Hardcore crisis

Chapter 44 Regret

Logically speaking, although the principle of robot voice synthesis is simple, if you want to really do it well, it will involve computational semantics, sentiment analysis, logical and statistical machine learning, signal processing, large-scale computing and cloud storage response, NLP and other technologies are not a simple matter.

Microsoft's Cortana has strong technical support behind Microsoft Research. Even so, Cortana's human voice still does not reach this level.

Yan Zhiwen knew this very well, so he found it unbelievable, not only because of the accuracy of the voice recognition, but also because of the terrifying robot voice.


Carefully shouting again, Yan Zhiwen tried his best to keep his voice steady.

"Hello, Coco is always here. Do you have any questions?"

Confirmed, this so-called personal voice assistant actually achieves complete natural voice control and does not need to be activated again... What Yan Zhiwen is most concerned about is that this voice assistant seems to be able to contact the context and store the previous information. information?

To achieve complete voice control, in today's era where voice technology is gradually maturing, although there are still technical difficulties, they are not insurmountable. For example, Apple's Siri can be regarded as realizing full voice control in disguise.

But the really surprising technology here may be something that most people are unaware of... No, it's not completely certain yet.

Yan Zhiwen's thoughts turned around in his mind, hesitated for a moment, and asked: "What is this registered account?"

"The registered account is provided by the developer XEON to provide you with independent private services. After registering, you can synchronize your information and contacts under your own account..."

This kind of registration is not much different from that provided by ordinary mobile phone manufacturers, but Yan Zhiwen is concerned about the latter.

"After you set up a separate account, we will remember you in the future!"

remember me?

What the hell is this?

Yan Zhiwen was slightly startled and asked, "What do you mean by remembering me?"

"To be specific, by accompanying your operations, Coco will be able to remember your operating habits and preferences, and will be able to provide you with more relevant services in the future..."

Yan Zhiwen reacted, and his facial muscles twitched slightly. He couldn't tell what he was feeling. At least for half a minute, he took a few deep breaths. He wanted to catch his friend and question him severely. A few words: Are you kidding me? who do you think You Are? Dare you brag like this? Do you want to be the big data personal assistant that Microsoft, Facebook, Apple, and Google have always wanted to do?

That's right, remembering yourself, listening to this explanation, is nothing more than the future vision put forward by companies such as Microsoft. After AI reaches a certain level of intelligence, it can provide individual services for users, cooperating with the role of cloud computing and big data. , the personal assistant will become the user's most considerate butler. Maybe you can't remember your own birthday or your friend's birthday. Don't worry, the personal assistant will remind you in advance, and you don't have to set reminders yourself.

Maybe you don’t know it will rain tomorrow, it doesn’t matter, the personal assistant will automatically remind you to add clothes and bring an umbrella.

Or maybe you like to eat a certain food and leave a record. Then when you pass by a certain place, the personal assistant will also remind you of the food you like.

And so on, this is the personal assistant based on cloud computing and big data, which will completely change human life in the future...

But Yan Zhiwen didn't need to think about it to know how complex and terrifying this technology was. Even large companies with strong funds could only work towards this aspect. Therefore, his friend was really loud. What does memory mean? Live with me? If you can fucking remember me, I should be scared to death.

Well, maybe it's just a simple module?

He couldn't tell whether it was ridicule or something else. If he saw it anywhere else, he would just think it was the manufacturer's promotional method. For example, a manufacturer promoted space water cooling. It sounded high-end, but in fact, what was going on? I bought it. That's all I know.

But this "Coco" and this flash package...

Everything seemed suspicious, and some technologies even surprised him. At least from the four technologies of natural voice control, continuous execution of commands, precise voice recognition, and robotic voice, each of them alone is enough to be used as a manufacturer's propaganda. The big highlights are promoted... By the way, the manufacturers here do not include the domestic ones, but refer to companies with deep heritage and technical talents like Microsoft and Sony.


Gradually, the little ridicule that was still there in his heart dissipated. Yan Zhiwen couldn't help but feel a little silent when he thought about the four technologies he had listed.

"That's outrageous. I'm definitely going to need sleeping pills again tonight."

Yan Zhiwen rubbed his temples vigorously. Whenever he had a headache, he would do this to relieve himself. It's just that the actions that usually can quickly relieve headaches are not very effective tonight. My head still hurts and my heart is still tangled.

No matter how much he had a headache and struggled with it, he had to admit one thing. The things made by that friend whom he had become friends with had actually attracted his interest.

The last time he had such strong interest was when Apple held its iPhone 4 launch event. After that day, it would be hard to see how many electronic products and systems could make him feel so surprised and skeptical.

"So... Coco, help me register an account."

"Okay, I will go to the account registration interface for you, please enter your username and password..."

“The username is ‘Old Thief of the World’ and the password is 5876942558749.”

Staring at the screen of his phone and placing his hands firmly on his legs, Yan Zhiwen was about to say his username and password in a normal tone, without any intention of moving his fingers to enter the username and password.

Just like when entering the WIFI password before, the registration interface of the mobile phone suddenly filled the input box with a burst of asterisks, and Coco's soft voice appeared again: "Please confirm that the user name is 'World Old Thief' and the password is 587..."

All right!

No mistakes!

Yan Zhiwen felt regretful that he had accurately identified it again. Should it be so accurate?


After turning in circles, I finally entered the system's mobile phone desktop.


Typical flat design, the UI interface is clean and tidy, exceptionally simple, and there are not many surprises. This made Yan Zhiwen slightly disappointed.

After going through the previous events, Yan Zhiwen's interest in this system has reached its peak even though he didn't say it. He thought that since everything in the past was so interesting and surprising, the real UI and system will definitely be surprising. Brilliant, right?

It's really surprising.

Surprisingly simple.

Frowning his brows, Yan Zhiwen slid his fingers across the screen, quickly browsed the UI, and then clicked on several settings and built-in applications to try out the functions.

After a while, he suddenly sighed, put down his hands and gently leaned back on the chair, closed his eyes, and had complicated thoughts in his mind.

What should I say? This system is not scummy. On the contrary, it has obviously made many improvements based on the official package and eliminated some bugs. It deserves to be an excellent flash package.

But it's just the word "excellent".

The word "excellent" can only be discussed in front of ZTE and some unknown mobile phone manufacturers. If it is before MIUI, although the latter is not as simple and beautiful as this system, MIUI's complex functions can meet the needs of any Chinese. In comparison, this system is obviously too simple and does not have many functions.

For example, MIUI's Yellow Pages recommendations and searches, various built-in life applications, etc. are all convenient experience settings for Chinese people.

So if you really want to vote, Yan Zhiwen himself will definitely not hesitate... More than 99% of users should vote for MIUI, and 1% are users who are tired of MIUI.

It's so concise, quite concise... quite...


This is so wrong, it shouldn’t be, this function is too simple, isn’t it?

He opened his eyes suddenly, seeming to realize some possibility.

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