Hardcore crisis

Chapter 54 Ambush


Taking advantage of this rare opportunity, Eddie stood up from his hiding place, and his perspective suddenly changed, allowing Lu Yuan, who was observing through the computer screen, to observe the scene in front of him.


The steel needle suspended next to Eddie suddenly flew out with the turbulence of the air. The other two employees who had no time to react immediately groaned and fell to the ground.

However, the gunfire here had already alerted the people nearby. Eddie walked around the body and suddenly bumped into someone around the corner.

This time there was no need for Lu Yuan to attack. At this moment, Eddie did not retreat but moved forward. He shrank into the opponent's arms, tripped the opponent with a jab with one foot, grabbed the opponent's arm and suddenly threw him back.


Lu Yuan looked at Eddie's actions in surprise, thinking that the changes brought about by NZT were too great. It seemed that as time passed, the memories in his mind were integrating into the instincts of his body. If you think about it carefully, you don't need to be too surprised. As a person who has been in love for a long time, Lu Yuan knows that integrating memories into the body is not too difficult to do.

After knocking the opponent unconscious, Eddie continued to move forward. If something abnormal was detected in front of him while walking, Lu Yuan would not care about it and would casually shoot at him with more than a dozen steel needles. He could always cause the enemy to suffer losses without making any sound. And if the enemy is encountered at close range, Eddie will take action and skillfully fight. It is really hard to imagine that a few hours ago, this was a man who didn't know any fighting skills.

More than a dozen employees of the Drug Enforcement Administration were killed one after another. This situation made the rest of the people present seem to feel that something was wrong. Under the clear moonlight, there was still a long way to go on a dark and windy night. There were dozens of meters between them. , you can’t see the specific appearance, but you can still see a black shadow moving around.

The American DEA has been fighting drug traffickers all year round. Not only does it have advanced weapons and equipment, but its combat literacy is also not weak. After more than a dozen companions lost contact, the pressure on the factory seemed to be a little heavier.

"Bang bang bang..."

The bullets splashed on the nearby scrap equipment, and the sound of the rebounded bullets making one's scalp numb was numb. Eddie had to dodge first when he was less than ten meters away from the gate.

There were snipers outside the gate. It was probably a defensive measure to prevent Mock and his men from escaping, but they didn't expect it to be used on Eddie.

"They have night vision goggles."

Eddie was breathing heavily and didn't dare to stick his head out and try again. No matter how fast his reaction was, he didn't dare to gamble on how fast the sniper would pull the trigger.

Due to the restricted field of vision, Lu Yuan could not see where the opponent was hiding from this direction. If Eddie was to go out to expand his perspective, he would have to bear the threat of a living target. Even if he could take the opportunity to kill the sniper, it was hard to say that Eddie would not. Got shot at.

"what to do?"

Eddie asked in a low voice.

"Don't worry, you can try your luck."

"Try your luck?" Eddie was extremely confused, but the next moment, his eyelids twitched a few times.

When he was completely unaware, there were actually more than a dozen guns floating behind him, all dropped by the people he had just killed.

It was too exaggerated. A dozen guns of different sizes were slowly levitated up. Under the control of an invisible force that could not be detected, they were neatly pointed outside and the triggers were suddenly pulled.

"Boom boom..."

Louder than the sound of exploding firecrackers, the sound of more than a dozen guns being fired at close range is undoubtedly effective in destroying the ears. Countless metal streams turned into more than a dozen strings of bolides, instantly drowning everything in front of them. .

"Leave quickly."

The opportunity was rare. The sudden firepower clearly blinded the snipers outside. They thought that an alarming number of enemies were coming, and they were immediately suppressed and did not dare to raise their heads.

Moving along the obstacles, a dozen guns seemed like a lot, but there was only one magazine. Such uncontrolled shooting could only buy five to six seconds. What's more, with limited horizons, there is definitely not much time to gain. Eddie doubled over and jumped, instead of going back the way he came, he chose the road on the left, stepping on the scrapped car and jumping into the garbage pile.

