Hardcore crisis

Chapter 451: Leveling

They looked at each other and no one said anything, thinking that they had heard wrongly.

Barack wanted to laugh, but when he saw the man's calm face, he suddenly fell silent.

He confirmed that he heard correctly. The mysterious man in front of him did indeed say the words above. Such arrogant remarks that only made people laugh were rare and pitiful even in film and television works.

If it were another place, another time, if they heard a person say such words to them in a serious manner, I'm afraid people would just think that he was a lunatic who came out of a mental hospital, and there would be no second possibility.

However, what makes people feel particularly uncomfortable is that at this moment, not only can they not laugh at such arrogant remarks, but they have to think seriously about it with serious faces, thinking about what kind of thoughts and purposes this man has in saying this. talk.

What is his purpose?

Is this really his purpose?

Why is he so confident that he can do it?

Yes, Barack stared at this man seriously. From his eyes, Barack saw a calmness like deep lake water, as well as unquestionable absolute confidence!

He is confident that he can do it all.

Barack felt extremely ridiculous for a moment. All the major powers in the world? Which big countries are mentioned here?

Even if it is the five permanent members, what is the concept of integrating and forming a political, economic, and military coalition?

Each country in the five permanent members is very different in terms of ethnicity, economy, military, and culture. The difficulty of unifying these five powers is as ridiculous as Germany defeating the United States in the 21st century during World War I.

Although everyone present was very aware of the absurdity of this sentence, no one could laugh.

No one dared to laugh.

A man who can lift the White House performs a miraculous act like a god coming to the world. The level of power he represents cannot be ignored by everyone in the White House. There is a very high possibility that his life will still be saved. It's in the opponent's hands.

Maybe if this man did such a thing in another place, they could still have time to think, formulate corresponding countermeasures, launch relevant military strikes, and eradicate this supernatural existence. But in this situation, they can only look towards President Barack, let's see how he responds.

"Mr. E, I think we may have misunderstood what you just said. Let me clarify. You should be referring to economic and military cooperation between major countries?"

"People should have basically evacuated, right?"


Barack didn't understand what the man meant when he suddenly spoke.

At this moment, the scenery on the large screen created behind the man suddenly changed, and dozens of city night scenes appeared.

Of course, everyone here can tell that this is the night scene near the White House in Washington, DC.

What does he want to do?

A bad feeling suddenly arose in Barack's heart.

"Mr. E, you..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a crunching sound, and the ground where the man stood cracked and sank like a fragile biscuit. With just the rhythm of a breath, a hole that penetrated the White House for more than ten meters appeared in front of everyone in Barack.

He... fell down!

"What's going on with him?"

Everyone in the conference room obviously did not expect such an unexpected occurrence. Many people were puzzled, but soon someone pointed at the screen and shouted: "There he is!"

"Yes, I saw it."

The man on the screen quickly fell to the ground hundreds of meters like a meteorite falling from the sky.

What does he want to do?

Barack's expression changed drastically.

Standing quietly and motionless a hundred meters in the air, the man seemed to be meditating on something, and seemed to be looking around, but within only ten seconds, he moved.

From stillness to movement, in just an instant, the man thrust his hands outwards. In the flash of lightning, the glass of two buildings tens of meters apart suddenly exploded into countless glass shards, just like a nuclear bomb was dropped on the seabed. The turbulent and powerful air surged in all directions, and the two high-rise buildings with a height of more than 100 meters were like soap bubbles. They didn't even hold up for half a second, and they immediately tore apart and exploded!

In the roaring explosion, it turned into countless rubble and debris, and continued to surge with the fierce and unparalleled air flow. It was fierce and indestructible. With the man as the center point, the entire city became a Dominoes, whether high-rises or buildings, monuments or the Pentagon, all fell one after another in the surge of air. The spectacular chain reaction scenes are difficult to see even in Hollywood special effects movies.

Rolling and boiling, accompanied by flying dust and smoke that covered the sky and the sun, even the concrete floor of the road was ruthlessly lifted up, rolling like a tsunami and sweeping towards all directions around it. A scene like the end of the world was staged in front of everyone. Everyone immediately screamed and stepped back in fear, looking at the scene on the big screen in disbelief.

If you breathe, the mountains will collapse; if you shout, the situation will change; if you raise your hand, the earth will shake, and the mountains will collapse, causing landslides and tsunamis!

The existence and misfortunes of billions of lives, whether they can live or die, are all determined by his thoughts.

Before such supernatural power, all high-tech weapons in the 21st century, except for nuclear weapons, are like toys in the hands of young children, without any comparable value.

Just a push from both hands.

Even nuclear weapons with a yield of millions of tons would be difficult to achieve, but that man easily achieved it.

Washington is finished.

When we saw that the Days Inn in Arlington, 4.5 kilometers away from the White House, was submerged, and when we saw that the Northeastern Holiday Inn on the outskirts of Washington was also destroyed, everyone in the conference room looked pale, dripping with sweat, and their bodies felt like they were being wiped out. Weak as if completely hollowed out.

Nuclear weapons are certainly very powerful, but except for the core parts, even if they are tens of millions of tons of nuclear weapons, it is impossible for buildings six or seven kilometers away to be shattered into pieces like biscuits. This kind of power is already so powerful that it exceeds the power of everyone present. They could not describe this scene in words.

The haze gradually subsided and the dust fell. When the rolling earth waves spread their power to ten kilometers away in the bumps of the earth, finally, the earth returned to calm. A minute ago, Washington, D.C., which was still standing on the mainland of the United States, has now been destroyed. Completely wiped out.

It literally means, smooth it out!

In the entire city, there is no longer a single building that is ten meters higher than the surrounding ruins. All we can see is that the earth is dark, with no light emitting from it.


In the conference room, the sound of rapid breathing undulated with each other. Some people were leaning on the wall in fear, while others were slumped on the ground, without any concern for their appearance. More people were pale with no trace of blood on their faces, and their whole bodies were shaking and shaking. .

(To be continued ~^~)

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