Hardcore crisis

Chapter 332 Quantum Soul (Part 1)


"Noah" is the name of this big metal ball.

Although this large base is less than one-tenth the size of the South Pacific submarine base, it has a very big advantage. That is mobility and submersibility.

According to the original design requirements, "Noah" can dive to a depth of 1,500 meters under the sea. After replenishing fuel at one time, it can move more than 2 million nautical miles while meeting the maximum energy supply!

The secret comes from controllable nuclear fusion technology.

In the world of "Mechanical Enemy", humans have been able to colonize the moon, and helium-3 can be used almost endlessly. It is not cheap, but it is definitely not too expensive. It is more convenient for the president of USR to provide helium-3 than for him to provide small nuclear fusion supporting facilities.

“How far along is Noah’s construction?”

While walking in the passage, Lu Yuan asked No. 6 and No. 7 beside him.

"The construction progress has been 68% completed, and it is expected that it will take 78 days to carry out the remaining engineering construction."

"very good."

Lu Yuan suddenly stopped and stopped outside the tempered glass window, staring at the laboratory inside the glass.

"Is this the brain-computer interface experiment I asked Sonny to do before?"

"Yes, sir, the research has not been interrupted. After the underwater base in the South Pacific was destroyed, the experiment was moved here."

In the laboratory inside the glass window, a chimpanzee covered with brown hair was lying on a chair, with his eyes closed, seemingly sleeping, but his limbs moved from time to time, making him look like he was about to wake up at any time.

Of course it won't wake up.

In other words, it cannot wake up without permission.

"So how's the experiment going?"

"Everything is going well. It is recommended to consider human experiments."

"How many experimental subjects is this?"

"Experimental Subject No. 244."

That is to say, 244 different orangutans have been used in experiments.

"...Then let me give it a try."

"Sir?" No. 6 hesitated.

No. 7 said coldly: "Sir, we don't recommend you try it yourself before conducting human experiments. There are certain risks."

"Didn't everything go well with the experiment?"

Lu Yuan stared at the orangutan in the laboratory, as if he thought of something: "This is a brand new step in the history of human science and technology. Naturally, I should be the first person."

Brain-computer technology is widely used in the world of "Mechanical Enemy", but it is only preliminary use, and in-depth development and use are absolutely prohibited by law. Lu Yuan disagrees. He believes that although preliminary brain-computer technology is very powerful, it is only a preliminary attempt, and only by developing it in depth to the other end can the full effect of brain-computer technology be truly exerted.

When Sonny was still there, Lu Yuan requested in-depth development of brain-computer technology. In fact, there were not many technical problems. The main reason was that the laws in the world of "Mechanical Enemy" strictly prohibited and vetoed the benefits of development and use, so this was allowed. Door technology didn’t shine.

This world is different, but there is no law to restrict him, so he directly and boldly plans to develop it in depth.

Thinking about it now, the reason Sonny agreed was probably because he was planning another plan after the development was successful, a plan that even chilled Lu Yuan.

A sharp weapon can be used for hunting, but it can also be used to hurt people.

It all depends on the user's thoughts. Lu Yuan felt that only in his hands could such technology be used by mankind and advance the times.

What's more, time is scarce now, so he must seize every opportunity to expand various technological developments and the development of hard-core technology companies. He originally thought that a large number of unknown creatures would emerge from the "fault" in Saint-Annou City. Unexpectedly, the nano-warhead flying towards the opposite side of the "fault" was surprisingly effective. So far, there has been no large-scale invasion of unknown creatures. .

However, the "fault" was discovered by the U.S. government, which diverted a lot of energy from the U.S. government. In particular, this incident attracted great attention from the international community. The U.S. government was weak in coping with the problem and wanted to explore the "fault" again. I am afraid that senior White House officials such as I haven't had a good night's sleep in days.

This is undoubtedly a good thing for Lu Yuan.

Washington's energy has been dragged down by the "fault", and it no longer has the energy to investigate the anomalies of hard-core technology companies. When unknown creatures invade later, all the government's energy may be involved.

The strength of the U.S. military is enough to block the biological invasion of the "fault", but it can also be involved in most of the energy, which is a good thing.

"No need to say more, just let me give it a try."

Since Lu Yuan must insist on trying, No. 6 and No. 7 did not continue to object and brought Lu Yuan to the laboratory.

Unlike the laboratory where gorillas conduct experiments, the area of ​​this laboratory is only about a hundred square meters, and its top, bottom, left and right are covered with round mirrors. As soon as he walked in, Lu Yuan seemed to see countless versions of himself. .

In the center of the laboratory, a silver-white metal isolation cabin stands on the ground. More than a dozen cables and optical cables are connected to the sockets and then extend to the inner wall of the laboratory.

He needs to take off his clothes and jump into the isolation cabin. In this metal isolation cabin, external lights and all sounds can be blocked. There is slowly flowing warm salt water and some neurostimulant drugs in the cabin. Lu Yuan is suspended in the water. With his head above water, a helmet will be placed on his head.

"The experiment is about to begin, sir, please confirm."


"The countdown begins, 10, 9, 8..."

When the countdown was over, a thin needle was inserted into the back of Lu Yuan's head, and a nano-neuron array was injected. These nano-neuron arrays can enter the cerebral cortex, monitor the brain's neuron groups at all times, and then feed back to the helmet's sensors. into the device, and then quickly transmit the signal to the quantum computer through optical cable for analysis.

The moment after the countdown ended, Lu Yuan had no sense of time. It might have been a second, or it might have been ten minutes. It was a very strange feeling. He was confused for a moment and found himself standing outside the metal isolation cabin.

Strange, when did the experiment end?

Why don't you know when it came out?

After being confused for a long time, Lu Yuan suddenly realized something was wrong.

He didn't see his hands, he didn't see his feet!

But there is first-person visual feedback!

This feeling is very similar to some first-person games. You can't see your hands and other parts of your body, but you can move freely. It would be more reasonable to say it is a first-person free shot.

Instead of withdrawing from the experiment, had he already begun it?


No. 7's cold voice came into the laboratory.

"Well, I'm fine..."

He responded, not with his voice, but "speaking" in his mind, but there was no doubt that No. 7 heard his voice.

"Yes, sir, you have entered the 'quantum soul' state."

The soul is intangible and has no substance. Countless studies have been conducted on it in human history, but so far there is still no reliable research data.

His current condition is really like a soul state. He can't see his hands or feet. He can move forward freely with just a thought in his mind. He quickly crossed more than ten meters and arrived in front of the laboratory door.

It doesn’t feel like walking on feet at all, and it’s really hard to believe that it’s a soul.

As if the door did not exist, he passed through the door directly and came to the passage outside the laboratory door. In the data monitoring room at the end of the passage, he saw No. 6 and No. 7.

If the ones here were not robots No. 6 and No. 7, then Lu Yuan was standing behind them at this moment, completely unaware that there was still a person's "soul" standing in the empty passage.

However, No. 6 and No. 7 had also been connected to the artificial neural network, and could clearly detect Lu Yuan's position and everything he saw, so they turned around and stared at where Lu Yuan was standing.

"Yes, this feels very good. It's like the soul has left the body. Is there any distance limit?"

"Sir, you can access the African base and the Chilean base. The four satellites launched three days ago have formed a quantum encryption network with the seven satellites launched previously, basically covering 70% of the global area."

Having a network is one thing, but it also requires special sensors and monitors at the corresponding location. Obviously, only three bases can provide such requirements. (To be continued ~^~)

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