Hardcore crisis

Chapter 329 Global Turmoil (Part 1)

"Is it a terrorist attack or a natural disaster?"

"Is the September 11 incident happening again on June 25?"

"Encountered a nuclear attack?"

"Big bang? The city of Saint-Annoux was leveled to the ground?"

"The United States suffered another terrorist attack, and the suspected city of St. Annou was reduced to ashes."

"U.S. officials said the June 25 incident may have caused more than 100,000 casualties."

"What is the U.S. government hiding? The media is not allowed to enter the city limits of San Anou?"

The New York Times, USA Today Morning Post, Wall Street Journal, CCTV International website, Xinhua News Agency, The Guardian, The Times, Lianhe Zaobao, and other news media around the world reported the June 25 incident as a major event, not only on websites and TV , even the urgently printed newspapers used almost several full pages to report on it.

In the United States, Australia, Switzerland, Spain, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Moscow, Japan, China, and even small countries as far away as Africa, the news media have all published photos or videos of the city of Saint-Annoy being "razed to the ground".

"Ellen, you are really famous this time."

Outside the White House, the lights are brightly lit, and countless media vehicles are almost blocking the avenue here. The previous security regulations have lost their binding force. The police can only try to block the door of the White House and restrict the large number of journalists from approaching. .

The police and security staff can still be polite to reporters, but for ordinary people preparing for demonstrations, riot police have put up shields and are ready to prepare for an increasingly serious situation.

Of course, no one dared to violently treat ordinary people demonstrating in these demonstrations. A large number of them were relatives or friends of the former Saint-Annoux City. Because they were worried about the safety of their relatives and friends, they were stopped outside Saint-Annouble City and were not allowed to enter without authorization. Outraged, he came to Washington and participated in demonstrations.

Hearing the mixture of envy and jealousy in her friend Nanna's tone, Ellen sneered inwardly, but she still didn't reveal her inner thoughts on the surface. She wiped the dust with a tissue, threw the waste paper to the assistant next to her, and said casually: " I just have a keen sense of smell as a reporter. As long as you study more, maybe one day you will have such an opportunity."

In the past, although Ellen was the governor's daughter and had a high status in the newspaper office, in the eyes of others, this was undoubtedly not her true ability and she was not respected by others. However, this time, Accompanying Ellen exposed such a big news, giving the newspaper an advantage, and even the newspaper boss praised it.

As a "friend" who had always secretly looked down on Ellen, Nanna felt jealous and angry when she saw Ellen's tone of voice, but she had no choice but to change the subject and said, "Ellen, I don't know if you can do it again. How about going in?"

Go in again?

When Ellen heard this, her face darkened. She didn't want to go in again. In fact, if she hadn't made the decision to send the footage back to the press and quickly posted it on the Internet, the footage would have been destroyed if there was even a little hesitation. If it were any other reporter, without her identity as the daughter of the local governor, she would not be able to act with the National Guard, and of course she would not be able to capture such a scene.

However, that's all.

As soon as the news came out yesterday, she was stopped when she tried to go in. Even if she revealed her identity as the governor's daughter, the interceptor was indifferent. And it was not the National Guard who carried out the blockade, but the federal troops who came quickly. , all the surrounding entrances and exits were blocked with all their strength, and a blockade of more than ten miles was drawn around the mountains.

No news media interviews will be accepted.

These are the words of the person in charge of the garrison.

Ellen was not a fool who just hit the bottom. After thinking about it, she contacted the editor-in-chief of the newspaper by phone and obtained permission to go to Washington. Sure enough, all the famous news media in the United States have gathered here, and it is foreseeable that in the next few days, there will be follow-up media from all over the world. In fact, well-known official media from various countries have permanent reporters in Washington. Naturally, they will not let go of such news and are swarming to find the news.

Unfortunately, American officials are very tight-lipped. Just when these media outlets were trying their best to find out the inside story, Ellen came.

In the past, let alone Ellen herself, even the newspaper she worked for was just an unknown tabloid in a southern city. Outside that city, almost no one knew about the newspaper. But things are different now. As the first reporter to report on the 6.25 incident, and also the only reporter to have gone inside, apart from the survivors who escaped from Saint-Annouux City, her news value is naturally not small.

Soon, Ellen enjoyed being interviewed.

A full day passed, and after Ellen confirmed that her face had been scanned by various media outlets across the United States, she declined subsequent interview requests.

The advantage of doing this is not only to increase one's popularity, but also to cut off subsequent "freedom of action" and "shut up".

She is no ordinary reporter! Even though she has a bad relationship with her father, who is the governor, she grew up in a political family and knew that if something like this happened, Washington would most likely temporarily restrict her freedom of life and her right to "speak." Unless she gets her face revealed in various media outlets as quickly as possible and clarifies her words, Washington will have no choice but to give up restricting her freedom.

Her idea was confirmed.

According to her careful observation, the survivors yesterday were tightly controlled. The few survivors who were interviewed also disappeared one after another. It was obvious that the government had quickly controlled their freedom of movement. Only she, because of her identity as the governor's daughter and a series of things she did later, avoided the same fate.

"It's impossible to go in again."

Ellen lowered her voice, "This matter is not that simple. The White House will not announce the truth so quickly. If you look at their approach, they must have discovered something there to seal off the entire scene."

If it were a simple terrorist attack, the government would not do anything to exclude any news media.

So this abnormal behavior is obviously unusual.

"You're right, God, they must be hiding something."

Nanna "gnashed her teeth" and was obviously very angry at the government's concealment. "We must dig out the truth and tell the whole story to the whole country. We cannot let the American people be deceived. Oh my god, what is the White House thinking? One hundred thousand How many people? How dare they hide it? Are they crazy? That’s not a few people or a dozen, but a city!”

From a normal perspective, President Barack is undoubtedly taking huge political risks by doing so, not only for himself but also for the White House.

He must be in pain too. He would be leaving here in a few months, but he didn't expect that such a terrible thing would happen at this time.

Ellen looked at the dark crowd and the crowd of demonstrators gradually gathering in the distance on the road, "This is just the beginning."

If not handled properly, this risky and abnormal behavior of the government may cause unrest across the United States and lead to nationwide demonstrations. And because of the possibility of a suspected terrorist attack, it is more likely to involve major countries in the world, which will have consequences for the whole world in terms of economy, politics, and military.

"Hey, Ellen, look, the president seems to be giving a speech on TV."

Just as Ellen finished speaking, the news from Nanna's earphone shocked her body.

Not only did she get the news, the crowd around her became commotion and quickly ran towards the news vehicle.

"Quick, let's go too!"

Regardless of continuing to gather outside the gate of the White House courtyard, Nanna and Ellen also ran to the news van temporarily rented by their newspaper office. There, several colleagues were already staring at the TV screen seriously, watching the TV images. President Barack's face appeared.

The next night, when the whole world was shocked, after a press conference by the US Secretary of State in the afternoon, at 8:30 pm Washington time, the black American President Barack gave a televised speech to the nation from the White House. (To be continued ~^~)

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