Hardcore crisis

Chapter 470 Language

In fact, the communication process between the other party and himself was more tortuous than he imagined.

In Lu Yuan's view, the other party looked like a group of scavengers, rather than representatives of advanced civilization. After the guy who looked like a human had been tinkering for a long time, a spherical circle device seemed to be able to unfold a holographic image. However, less than ten seconds after it was unfolded, a burst of sparks sounded, and the holographic projection device was completely scrapped.

For now, Lu Yuan named this unknown guy A. After A threw the things on the ground in despair, he ran to get a mechanical spider. He opened the cockpit first, and after working on it for a while, it actually Pull out the helmet with the cable inside.

Unfortunately, after A looked at Lu Yuan, he had to give up the helmet. The reason was that the helmet was definitely not designed for human use, and he couldn't put his head down at all.

Finally, A had to get into the cockpit of the mechanical spider again, and it removed another about 12-inch display.


The dynamic balancing technology of the mechanical spider is not inferior to the technical level in the world of "Mechanical Enemy". Unfortunately, the display A took out from the cockpit of the mechanical spider must be described as stupid, big and thick. Even if it is from the display In terms of color gamut level and clarity, not to mention compared with the "Mechanical Enemy" world, it is estimated to lag behind the current level of human civilization.

Although the display looks terrible, fortunately it is absolutely sufficient for displaying text, images, and videos.

Then the real exchange began.

Rows of unknown characters appeared on the monitor. They were not hieroglyphics, but very obvious phonetic characters. Specific characters appeared repeatedly in several paragraphs of text, and each time only one or two at the end appeared. The characters are not quite the same, but they are basically the same in the front part.

Lu Yuan speculated that the endings of these words should change according to the subject person and tense. The unchanged first part of these character groups is the backbone of the word, and the subsequent changed parts should be different suffixes.

It is indeed very difficult to crack a completely unknown language. Countless linguists have to spend decades or even hundreds of years. But if there is a "person" who survives and knows this unknown language, then it will be easy to crack it. Too much.

At least it was much easier than Lu Yuan imagined.

For example, Lu Yuan pointed out the sun in the sky, and the A there was smart enough to understand what it meant, and the corresponding characters appeared on the display. Lu Yuan grabbed the sand on the ground and pointed at the sand. A would also give the corresponding character and pronunciation.

Of course, Lu Yuan considered that the other party was using phonetic characters, so he gave up the Chinese of ideographic characters and instead taught the other party equally in English. And the deeper he got to know, the more Lu Yuan discovered that the phonetic characters used by the other party were similar to English. Based on the character relationships expressed by the other party, he quickly established a table containing all the other party's characters.

In this table, Lu Yuan could clearly see which characters shared the same vowel, and which ones shared the same consonant. It didn't take too long, and the corresponding pronunciations of all the characters on the opposite side were marked one by one.

Of course, this does not mean that you can immediately understand the other party's language. This is just the first step in communication and learning.

Another thing I have to be thankful for is that A's civilization level is at least as good as that of Earth's civilization, and they both have a basic understanding of the universe. This can be seen from the opponent's mathematical level. With this foundation, there won't be too many mistakes in Lu Yuan's understanding of the other party.

After all, Lu Yuan pointed to the sun and said it was a star, but the backward civilization thought it was the "Sun God". He grabs a handful of sand, and the other person thinks he is "mother." In that case, there will definitely be considerable problems and setbacks in the communication between the two parties.

After five or six hours of continuous study, Lu Yuan felt no sleepiness at all...even no longer hungry or thirsty.

Having completely separated from humans, he can still taste food, but he no longer needs food to replenish energy. Lu Yuan didn't know if such a life form was common in the universe, but the other party was obviously not a pervert like him.

A and those snake-scale creatures were eating a dark black, mud-like substance, and seemed to want Lu Yuan to taste it.

Lu Yuan smelled it and found that there was no peculiar smell. Unfortunately, he never wanted to taste it himself. He shook his head and rejected this dark dish.

Shake your head in rejection.

A already knew what this gesture meant, and licked the black "mud" clean with regret and without hesitation.

Soon, A sent another gift.

This planet rotates very fast, and a day and night only lasts 16 to 17 hours on Earth. When night comes, the temperature drops rapidly from 40 to 50 degrees Celsius to about ten degrees Celsius. Ordinary creatures will experience such a drastic temperature difference between day and night. Not feeling very comfortable.

A thought that Lu Yuan, who was naked, couldn't stand the temperature difference, so he sent him a "leather jacket".

Lu Yuan took it curiously and touched it. When he touched it downwards, the appearance of this piece of clothing gave the leather feel of cowhide. When he touched it upwards, it actually felt like wool. It was very magical.

When Lu Yuan put this piece of clothing on, it automatically extended and unfolded, quickly forming corresponding one-piece clothing along with his body shape.

"These clothes are pretty good."

Lu Yuan thought for a while but didn't understand what the principle was, so he simply stopped thinking about it.

According to his five or six hours of observation, there should be only one suspected human like A, and a total of twenty-five snake-scale creatures. They all eat something like mud to replenish their body's water and energy. , and only spends four hours sleeping at night, which is nearly three hours less than normal humans.

Their main job during the day was as Lu Yuan had guessed before, relying on various materials to excavate this huge building, searching for materials, equipment, food, etc. that they could rely on.

Encountering this kind of extraterrestrial life for the first time, Lu Yuan was extremely interested. He observed their actions with great interest, and at the same time actively communicated and learned with A.

Since he stopped taking NZT, his brain has returned to normal levels, but this time after his body has undergone earth-shaking changes, Lu Yuan doesn't know if his brain still follows the brain neural network... The hope is expected to be very low , after all, even the cell structure of his body is gone.

All in all, he no longer has the distinction between surface memory and deep memory. The memories he has seen, heard, and thought about have all entered the scope of permanent memory.

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