Hardcore crisis

Chapter 335 The Eve of Exploration

Even though Hunter is a general and people here know him, before entering the glass greenhouse, he must undergo a strict ID check and iris scan to obtain permission to enter.

From the outside, this building looks very huge. However, once you walk inside and look around, you will find that compared to how huge it looks from the outside, you feel even smaller inside the building.

"Your Excellency General."

Seeing Hunter walking in, the officer waiting next to him quickly stepped forward.

"How are the personnel prepared?"

Before the meeting was held and the president's order was obtained, the issue of candidates had actually been discussed for a long time. As long as the order was given, the personnel who had been specially trained in recent days could rush here immediately.

"All three teams have arrived and are now waiting for your orders."

"Let Team A go first, and the other two teams will wait for orders."


"Let the people from Team A come over first. I want to see them personally."

"Okay, General, I'll make arrangements right away."

The temperature in the glass greenhouse is constant at 23 degrees Celsius. Various people come and go, including soldiers, professors and doctors. A large number of various instruments and temporary laboratories are set up inside. There are always nearly 500 people here. Inside serves this project.

The members of Team A quickly received the order and came to Hunter. The seven members of Team A standing in front of him were both men and women, all wearing field uniforms. Except for three of them, they had serious expressions and looked like soldiers. The other four people stared at Hunter himself with different expressions.

Among the seven people, three are indeed soldiers. They are all elites selected from the Delta Special Forces. They all have at least five years of military service, and their hands are stained with the blood of the enemy. They have performed many arduous tasks safely. Return.

But of course the exploration team cannot be all soldiers. These three people only serve as the team's security guarantee and will not use force unless necessary. As for the remaining four people in the team, the first one to bear the brunt was a man with sunken eye sockets who seemed to have not woken up. According to the information in Hunter's hands, he was 37 years old, divorced once, had three children, and graduated from Department of Psychology at Stanford University, this is nothing. The problem is that this guy actually joined the army after graduation, and finally even entered the Navy SEALs.

If it were just like this, he wouldn't be favored by Hunter. The point is that this guy has always had a good reputation in the team. As a psychology graduate, he performed well on the battlefield in the Middle East and solved the battlefield syndrome of many soldiers, and he temporarily acted as a psychiatrist.

This is the key point that Hunter values ​​​​in him. He has both the good qualities of an excellent special soldier and a strong psychological quality, which is of great significance to stabilizing an exploration team that goes deep into another world.

Nathan Babbs.

Hunter nodded slightly and put a check mark behind his name.

Next to Bubbles is a young black woman. She is 31 years old and is a biologist who likes to investigate around the world. She is not only very powerful in professional knowledge, but also has the ability to survive in harsh environments. Ability is also an indispensable professional talent in the exploration team.

Brights Aurora.

The other two were a man, geologist Reed Nitsch, and a woman, zoologist Betty Clara. All people received half a month of intensive survival training and mission instructions to ensure that everyone did not mess up without knowing anything.

Only half a month of intensive training was not enough to teach these doctors the discipline and requirements of soldiers. Fortunately, they finally knew that the person in front of them was a federal general, and they didn't say anything, waiting for him to speak.

"Everyone, since you have chosen this place, it means that you have signed the relevant top-secret documents and agreed to the government's request. So I won't say much more. I only have a few requirements for you, abide by the regulations, Keep it strictly confidential and ensure your own safety, that’s all I have to say, do you have any questions?”

"I have a question, General."

Babs suddenly spoke, attracting the attention of those around him.

"Say." Hunter said calmly without any surprise.

"According to the top-secret document we signed earlier, I saw that in addition to the confidentiality requirements, there is also a reward for this mission, right?"

Bubbles still had the same sleepy expression: "I just want to know, is this true?"

"There is no need for the military to lie to everyone about this."

Hunter nodded: "After this exploration mission is completed, regardless of the outcome, everyone involved will receive a reward of half a million US dollars."

Half a million US dollars is no longer a small amount. Not to mention Babs, whose current annual income is only more than 30,000 US dollars. Even for Nicky and Clara, whose annual income reaches 150,000 US dollars, this is also a small amount. A very substantial amount of pens.

"Still have any questions?" Hunter asked.

"Then there will be none."

It seems that the reward of more than half a million US dollars has finally lifted Babs' spirits a lot.

"Well, if there are no more questions, everyone should go back and rest first. The mission will officially begin at eight o'clock tomorrow morning."

Looking at his watch, Hunter gave a time.

Everyone had no doubts and returned to the original route to prepare for rest and wait for the extremely dangerous exploration mission that would begin tomorrow morning.

Hunter watched everyone leave and quickly walked out without staying here any longer.

No one noticed that on the steel beam of the glass greenhouse, an inconspicuous fly with a shining green light stayed motionless above everyone until Hunter left, then slowly took off and left along the ventilation duct.

Los Angeles, 27th floor of the Albert Biotech Corporate Building.

"Pa bang bang..."

"It's incredible..."

Albert stood outside the laboratory window, staring at the subjects of the experiment inside, with an expression of wonder on his face.

"It seems the experiment was very successful."

Lu Yuan stood beside Albert with his hands behind his hands. There was no expression of surprise on his face. It seemed that the success of the experiment was a matter of course for him.

It is indeed a matter of course.

In the laboratory, the experimenter wearing the mechanical prosthesis excitedly opened the five mechanical fingers on the mechanical prosthesis and easily picked up the fruits on the table. He also followed the instructions to pick up smaller and smaller items one by one, and even He could also successfully pick up the last grain of rice with his index finger and thumb.

"BOSS, do you plan to build this as another main product of our company?"

Previously, Lu Yuan had given Albert a lot of biopharmaceutical information, allowing Albert's company to successfully "imitation" several effective drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Now they have entered the clinical verification stage. It is foreseeable that , once these drugs pass FDA review and are put on the market, they will bring at least a market of close to 100 billion US dollars to Albert Enterprises and profits of more than 10 billion US dollars. And their costs are basically insignificant compared to the billions and billions of dollars spent by other companies.

And the mechanical prosthesis that Lu Yuan brought now is technically incredible.

There are six types of prostheses in the world today. The first type is decorative prostheses, which are mainly used to make up for the differences in the appearance of amputees and maintain balance. The second type is a tool hand, which is equipped with various daily utensils to assist amputees. The third type of traction-type mechanical prosthetic limb relies on the user's coordinated movements to drive the traction cable to operate the prosthetic limb. It has a simple structure, is easy to master, and is relatively low-priced and is widely used.

The fourth type of prosthetic limb is an electric prosthetic limb, which relies on a small electric drive system to complete predetermined movements and can only basically satisfy the user's self-care needs.

The fifth type of voice-controlled prosthetic limb uses human voice language to control signals and produces many movements, but it is easily affected by the environment.

The sixth type of myoelectric prosthetic limb is an externally powered prosthetic limb directly controlled by the brain nerves. The myoelectric signals generated by the muscle contraction controlled by the brain nerves are transmitted to the skin surface, and then interpreted by the control system to drive the micro motor to produce movements.

The sixth type of myoelectric prosthetic limb is the most high-end prosthetic limb and is also the direction of future development. The mechanical prosthesis in front of Albert is extremely sophisticated in shape. Its precision machinery and microelectronics technology, material science and physiological medicine are completely unmatched by modern prosthetics, and it can actually allow users to use it as they wish. (To be continued ~^~)

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