Hardcore crisis

Chapter 465 Mars Experimental Site

The speed of light is close to 300,000 kilometers per second. One light-year means that it takes one year to travel in a vacuum at the speed of light. In this universe that humans have detected through the cosmic microwave background radiation, the diameter is close to 13.8 billion light-years! But the diameter of the real universe is obviously much larger than this value.

The vastness of the universe cannot be described in words, especially when compared with the size of human beings, it is even more shocking.

Lu Yuan's body floated quietly in the vacuum of space, more than millions of kilometers away from the earth. From this position, the earth became a faint point of light, inconspicuous among the stars in the universe.

In fact, it is in the vacuum of the universe where the direction cannot be determined. If Lu Yuan's eyes could not focus the distant light into images like a telescope, ordinary people would not be able to tell where the earth has gone. All they can see is A huge fireball hundreds of millions of kilometers away, as well as the starry background of the universe and the endless dark abyss.

Human beings are really too small in the universe, so small that they are no different than tiny dust particles. Lu Yuan, who is like a god on earth, even though he has expanded his telekinesis to the limit, he still cannot detect or touch anything. All he has is endless emptiness. .

Before the start of the Holy Arrow experiment, Lu Yuan had already placed the Holy Arrow and the liquid metal under the Antarctic glacier. Without the super-computing function of the liquid metal, the reorganization and mutation of the body had completely destroyed the biochips in the brain. Instead of conducting experiments, Before, he probably died in space without being able to find the Earth.


It didn't matter. This body no longer needed the biological instincts of breathing and eating. The cells and blood had all turned into structures similar to silicon and liquid metal. He estimated that he would not die even if he floated in the universe for millions of years.

It's... terrible.

The eternal life that I dreamed of before, but I didn't expect to get it in this form, but the price of eternal life is to become a life form with a special structure.

Lu Yuan retracted his reverie. Not only his eyes, but also the whites of his eyes turned into a thick black. All visible light could be seen, and even electromagnetic waves and cosmic rays that could not be distinguished by the naked eye could not escape.

Soon, he found his goal.

"Is it there?"

Focusing his attention, Lu Yuan's body instantly collapsed and dissipated.

In just a moment, Lu Yuan's body was quickly reorganized in the vacuum of space tens of millions of kilometers away.

"Hey, why is there such a gap?"

Lu Yuan reacted instantly. Because the speed of light in vacuum is limited, once the distance is too far, the scene he can see actually happened a few minutes ago.

Judging from the speed of the planet's revolution, these few minutes are enough for Mars to travel four to five thousand kilometers.

Fortunately, this distance is not worth mentioning in the context of the universe. Mars also appears to be very large at this distance. Lu Yuan did not have to waste energy to find it, and a particle reorganized directly onto the surface of Mars.

So far, everything is going well.

Lu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the previous accident was really just an accident. Of course, this might have something to do with his increased concentration.

The temperature in the vast desert of Mars is as low as 100 degrees below zero, and the atmospheric pressure is less than one percent of the sea level pressure on Earth. Under such a terrifying environment, there is no sign of life on this planet that humans have longed for since ancient times.

To any other creature, this planet, which is no different from hell, is very scary. However, Lu Yuan is not even afraid of the vacuum of the universe at this moment. There is no difference between Mars and the back garden, but the distance between the back garden and the back garden is a little farther.

But Mars, which has no life at all, is simply a perfect experimental ground for Lu Yuan. He can conduct experiments here without worrying about whether it will cause large-scale casualties.

Particle reorganization and microscopic vision, these are two abilities that Lu Yuan has tested now, but he vaguely feels that he should have more than these abilities, and there are other abilities that he has not discovered.

"first of all……"

Suspended about one meter above the ground, Lu Yuan looked directly at the mountains in the distance.

Mars' gravity is only 37% of Earth's, which allows volcanoes to have higher peaks than Earth without collapsing. The relative height of the volcano in the distance is estimated to be more than 5,000 meters, which is higher than the relative height of Mount Everest of 4,000 meters.

For such a huge extinct volcano, when Lu Yuan slowly stretched out his right hand, the middle of the extinct volcano dozens of kilometers away suddenly exploded, as if someone had planted many directional bombs on the mountainside, directly destroying the mountainside in one breath. Blow up.

Such a violent explosion-like momentum, even though the atmosphere of Mars is extremely thin, immediately created a terrifying sandstorm, which swept towards the foot of the mountain with earthquake-like vibrations, and countless gravel was blown out. It flew dozens of kilometers away, was smashed and rolled down hard.

"The intensity of mind power has not increased."

Lu Yuan felt a little regretful and looked at his right hand again.

"Pa bang..."

In an imperceptible crack, the five fingers of his right hand exploded into pieces one after another.

Without blood, it was like exploding an object with a glass structure, and countless light dust scattered on the ground.

With a thought, Lu Yuan disappeared without a trace, then reappeared a few hundred meters away.

The five fingers that had just been severely injured became intact after the particle reorganization, as if the five fingers that had exploded before were just an illusion.

"I see, will the particles recover after reorganization?"

"And it's both soft and hard, as soft as rubber, yet as hard as steel when torn..."

Lu Yuan couldn't help but marvel at this change. He looked at his right hand up, down, left, and right. On the outside, it looked the same as a normal human right hand, but he didn't expect that earth-shaking changes had taken place inside.

"I wonder if you can recover if your whole body is blown to pieces?"

Such an idea is really too dangerous. It is no different than the Holy Arrow Experiment. He has a large amount of experimental data and is more than 90% sure.

And in this attempt to blow up his whole body, he was not sure whether he would really die. After all, if he lost the material carrier, he would not be able to think. Without thinking, how would he reorganize the particles to recover?

Shaking his head to dispel this terrible thought, Lu Yuan stretched out his hand, and a suspended gravel from Mars fell into his palm.

In previous tests, since his eyes were able to magnify images of extremely distant objects, doesn't it mean there is another possibility?


Lu Yuan's eyes all turned into pure black like ink. If there was an outsider at this moment, he would be shocked by the strange sight in Lu Yuan's eyes.

But soon, he withdrew from this state.

"No, this won't work."

As he continued to look at it like this, the entire palm and gravel were magnified many times, but like a magnifying glass with dozens of times, it was far from Lu Yuan's expectations.

Although he could see very far away, Lu Yuan had already realized that this was not just a telescope's function of increasing the viewing angle. His eyes were very complex in processing visible light and electromagnetic waves outside the visible wavelength, so that he could see very far away. It's like walking over and observing it in person, which is something a telescope cannot do.

"In principle, it should be possible."

Lu Yuan would not give up just now, so he simply sat cross-legged on the floor. Anyway, he didn't need to eat or sleep now, so he had a lot of time to spend on research and experiments.

Without biochips and liquid metal to keep time, Lu Yuan, who was obsessed with research, felt the passage of time even more slowly.

The time consumed by the rotation of Mars is not much different from that of the Earth. A day and night lasts a little more than 24 hours and 37 minutes. It is exactly the same as it has been for millions of years. The surface covered with sand dunes and gravel welcomes the sunshine every day. The sun rises and sets. Except for a few dozen kilometers away, The extinct volcano was cut off in half, and the planet was almost stuck in an eternity of time.

"So that's it..."

I don't know how much time passed, but Lu Yuan felt happy and couldn't help but make a sound.

Unfortunately, due to the thin air of Mars, noise that can travel several kilometers in the Earth's atmosphere can only travel a few tens of meters here. Lu Yuan's surprise was hard to hear by anyone else next to him. It's like a mosquito talking through several layers of gauze.

(To be continued ~^~)

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