Hardcore crisis

Chapter 460 Spokesperson


The portraits discarded on the ground were burned by the marchers, and there was a burst of cheers from the surrounding crowd.

On the other side, outside the temporary office area of ​​the Pentagon that has been moved to New York, it has been blocked by countless people marching. Among the people marching here, many are holding high photos and portraits of their loved ones. They are all members of the U.S. Navy Pacific Fleet. The families of the soldiers and officers of the Third Fleet, as well as those who had not had time to evacuate from Washington, D.C., were the main force in the demonstrations, numbering more than 10,000 people.

There were more people dissatisfied with the government's weakness and compromise, numbering in the hundreds of thousands, and their deafening shouts almost turned several streets into a sea of ​​human voices.

This is no longer a situation that the police can handle. Many senior Pentagon officials have already evacuated to Cheyenne Mountain. As the temporary office area in New York, they are all middle- and lower-level officers who cannot make decisions. Faced with such a dangerous situation, the National Guard was directly mobilized. Soldiers blocked outside the office area to block the thugs who were trying to break in.

If there are people who oppose it, there will be corresponding counterparts who support it.

In the other place where the two groups of people were confronting each other, a new religious organization called the "True God Religion" was established in the past few days. It quickly attracted tens of thousands of people and had a great tendency to spread across the country.

This "True God Religion" worships "Executivesword" as the true god, claiming that this is the real god in the world. He is the god who brings peace to the world. Only by believing in this true god can we get relief and salvation, otherwise we will face The consequences of going to hell.

The FBI's nationwide monitoring soon discovered that this "True God's Cult" had already existed, but the number of believers in the country did not exceed three to four thousand. However, after the fall of the White House, this "True God's Cult" developed rapidly, with registrations nationwide. There are currently more than 800,000 believers, and there are tens of thousands of them in New York alone. It is conceivable that as time goes by, the number of believers in this "True God Religion" will only increase. This is definitely not what the FBI wants. have witnessed.

Unfortunately, after asking for instructions, the reply I got was that they would be monitored 24 hours a day, but they were not allowed to take any unauthorized actions and crack down on the "True God Sect".

However, a scene that the FBI did not want to see finally happened.

"Bang bang bang..."

After several hours of confrontation between the demonstrators and the True God believers, a direct violent conflict broke out. It was as if a barrel of explosives had been detonated. Some people violated the law and took to the streets with powerful rifles and pistols. , when a conflict breaks out, bloodshed inevitably occurs.


An air raid siren suddenly sounded over New York City.


Soon the bloody conflict turned into riots throughout the city. Countless shops were smashed and damaged, and cars on the streets were doused with gasoline and burned. There were even more people with evil intentions who took out the gasoline they had already made. Bottles were thrown towards the military and police, inciting the crowd to attack the military and police.

"Stop! Stop!"

The police also tried to dissuade the crowds who were smashing, looting and attacking, but unfortunately they were met with violent destruction tools and cold guns.

"New York General Bureau, this is B13445, we are under attack, we are under attack, requesting support, requesting support, ah..."

The intercom was interrupted by noise, and the few police officers who requested support were directly drowned by the crowd.

Even the police team that had put up anti-riot shields could not hold on any longer. They were knocked away by the rioting crowd who could not see the end of the situation. They could not carry out the task of stopping the riot.

"Bang bang bang..."

The tear gas canisters emitting white smoke were activated. After getting the consent, the National Guard soldiers stationed at the rear poured out the rubber bullets in their hands without hesitation, and the crowd who attacked here suddenly screamed.

"Cough cough cough."

Dozens of rounds of tear gas were fired and rolled down into the crowd. After a while, pungent white smoke filled half of the street. The momentum of the impact was immediately stopped. Many people couldn't help but burst into tears and runny noses. They squatted on the ground and coughed. Lost the ability to resist.

However, before the National Guard soldiers stationed there could breathe a sigh of relief, someone in the crowd suddenly held a powerful destructive weapon and pulled the trigger on the soldiers, accompanied by screams from their own side.

It was simply a massacre.

Not just one person, there were nearly a dozen people in the crowd who seemed to have planned in advance. At this time, when a shot was fired, even a person wearing a body armor could not withstand the armor-piercing fire of a powerful rifle at close range, and several people followed. He rushed out suddenly, shouting in an unintelligible language with a ferocious smile on his face, and pulled off the bomb bundled under his clothes.


Once the extremely powerful bomb was detonated, more than a dozen soldiers were immediately blown away. After detonating several times in succession, the National Guard's defense line completely collapsed...

And this is just the tip of the iceberg in a city in chaos.

New York is by no means the only city in turmoil around the world.

The strange thing is that the cities where the turmoil occurred are all cities with middle-level safety index rankings. Those places that are backward and have extremely high murder rates are calm, at least on the surface. As for whether there are undercurrents surging, under these undercurrents No one can know until it actually breaks out.

Lu Yuan was suspended cross-legged in the air. With him at the center, large screens made of liquid metal were spread out on both sides. The screens were monitoring the London meeting, the meeting at the United Nations Headquarters, and the surveillance footage of major cities around the world in real time.

Albert, standing behind him, still stood motionless with a look of shock on his face.

Strictly speaking, Albert still didn't know Lu Yuan in this time period, not to mention that this was a timeline where history had been seriously changed. When Lu Yuan suddenly appeared in front of Albert, the president of a biopharmaceutical group who was keen on studying human life sciences was practicing meditation in the snowy mountains of Nepal.

These practices may not necessarily bring any evolution to the human body, but they can train the human body's endurance and mental willpower.

Albert sat bare-chested on a snow-capped mountain at more than 20 degrees below zero. Ordinary people would have been frozen to death, but he could persist for more than half an hour. In the eyes of ordinary people, it simply violated common sense.

However, compared to Lu Yuan who suddenly teleported and appeared suspended in the air, Albert looked extremely shocked and completely ghosted at that time. He was obviously in a snow-covered mountain and did not receive news from the outside world in time.

Lu Yuan unceremoniously occupied the snow-capped mountain temple where Albert lived alone. This area is deep in Nepal. It is difficult to see a person within a hundred miles, and it is difficult for military reconnaissance satellites from various countries to use resources here. , so hiding here, I am really not afraid of being found by outsiders.

"So...you want me to be your spokesperson?"

After browsing all the recent news, and finally knowing who Lu Yuan was in front of him, Albert could only force himself to accept the fact that during the time he was living alone to practice, he had no sleep for just half a month. So many big things happened when we landed on the satellite network.

What's even more incredible is, why did this mysterious man who turned the world upside down come to find me?

This is not a Marvel comic series, and he is not Doctor Strange.

"Yes, you will be my spokesperson."

Lu Yuan looked at Albert, "To put it simply, you will be the spokesperson for the extension of my will."

"I can not understand."

Albert shook his head in confusion.

"First of all, why did you come to me? I should have never known you."

"Second, I mean you have done so many things, do you still need to find a spokesperson? If you continue to say this, at least so far, there should be no country or organization that dares to openly oppose your order, right?"

"You don't know me, but I know you."

Lu Yuan said something that Albert couldn't understand.

"Secondly, nuclear deterrence is based on the concept of not using it easily. Similar to this idea, after this, I will not use my power easily unless necessary... Of course, you can understand that the king still needs to experience it personally Do you want me to do this for you? Do you need missiles to fight mosquitoes?"

Albert was silent for a while and said with a wry smile: "Such an explanation... Okay, I understand, but can I refuse?"

(To be continued ~^~)

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