Run, run...

Don't think about anything. At this moment, running away takes up all your thoughts.

The situation is unclear, and we don't know how many DEA employees are in this factory. If the delay continues, the DEA will be able to cooperate well with the FBI, so it will not be difficult to request reinforcements.

Under the stimulation of NZT, Eddie simply unleashed his whole body's potential. He seemed to have calculated the focus point before jumping. His ability to control the body was not even comparable to that of excellent athletes.

There is a wall in front of you!

Unlike in China, the wall of the scrap factory here is not too high. An adult can touch the top of the wall by jumping on the spot, not to mention that Eddie is sprinting at a speed of 100 meters at this time. He jumped up, reached out and grabbed the top of the wall, turned over and jumped out.

The movement was clean and neat, and he left the factory just like that.

But the unexpected is always surprising.

I thought I would be in a safe place outside, but I never thought that the place where Eddie jumped out was exactly where the DEA deployed its vehicles. A large row of cars was parked outside, and the conspicuous mobile command vehicle was just behind it. He was less than three meters away.

Fortunately, a large number of DEA employees entered the factory. There were only vehicles parked outside, and there seemed to be no people... which was strange.


The white man who got off the command vehicle with a walkie-talkie in his hand stared at Eddie in astonishment as he climbed over the fence.

Needless to say, the white man reacted very quickly, reached out and took out the pistol hanging from his waist, and immediately aimed it at Eddie.



His wrist was suddenly twisted, and the pistol he was aiming at fell to the ground with a "snap" without even pulling the trigger.

Eddie snorted, walked over, bent down to pick up the pistol on the ground, looked at the white man who was dripping with cold sweat and had no idea what was going on, and hit the other man's head with the butt of the gun without mercy.

After knocking the opponent unconscious, Eddie looked around and asked, "Do you want to leave?"

"Get in the command car."

This mobile command vehicle seemed to have good sound insulation, and the screams did not attract the attention of the people inside.

After hearing Lu Yuan's instructions, Eddie shrugged, as if he knew what Lu Yuan was planning, and without refuting, reached out and suddenly opened the door of the carriage.


A casual shot blew out a display screen, and Eddie blew the muzzle of the gun.

"That's it, gentlemen."

In the mobile command vehicle, there were seven or eight large and small screens. The men sitting inside wearing headphones turned their heads in shock and looked at Eddie, a stranger, standing at the door of the vehicle. They were a little unable to react.

"Okay, yes, it's you, tell me how the situation is inside?"

Eddie threatened with the muzzle of a young man in his mid-twenties or eighty-year-old with pimples on his face.

"Inside, inside..."

The young man had never experienced having a gun pointed at his head. He stammered: "The situation inside is a bit complicated... Fifteen people have lost contact."

"Do you know where Wesson is?"


"The tainted witness you brought this time... makes me look very unhappy, especially the bastard who wants to beat him up."

"I think, he, he is probably next to Director Eamon, in the factory."

"They're coming out."

Someone interjected.

Don't expect these DEA civilians to fight to the death. History has long proven that even CIA and FBI civilians are no better than ordinary people under the threat of gunpoint.

Seeing Eddie's gloomy expression, someone immediately betrayed his usually unhappy boss.

Following the line of sight of the person who interrupted, sure enough, the flashing blue dot on the screen was approaching here. Thanks to the continuous updating of equipment, the DEA, which has a budget of billions of dollars, has implemented digital equipment on its armed employees, which can be directly targeted to individuals.

Each flashing blue dot is marked with a code name. The civilian personnel sitting in the command vehicle naturally understand what each code name means.

I'm not in the mood to understand these unimportant things. There are five flashing blue dots approaching!


Ejecting the magazine and picking it up, Eddie licked his lips and said, "Don't do it yet, let me try out the feel."

Not understanding who Eddie was talking to, the civilian staff in the command car looked at each other, and under Eddie's order, they all fell to the ground.

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