Hardcore crisis

Chapter 184 Resurrection?

First of all, it should be noted that the Malososo tribe still maintains most of its original way of survival to this day. However, more than 20 years ago, in the early 1990s, it could be said that no one could be seen here all year round. The complex jungle environment and dangerous poisonous creatures force outsiders to retreat in spite of difficulties. Besides, there are no valuable resources worth risking here, so it is normal for no one to come.

At that time, the Malososo tribe still maintained a ceremony to worship gods, which was a primitive religion's belief in death and all things in nature. Every ten years, the Malososo tribe would hold such a ceremony to worship gods. .

This is not as beautiful as modern urbanites can imagine.

In such rituals held every ten years, the shamans of the tribe usually order the preparation of ten pure girls aged 18 years old. After a blood ritual, on the night of the full moon, they are placed on the altar, their abdomens are peeled open, and the girls are taken out. All the offal are put into special containers, waiting for the gods to enjoy them.

The Malososo tribe has been holding such rituals for hundreds of years without any problems. Although the internal organs usually end up being devoured by wild beasts within a few days after the ritual, that day The rituals of worshiping gods are different.

After the ten girls were dissected, their internal organs were removed and put into containers, thousands of people from the Malososo tribe gathered together to sing and pray. Normally, the prayers would not last until midnight, and the ceremony would basically be over and everyone would disperse. go.

But just as the ceremony of worshiping the gods was coming to an end, something strange happened.

Kamim (the native) heard strange noises.

During the sacrificial ceremony, no one can raise their heads except the tribe's wizard Temae. Yet somehow, Kamim seemed possessed by an evil spirit that day and risked being executed. Hearing this voice, he suddenly raised his head.

Without any warning, he just looked up at the altar.

And when he looked at it, he didn't think about the consequences of execution at all. Instead, his eyes widened in horror.

On the altar in the distance, there were ten girls who had been disemboweled, and the one in the middle was lying on the stone platform. He just sat up straight.

Without anyone's assistance or help, when Kamim looked up, he happened to see the obviously dead girl with a bloody hole in her abdomen, sitting up straight on the stone platform with her eyes closed. It was weird. The scene frightened Kamim to the extreme.

Hearing what the native said, Lu Yuan and others looked at each other. The first thought is, is this indigenous person stupid?

Resurrection of the dead?

His internal organs have been eviscerated for several hours, and he can still come back to life?

There can be no such thing that violates the laws of nature in this world. It is obvious that it may be just a trick played by the wizard of their tribe.

Although he felt it was a bit ridiculous, Lu Yuan did not interrupt the pirate's translation. His eyes signaled him to continue translating.

According to the indigenous man Kamim, after a sudden strange noise occurred during the god sacrificial ceremony, the girl who should have been dead for a long time sat up straight without any warning.

Out of fear of the wizards of Temae. At that time, even though many people except Kamim heard the strange noise. But no one dared to look up. Only Kamim saw this strange phenomenon with his own eyes.

He could see at that time that not only he was frightened by it, but also the wizard Temae who always showed a calm face. His expression also changed, and he took a few steps back, completely losing his usual composure. It seemed that the girl's unusual movements were not directed by the Temae wizard.

This scene was indeed very heart-stopping. Kamim wanted to shout out, but for some reason, the sound reached his throat and could no longer come out. It was as if his throat was blocked. He felt very uncomfortable.

Since even the wizard Temae was confused, Kamim was even more frightened. Before this layer of fear had time to deepen, it directly evolved into fear.

After the girl whose belly had been hollowed out sat up from the stone platform, a dense layer of small black dots like mosquitoes suddenly appeared around her. Wherever they come from, they seem to appear out of thin air, and they are squeezed and piled together layer by layer.

Layer by layer, from scratch, a very strange black shadow formed behind the girl in a few blinks of an eye.

"Dark Shadow?"

Lu Yuan frowned, "To be more precise, what kind of black shadow?"

The pirate was a little embarrassed, as if he didn't know how to translate it accurately. Finally, after thinking about it, he explained: "This is a kind of god that their tribe respects. I can't describe it accurately... It's called 'Ekshie', like It is a god covered with countless death eyes and tentacles.”

The pirate's level of education was not high. It was a bit difficult for him to describe the appearance of an unknown object in detail. The general description was difficult for others to imagine.

However, somehow, when Lu Yuan heard the pirate's description, an association occurred in his heart.

This place should be at least a hundred meters away from the basement where Brando is imprisoned. However, he can still feel a little bit of attraction in his clenched right hand... From the moment he got off the helicopter, the USB flash drive was abnormally ready to move. This made him feel extremely shocked. When he arrived at Brando's side, the U disk he was holding tightly would fly out almost as soon as he let go. The target was undoubtedly the arrow stuck in Brando's chest. .

Very strange, very strange indeed.

Why does a USB flash drive have such a strong reaction to an ordinary-looking broken arrow?

One is a modern electronic product, and the other is an arrow from an indigenous tribe thousands of miles away. No matter how you look at it, both are completely out of reach.

Before this, the only place with such abnormal phenomena was next to the submarine base in the South Pacific...

Thoughts flashed through his mind. Lu Yuan suddenly turned to look at Chen Ran and said, "Help me find a piece of white paper, a drawing board, and a pencil."

Everyone felt baffled and didn't know what Lu Yuan was planning. Fortunately, Chen Ran obeyed the order and immediately turned around to find these three items.

Putting the white paper on the drawing board, Lu Yuan held the pen in his left hand, closed his eyes slightly, suddenly opened his eyes, and quickly swept the white paper with his left hand.

He can clearly remember almost any scene he saw by just recalling his memory. His powerful control over his limbs and his high-speed thinking allowed him to plan all the images before he even started. It's not like ordinary people draw according to rules at all, but like a printer scanning line by line, with hands like afterimages, without stopping or hesitating, and the pupils of the people behind him are constricted, and they are completely in disbelief.

In less than a minute, a realistic black and white painting was created.

"Is this the 'Eck Death' you are talking about?"

Holding this black and white painting, Lu Yuan looked directly at the pirate.

The body of a crustacean-like creature has several pairs of huge organs that look like dorsal fins or membrane wings, as well as black limbs divided into dozens of branches like insects. But where the head should have been, there are densely packed, swirling elliptical tumors attached. These tumor-like ellipsoids are covered with a large number of short dark tentacles. You can clearly see that there are a large number of holes in the tumor. The flesh core looks like there are hundreds of eyeballs as a whole.

Such a weird creature, even if it is just drawn on a picture, has a very strong impact on people.

The pirate looked horrified, took a few steps back, took a breath of air and trembled: "This... this seems... a bit like their totem I have seen."

The effect of totems made by indigenous tribes is obviously impossible to compare with this realistic style, but the general characteristics make pirates recognize them.

"Oh, does he know him?"

As he spoke, Lu Yuan suddenly turned his hand, letting the native kneeling on the ground see the painting he was holding.


Unexpectedly, as soon as he saw this painting, the native man lay on the ground in fear and kowtowed vigorously. His fear was very obvious.


Seeing the expressions of the indigenous people, Lu Yuan already understood in his heart that the unknown creature in this painting was the evil god worshiped by these indigenous people.

On the other hand, Ivy and the others behind Lu Yuan were completely confused by this riddle-like scene. (To be continued ~^~)

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