most of Digital Home's articles come from various online media, so as an editor, you must be proficient in English. Many of the latest news are published in English by foreign media. If you don't understand English, you won't be able to understand English. Don't go to the outside world to search for useful news.

As always, why not log in to various major foreign media and browse and search to see if there is anything worth noting. If not, go to some English forums to see if there is any accidentally leaked news.

Sometimes certain news is leaked from these forums. For example, every year about the Apple mobile phone, there are always various rumors that are both true and false. Many of them are posted by anonymous people on these forums.

As for spreading false news or rumors, does it count? Of course not.

Regarding the Apple mobile phone, even if it is fake news, it is still valuable fake news and does not matter at all!

Of course, the most important thing is that often these fake news can attract a lot of traffic and clicks. Whether it is abuse or praise, it has nothing to do with them. As long as there are clicks and traffic, that is the most important thing.

From this perspective, why not welcome such news.

After working as an editor for three years, he has long been able to be as immovable as a mountain and as stable as a rock. No matter how netizens insulted the editor in the comments like the sea, water overflowing the golden mountain, etc., he turned a blind eye and considered this to be the greatest harm to him. Appreciated.

"As expected... everyone is still very satisfied with me today."

I just posted an article, and within ten minutes, the comments below were full of people scolding the editor for being a water god.

From He Buwei's point of view, this is simply a bit ecstatic.

Readers are still too young after all!

Browsing through major websites, looking for useful news and information, it didn't take long for him to find several good articles. He reviewed them first and then sent them to the editor for review. If there were no problems, he would be able to read them later. Send it to the Digital Home website.

"Hey, has Yan Zhiwen posted another review?"

I was a little confused, but then it became clear. According to common sense, it should be the next review of OnePlus 2 mobile phones, Huawei Honor 7, Meizu MX5 and other mobile phones. He had already followed Yan Zhiwen's official account and knew that the content of the next evaluation would probably be like this.

Although Yan Zhiwen's evaluation is not very professional in China, because of his fair stance and closeness to the masses, he has gathered more fans than those evaluation institutions with professional equipment.

Every time Yan Zhiwen publishes an evaluation video, the number of clicks on various websites is usually more than hundreds of thousands, and sometimes even close to a million clicks.

Although Digital Home generally does not publish Yan Zhiwen's review videos, as a digital editor, why not be very interested in Yan Zhiwen's review videos, and basically follow up every review issue.

Look at the tasks for the morning basically completed...

He stood up, looked up and glanced around, but the boss wasn't there either.

Why not sit down, light a cigarette, take a deep breath, and open this review video at will.

Still a familiar smell.

Yan Zhiwen was wearing a T-shirt and said, "Hello everyone, I am Yan Zhiwen. Welcome to 'Smart Technology'. Another two weeks have passed... Well, it has really been two weeks. In In the last program, we conducted a detailed comparison test of the main models priced at 2,000 yuan, including Xiaomi Note, Huawei Honor 7 and Meizu MX5. During this period, there are many manufacturers It has released main models priced at 2,000 yuan, including OnePlus 2 and Nubia Z9MAX, which are known as the main models of OnePlus in 2016.”

"This program was originally intended to continue to bring you a larger range of comparative tests..."

"But there was a little surprise."

When saying this, Yan Zhiwen in the video smiled slightly.

sinister smile!

Why not be startled, wondering what Yan Zhiwen was trying to sell, and looked at the click data on the right. Well, the video just released had less than a hundred clicks.

Are you planning to change your phone for evaluation?

Apart from these mobile phones, are there any other newly released mobile phones recently?

By the way, Apple 6S is coming out soon, and then there will be another chance to make a big splash. Thinking about so much news, it’s really hard to finish.

With a slight sigh, why not continue to focus on the video.

"Because of this accident, the content of this episode may need to be changed. Regarding the expanded comparison test of the previous episode, we will release it in the near future. What I want to test for you today is about a new system based on deep customization of Android , the name is PIOS, Pioneer System."

Why? System evaluation?

Yan Zhiwen actually started a system evaluation?

Why not be stunned for a moment. Although it is inevitable to test the mobile phone system when evaluating a mobile phone, this is only an intermediate link in the evaluation process. Of course, there is no time when there is no independent evaluation system. For example, when Apple releases a major version of IOS, there will be quite a few independent evaluations... But what the hell is the Pioneer system? You've never heard of it, right?

With the editor's excellent memory ability, why not spend two seconds searching the memory in his mind, and then another second to confirm what the hell this pioneer system was.

never heard of that.

Never heard of it at all.

It seems that Yan Zhiwen in the video also knew that what he just said had a big impact on the audience. He paused for a moment and then slowly continued: "The reason for making this system is of course not because of the advertising fees I collected. In fact, , I should be honored to be the first tester of this system, and if possible, I would be willing to donate the advertising money."

Logically speaking, this kind of statement should be just a joke, but from Yan Zhiwen's serious face, it can be seen that he is not joking, but really has such thoughts.

Well, why not? The first thought that comes to mind is that Yan Zhiwen has eaten too much...

Not only is it as simple as eating too much, but it is also damaging your brain.

It must be a customized system made by some domestic manufacturer. It needs to be promoted, so Yan Zhiwen was invited to advertise.

If he didn't charge advertising fees, why not rip off his head and use it as a ball for Yan Zhiwen to kick!

People are indeed capable of depravity. Unexpectedly, people like Yan Zhiwen, who used to adhere to principles, seemed to be bowing to reality.

It's normal. When it comes to money, not many people can maintain their original intentions. People like Yan Zhiwen who can persist for such a long time are themselves a miracle. It's just a pity that after Yan Zhiwen loses this characteristic, he will definitely arouse dissatisfaction from fans.

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