Hardcore crisis

Chapter 48 Negotiation

When Lu Yuan didn't come, Yan Zhiwen was extremely anxious, looking around and still unable to calm down. Now he finally waited until Lu Yuan came, but he calmed down and looked at Lu Yuan carefully.

Very young, probably no older than twenty-seven.

Most of the young people at this age are still working diligently to accumulate capital, or they have been working in the society for many years. However, it must be said that few people show extraordinary stability and calmness at this age.

According to Lu Yuan, the Pioneer system was developed by him and his team. If he could develop such a powerful thing, he would definitely know how valuable this thing would be. Holding such a treasure in hand, he behaved calmly and walked very steadily with strong steps. Just one glance at it and the initial impression it gives is that it is reliable!

It's strange, but this really gave Yan Zhiwen such an idea.

"Please take a seat, Mr. Lu."

"Brother Yan, you're welcome."

The two parties shook hands in a friendly manner before sitting down and looking at each other.

"Hey, although you said before that you were only 24 years old, I didn't quite believe it. I didn't expect Mr. Lu to be so young."

"Age has never been a constraint on talent. In the software industry, I think there are many people younger and more capable than me, and past history has proven this."

"Haha, Mr. Lu is so humble. I dare say that with this personal voice assistant you have built, the results you will achieve in the future will never be half inferior to those in history."

After praising Lu Yuan, Yan Zhiwen got to the point. This matter was too important, and he didn't have much patience to be too polite.

"Mr. Lu, I would like to ask, is everything about this system really made by your team?"

"...I understand what you mean. Yes, all rights to this system belong to me and my team. You can rest assured about this."

"That's good, Mr. Lu. Please forgive me for being a little presumptuous. I don't know... why do you want to leave the testing of this system to me? If you recommend it, I think whether it is Google or Microsoft, I can’t refuse your request, right?”

Yan Zhiwen asked cautiously.

"Because I am still just a sheep. If a sheep enters the tiger's mouth, how can I escape if I don't satisfy the tiger's mouth?"

Lu Yuan looked directly at Yan Zhiwen: "Besides, I have other considerations. I don't want to become someone else's puppet. As for the funding issue, there is already a company that has said it will invest in me, so I don't need to look for it." VCs."

Yan Zhiwen was immediately surprised when he told the commercial secrets so straightforwardly. He looked at Lu Yuan in astonishment: "Then..."

"Let's put it this way, I don't like nonsense. The reason why I leave it to you, Brother Yan, to evaluate is because I think you are qualified to cooperate. I personally also admire your ability... I believe you have also seen it. Value, so, Mr. Yan, are you willing to join my planned project?"

It is rumored that Softbank founder Masayoshi Son met with Jack Ma. Ma Yun only spoke for six minutes before Son expressed his willingness to invest in Alibaba, and the investment amount was as high as US$35 million. This was US$35 million in 1999!

What does six minutes mean? Jack Ma didn't even explain Alibaba's business model clearly. After just one paragraph of explanation, Masayoshi Son was willing to invest. This was not the effect of six minutes, but that Masayoshi Son had already understood Alibaba clearly before and knew Alibaba well. huge potential.

At this time, similar to sixteen years ago, Yan Zhiwen had already understood the huge potential of this system and the voice assistant. When Lu Yuan invited him, he clearly did not elaborate on any plans. Yan Zhiwen was just stunned for a moment, and then He said one word firmly, "Okay"!

Yan Zhiwen is a very thoughtful person, and his ability is really not weak. He just didn’t have that opportunity before, but when he seized the opportunity, he established a studio and it grew bigger and bigger.

After accepting Lu Yuan's invitation, the two talked for a while, and then found a quiet and private place to continue discussing many issues in depth.

At Lu Yuan's request, Yan Zhiwen will complete the evaluation work of this system as soon as possible. In the near future, he will devote all his efforts to this work.

"In addition, I will find someone to help hype it up a bit. I believe the popularity will rise faster."

Putting down the tea cup, Yan Zhiwen said slowly.

"It seems that I have found the right person. With your help, Brother Yan, I don't think I need to worry too much about many things in the future."

"By the way, Mr. Lu, why do you ask me to keep it a secret first? Why not take this opportunity to advertise the newly established company. The effect will definitely be very good."

Now that he had agreed to Lu Yuan's invitation, Yan Zhiwen cleverly changed his tune and directly called Lu Yuan "Mr. Lu."

"No, it just needs to be kept secret."

Lu Yuan shook his head: "People are very curious. I believe that with the quality of my products, it goes without saying that the results will be achieved after they are launched. So what will happen if curious people can't find the answer at this time?"

"I see."

Yan Zhiwen knew Lu Yuan's intention, but he had to say that this idea was a great one, and it had another benefit.

"I'm afraid Mr. Lu has a good plan, to avoid entanglement from domestic and foreign manufacturers, right?"

It is conceivable that once the Pioneer system is launched, it will inevitably cause shock to domestic and foreign mobile phone manufacturers. No, because the AI ​​of the Pioneer system covers a wide range of industries, the technology industry will be implicated. I am afraid that the impact will be stronger than imagined.

Under these prerequisites, a team that can develop such a system must be a key target worthy of the attention of all manufacturers. I am afraid that in order to obtain the Pioneer System, any dirty means can be used.

Before it develops and grows, it is definitely a huge mistake to attract the attention of so many manufacturers that occupy most of the resources.

Lu Yuan smiled but didn't answer, and said instead: "Brother Yan, be sure to keep it secret when you go back this time. If you have anything to do, we can open another account and talk about it. I'll leave the early publicity work to you. As for me, I will take care of everything. of."

"I know, Mr. Lu, don't worry."

Thinking of the promise given by Lu Yuan, even though Yan Zhiwen knew how absurd this verbal promise was, he still fluttered like a moth towards a blazing flame, unable to control his strong desire. Human beings are like this. The premise of rationality depends on whether the pie is big enough. When it is not big enough, reason will prevail. When it is big enough and there are unpredictable benefits, then anyone is willing to take a risk.

Now Lu Yuan didn't draw the pie, but Yan Zhiwen's brainstorming made this pie more delicious and bigger than anything else.

After discussing a lot of things with Yan Zhiwen throughout the whole day, Lu Yuan also revealed some future development plans. After sending Yan Zhiwen to the plane the next day, Lu Yuan returned to the warehouse and started the second step. plan of.

Running a company, and subsequent plans require a large amount of funds, can be imagined how difficult it is to make it bigger and stronger without attracting investment.

Fortunately, Lu Yuan does not need to take the ordinary route, and he is not so pretentious that he must experience life. Only those who have cheating methods and don't use them are called fools.

First of all, Sonny has penetrated into every corner of the Internet, including the deep web and dark web that cannot be crawled by search engines, as well as the most secret "black boxes."

The entire Internet has developed to this point, and is so intertwined and complex that it is unimaginable. However, ordinary people will only have access to the surface network, which can be searched by search engines, and most normal networks can be accessed directly.

The Deep Web is a network that cannot be crawled by search engines. Most people will not access it and basically don’t know about it. However, using some tools, it is not considered a fortification for ordinary people.

The dark web is a part of the deep web that has been artificially hidden. If you are not familiar with this field, it is difficult to enter it. Drug trade, arms trade, and all kinds of things that ordinary people don't know are all in this part. Performed one by one.

But what is unbelievable is that the surface web and deep web that can be searched by search engines actually only account for about 20% of the entire Internet. The number of domain names on the dark web is almost dozens or hundreds of times that of the surface web.

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