Hardcore crisis

Chapter 444: The Sword from the Top

Destroy and destroy.

It can only be described with this idiom.

The dozen or so militants hiding behind the bunker never imagined that one day they would die in such a bizarre way.

The hard bunker was mercilessly destroyed. It was only a dozen rounds of bullets, but they exploded with a power comparable to that of artillery shells. With the loud noise and dazzling explosion flames, more than a dozen militants were shaken both mentally and physically. The body immediately evaporated directly from the human world.


The Kurdish armed forces here finally got rid of their dull expressions, but their teeth began to chatter in unison, and the rifles they held in their hands almost lost control and fell.

Don't blame them.

No matter who faced this miraculous scene with their own eyes, it would be impossible for them to remain calm and act as if nothing had happened. The fact that they could barely stand was enough to prove that they were all brave warriors.

The woman who had the bullet taken out struggled to move back. It seemed that the man's incredible ability had frightened the woman as well.

The man looked calm, and with a move of his hand, the silver liquid split into many silver snakes, which floated into the wounds of several civilians who fell to the ground. In just a few blinks, the shrapnel embedded in the wounds was removed. came out, and the wound was sutured in an unknown way.

"Messenger, Messenger, he is the Messenger of God!"

Suddenly, someone shouted loudly.

Ahmed and Usta turned to look at their shouting companions in shock.

The companion was so excited that he threw away the rifle in his hand and shouted to everyone: "It's a messenger, haven't you heard? God has chosen a messenger in the east. He will guide the lost people during their journey. He is the messenger." A messenger!"

After hearing what he said, Ahmed and others realized that they had indeed heard a rumor recently, saying that there was a messenger who made a covenant with the Lord to save and guide people who went astray during their travels. Within two months, Many people were saved...these people swore they saw the miracles performed by the messenger.

But such rumors are still rumors, and they are even regarded as a joke by Ahmed and others. How could they have imagined that a miraculous scene would really happen in front of their eyes.

The companions became excited, all dropped the guns in their hands, stumbled out and ran out. They stopped more than ten meters away from the man, knelt down on the ground and prayed.

The great Allah says that if no messenger comes, they will be alone, but if a messenger comes, they will laugh at it. Allah sent messengers to establish evidence for people, but most people ignored them.

However, when there is a real miracle in front of them, who dares not to believe and ridicule the messenger?

Those who mock the Messenger will be punished by Allah... But to be honest, not many people really believe that Allah will punish them. Who can be sure that it is the real Messenger?

But the person in front of him must be the messenger.

What, don’t believe it?

Didn’t you see that the bodies of those who disbelieved and tried to attack the messenger were all gone?

Lu Yuan slowly stood up.

Looking back at the many militants who were kneeling on the ground praying to him, Lu Yuan saw that from the initial absurdity to the current dullness, he had seen the faith and religion that humans have when they don't understand things.

Along the way from Afghanistan, India, Iran, Iraq and other countries, he has seen not only the beautiful side of human beings, but also the ugly side of human beings such as incomparable cruelty, ignorance, greed, arrogance, jealousy, desire and so on.

Because of cruelty, humans can kill each other.

Because of ignorance, humans can kill in the name of God.

Because of greed, humans can launch wars without restraint.

Because of arrogance, humans can bully the weak at will.

Because of jealousy, humans can have countless fights.

Because of desire, human beings can squeeze the blood of their fellow humans without any scruples.

If these words were only expressed in writing or on film and television, they would not be as shocking as what Lu Yuan had walked all the way in person and what he saw.

He saw low-caste people who were born as untouchables and had no chance of advancement being raped, killed, and robbed but ignored. He saw the upper class talking and laughing, squandering money that the untouchables could never earn in their lifetime. He saw countless people shouting and waving their swords and guns because of their different beliefs, and they must let each other die.

He saw that because of their own interests, big countries ignored the rules and crushed weak countries, killing countless innocent civilians and did not care.

He saw too much strife and blood...

Lu Yuan realized that even if the crisis caused by the USB flash drive was solved, human beings are actually standing on a bomb all the time. No one knows that one day, for a small reason, the entire human society will be destroyed.

It was this journey that made Lu Yuan's initial thoughts firmer.

In fact, he himself has never been such a person. At the beginning, he only saw his own interests and ignored the threat of USB flash drives to all mankind. However, after a series of things happened, his mentality gradually changed. Changes have occurred.

Until today, Lu Yuan finally understood how a small group of people in human history could be so "naive" and "bold" and try to change human history and change the "ignorant" people with just a little individual power. .

I'm afraid he will never be able to achieve such great innocence in his life.

He has no intention of imitating that small group of people.

He may not be able to solve human greed, ignorance, cruelty, arrogance, and jealousy. At least after possessing such supernatural power, he can do another thing.

The Sword of Damocles!

TheSword of Damocles!

The hanging sword!

With this kind of supernatural power, he will be the one who holds the sword.

Forcibly change the development trend of human history.

Interfering in the political economy of countries around the world.

Intervene in the interests of major powers.

End global chaos and war.

Persecution threatens all major countries and becomes the Sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of mankind!

Without the power in his hands, perhaps all of the above would be delusions, but the reason why all delusions become reality lies in power. He had such power, even if the obstacles and obstacles were unbelievably great, he decided to give it a try.

The sunlight approaching dusk shone on Lu Yuan's body. He was clearly wearing tattered civilian clothes and a cloak, but in the eyes of the people kneeling on the ground, he seemed to be shining with a god-like brilliance. This made them even more convinced and uneasy. Will the Messenger of Allah punish them for their previous disrespect?

This is no joke. Just now, without even being able to show his anger, the envoy made more than a dozen enemies on the opposite side completely disappear from the world. If the envoy was really angry, wouldn't they go to hell even after death?

Ahmed quietly raised his head uneasily. He knew that his action was too bold, but on the one hand he was afraid of the messenger's power, and on the other hand, it was impossible not to feel 100% curious.

Messenger of Allah? God, if this is publicized, more than a billion believers around the world will come here regardless of the cost. No matter what they are doing, they will put down what they are doing and rush here with all their strength.

And he was the first group of people to meet the envoy.

This is a supreme honor.

He quietly raised his head, ready to take a look at the distinguished messenger... Huh?

Where is the messenger?

He blinked hard to make sure he was not dazzled. The messenger who was there just now was no longer visible.


What are these civilians so shocked about? Why are they looking up at the sky?

Ahmed subconsciously followed their gaze and looked toward the sky.

Allah is Greatest!

Ahmed's pupils were constricted and he stared at the rising figure in the sky.

The messenger didn't disappear.

But it floated! No, it's about flying.

His eyes couldn't help but burst into tears, and he shouted loudly, as if he wanted to vent all the excitement in his heart.

The layers of tattered civilian clothes tore apart like butterflies and were replaced by a black windbreaker made of liquid metal, which just happened to wrap around Lu Yuan's body. He no longer looked like a civilian before.

After being hundreds of meters above the ground, Lu Yuan broke through the obstruction of the heavy air. He no longer had any worries and flew towards the west at supersonic speed.

(To be continued ~^~)

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