Hardcore crisis

Chapter 5 Guess


Lu Yuan woke up from his sleep with a splitting headache, breathing heavily, like a drowning man who had to open his mouth to absorb the thin oxygen in the air.


Unable to bear it any longer, he hurriedly jumped up from the bed, rolled over and crawled into the toilet. A large amount of filth suddenly spurted out of his mouth, sprinkling a large amount on the toilet floor.

"Huhu, did I drink last night?"

Lu Yuan's brain was heavy and painful, and his brain was in chaos. After vomiting, he lost all strength and crawled to the bed like a rotten dog. He was so confused that he didn't know what happened.

I don't know how long it took, maybe half an hour, before he slowly got up from the ground, walked to the kitchen, filled a basin of hot water and washed his face.

The hot water applied on the face was very effective. After a while, Lu Yuan became more awake, and his memories of yesterday were gradually coming back to him.


Immediately throwing down the towel, Lu Yuan quickly returned to the room, lay down and got under the bed. After groping for a while, he took out a plastic bag from under the bed.


Staring at the transparent pills in the plastic bag, Lu Yuan was silent for a while, then burst into laughter.

"Hahaha... Hahaha, it turns out it's really not a dream."

The laughter seemed a bit too shocking. Lu Yuan quickly suppressed his laughter, stretched out his hand and pinched a pill of NZT-48 from the plastic bag, and swallowed it in one gulp.

It takes nearly a minute for the medicine to take effect. Lu Yuan thought for a while, found a plastic medicine bottle that had been used up, counted ten pills from the plastic bag, poured them into it, and fastened it with the bottle cap.

The medicine is working...

The blood flow begins to speed up, and various complicated sounds also appear in the ears...

It's like the body suddenly changed from a dying struggle to a strong young man. Every breath begins to become beautiful, every sound is so sweet, and every thought is so fast and powerful. This is the real freedom from bondage. people!

Real people!

Instead of the previous garbage that was bound by intangible things!

Use two sentences to describe Lu Yuan's feeling at this moment, then every cell is cheering and every cell is breathing happily!

What is haze? What is displeasure? What is trouble?

They all disappeared without a trace, full of hope for the future, filled with bursts of energy. My mind could clearly recall the scenes of playing when I was one year old, and even the fragrance of my mother's feeding seemed to echo around my mouth.

Lu Yuan stood up with a smile and picked up the trash left last night. Oh my God, even picking up the trash seemed like he was dancing. It made people indulge in this without feeling any impatience.

So everything was cleaned up quickly and efficiently. Lu Yuan placed his hands easily on the armrests, crossed his legs, and was satisfied and intoxicated with his neat and refreshing room.

Indeed, for a single man, this rental house is already radiant. The furniture in many places just changes its position, and the overall feeling is extremely different.

Okay, after finishing the cleaning, Lu Yuan picked up the plastic bag full of pills, opened the seal at will, and poured it into the plate on the side. His relaxed look was completely different from the nervousness before taking the pills. Personally.

Transparent pills were poured into the plate one by one, making a crisp ding-dong sound. Within a few seconds, all the pills in the bag were poured into the plate.

"374 pills... plus the 10 pills in the plastic bottle, there are 384 pills in total."

It took about two seconds!

The potential of the brain was stimulated and the five senses were enhanced to an incredible level. With such powerful dynamic vision, Lu Yuan could clearly count the 374 pills in the two seconds after they fell in the air.

"One pill of NZT lasts for 12 hours. Does that mean I still have one hour, 50 minutes and 37 seconds to solve the side effects and develop a new NZT?"

These more than 4,000 hours only took into account the period of drug effectiveness, because Lu Yuan, who was not in the period of drug effectiveness, was simply an intolerable stupid monkey... No, no, no, it was not just for Lu Yuan alone, but It's for 99.9999% of the people on this planet.

The protagonist in the movie, after realizing the side effects of NZT, immediately began to educate himself on medical knowledge, and finally redesigned, improved, and revised NZT, so that NZT no longer had side effects, and could further develop the human brain and activate brain potential. , the effect is even better!

But there's a problem.

The world in the movie seems to be basically consistent with the real world, but the emergence of NZT itself represents an abnormal phenomenon and is by no means the product of regular changes. In other words, there may be better medical technology or talents in the movie than in the real world, otherwise it would be difficult to develop such powerful drugs.

The protagonist's ability to correct and improve NZT within 12 months is not just the result of one person. Behind him, there is an experimental team, all of whom are super talents with high IQs. Only in this way can the improvement be successful.

The development of NZT was also developed by the super large group in the movie who gathered a large amount of funds. Can Lu Yuan alone have the strength to develop such a thing?

Definitely not...

Let’s not talk about whether there is such biopharmaceutical strength in the real world. It is absolutely impossible for just one person to handle this matter.

However, NZT is just a small matter. Compared with the problem of how NZT appeared, it is the real core problem!

How did it appear at that time?

He fell asleep in a daze, and when he woke up, there was a plastic bag on his lap. He stood up and dropped it to the ground before he discovered it.

At the same time, the plot of the movie was also changed, and the protagonist lost the bag of drugs. Does this mean that the bag of drugs came from the movie world?

If people can suddenly fly or ghosts appear, it is a supernatural phenomenon. Then things in movies can actually appear in real life. This is better than ordinary supernatural phenomena and cannot be explained by current human theories. .

I insist on seeking a truly reasonable explanation...

Then Lu Yuan can give one immediately.

A super civilization that spanned a long time and space came to the earth, and became interested in him for experiments, so he immediately copied the drugs in the movie, put the movie in his computer with a modified plot, and then watched his reaction. how.

This is not difficult for a super-civilized race to solve. It can use supercomputers to instantly generate unimaginably realistic movie scenes, and can shoot a movie in just a moment. It is not difficult to analyze the human brain, and drugs such as NZT can be easily produced.

Such an explanation is easier to understand and accept than items in movies appearing out of thin air in the real world.

Naturally, the above is all speculation, and there is not much evidence to suggest that this is the case.

So further testing is needed.

Everything that happened yesterday began to replay in his brain, leaving no trace behind. Even the dreams he had during his deep sleep were clearly recalled by Lu Yuan.

"Well, is that so..."

Looking at the scenes in the movie "Never Ending", Lu Yuan focused his eyes on one of the porcelain cups, silently imagining that cup appearing in reality.

Is it a moment, or a momentary thing?

All in all, just like the 3D printed model was realized out of thin air, right in front of Lu Yuan, the porcelain cup in the movie - the exact same porcelain cup appeared from the bottom up in circles, from bottom to top, in two seconds Then, the whole cup fell from the sky.


Stretching out his index finger, Lu Yuan used only one index finger to hit the bottom of the porcelain cup. At that difficult-to-master balance point, the porcelain cup and his fingers formed a stable temporary balance bridge.

"Can you see through my thoughts? Can you read brain waves?"

After all, I didn’t witness what happened yesterday, so I can only make a guess. And when this supernatural scene actually appeared in front of him, Lu Yuan could not help but be extremely surprised at this moment.

"I went to the Internet cafe last night and checked. The online resources have not changed. To be precise, only my computer has changed. So is there something wrong with this computer, or..."

Putting the porcelain cup on the table, Lu Yuan checked the computer's network link. After several days of repairs, the network was finally able to access the Internet normally today.

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