Hardcore crisis

Chapter 495 Source

"Where are we going?"

Lu Yuan asked.

"Information about Yaseizi can be found in the library. The captain has obtained temporary permission. You can directly search for the information you want there."

"Is it."

Lu Yuan looked at Captain Xiaoyuan who said nothing meaningfully.

The normal-temperature superconducting maglev vehicle driving automatically on the road quickly reached its destination.

The car will not be parked on the side of the road, but will be stored on the platform next to it. The car is stored in it like a storage box. It is much more convenient than parking by yourself.

After getting out of the car, Lu Yuan looked up and saw that this was Sen Ruren's library?

It was actually a bit beyond his expectation.

It should be said that the library and the human library are two completely different concepts. The library in Senruren's words should be translated as "the place where knowledge is stored". It is not the kind of library that is common among humans.

Each cabin shaped like a shock-absorbing cabin is hoisted in the air. As long as someone comes in and steps into it, the cabin will rotate away and be replaced by the next cabin.

The entire process is automated, and the user does not need to perform any other unnecessary operations.

After Lu Yuan entered the planet, the equipment and things he saw basically allowed Senru people to completely free their brains and hands. There would be automated programs to help complete the entire process without even thinking about it.

On earth, it would be like suddenly wanting to go to New York. All you need to do is sit at home and speak out your destination. Then you don’t need to carry anything. You can go out immediately. There will be a car waiting outside. You can get on the maglev train and arrive there in less than 10 minutes. You can reach any corner of the planet in half an hour.

Everything in between can be skipped.

Other situations can be compared. From a human perspective, such a life is almost the same as heaven.

"Can I just lie down in it?"

Lu Yuan looked back at the cabin and asked.

"Yes, just lie down in it. You don't have to worry about the operation. It's very simple."

Xingyin stood aside and explained, and got into one of the cabins himself.

Seeing this, Lu Yuan looked at Captain Xiaoyuan: "Won't Captain go in?"

"I don't have to, I'll wait for you here."

Captain Xiaoyuan finally spoke, but did not agree to go in together.

Lu Yuan didn't think so, so he randomly picked a cabin and stepped into it.

Seeing Lu Yuan and Xingyin both lying in, the woman waited silently for a while before turning around and walking outside.

As soon as he lay down, Lu Yuan knew what was going on.

Virtual reality...another version of quantum soul!

This cabin is used as a virtual reality cabin. Is the so-called library equivalent to storing all knowledge in virtual reality?

And it’s... comprehensively recorded image data?

When Lu Yuan asked about Ya Shuaizi's information, the whole scene changed, as if he had experienced it personally. From the moment Senruren discovered the origin of Ya Shuaizi, a holographic 3D scene was staged around him.

Based on the universal year of Senru people, the time was 7255 years ago. Senru people received the help of the super-ancient civilization "Shell" and entered the interstellar era with rapid development. Under the leadership and coordination of "Shell", Within two hundred years, they jointly created the prototype of the "Mu Alliance".

5788 years ago, "Shell" suddenly disappeared, and all traces of its existence disappeared completely as if overnight. The "Mu Alliance" never saw any trace of "Shell"'s existence.

5101 years ago, the Senru people's colonies reached hundreds of star systems. At this time, the Senru people discovered the remains of ancient life in remote star systems. No one thought that it was precisely because of this discovery. The ruins led to a series of turmoils that followed, and thus started a war that lasted for more than 5,000 years.

This is an incredible and strange life.

The subatons obtained from the ruins quickly swallowed up the life of the entire colonial star system, and quickly spread to other galaxies through the passage of subspace. If the Senru people did not use the weapons left by the "shell" at this time, then Senru Renhe and the entire "Mu Alliance" will never be able to persist in the current situation.

This holographic introduction took about an hour to explain to Lu Yuan the origin of Ya Shuaizi and the rise of Senru Ren. However, after reading it, he became more confused, such as the so-called "shell of super ancient civilization". "What the hell is this?"

Another example is the ruins of Yasuizi discovered by Senruren. What are they?

And what kind of weapons are left behind in the "shell"?

All kinds of questions obviously could not be answered in this holographic image. Lu Yuan did not give up and continued to search for other information about Yashenzi. The result seemed that Captain Xiaoyuan did not deceive him. It came from a piece of information marked top secret. Slowly unfolded before his eyes.

"This is……"

After arriving here, Lu Yuan looked cautious for the first time.

When he saw Yashaizi before, he was curious why Yashaizi looked so similar to the unknown life form in the cave of the South Pacific underground base?

However, their shapes, sizes, and colors were all different, which made him still unsure of his guess. But this time, he had to admit that his guess might be correct.

In the cave of the South Pacific underground base, what impressed Lu Yuan deeply was not only the unknown life form, but also a spear inserted into its body. It was this spear that shocked Lu Yuan at the time.

Just because its surface is a single layer of dense metal-like nuclei, according to testing, except for part of the visible light, it absorbs almost all electromagnetic waves in the frequency band. Moreover, because of the special metal-like nuclei, its hardness is the highest ever discovered by mankind. The hardest object, even diamond, cannot leave any trace on its surface.

As for the high-energy pulse laser, it could not damage the spear. The low temperature close to absolute zero still couldn't do anything to it, so Lu Yuan had to give up in the end.

That spear left such a deep impression on Lu Yuan that it was hard to forget. As soon as he saw this top-secret information, he immediately identified the spear in the Yashaizi ruins... inserted into a similar Inside the body of an unknown life form that looks very strange.

"Ya Shuaizi...actually come from here?"

Lu Yuan's face had to be said to be ugly. The original prototype of the sub-shaman, which was very difficult for everyone to deal with, actually came from an unknown life form. Couldn't it be said that the two on the earth...the one on Mars, in total Are there three unknown life forms?

Are you kidding me, a mere unknown life form has caused so much pressure on the Senru people, a war that has lasted for more than five thousand years!

And what are three sources of such disasters in the solar system?

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