Hardcore crisis

Chapter 180 Physical Abnormality

This does not require too much imagination. Albert did not hide his expression and asked: "That matter at the Los Angeles Police Department..."

"It's a pity." Lu Yuan put down the tissue and sighed: "This is why I asked you to anesthetize those two people."

"Did they do it?" Albert frowned.

"Obvious thing."

Lu Yuan stood up and walked to Albert: "Is the test report out?"

"you are right……"

Albert handed over the tablet in his hand with a complicated expression: "This is their physical examination report."

The reason why Albert's expression was so complicated was naturally not the routine data on the test report that was consistent with normal people. In this physical examination report, the previous blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol were all normal, but from the routine blood tests, many things began to become abnormal.

For example, Gaby and Yulan's hemoglobin, white blood cell count, and lymphocyte count are too high for ordinary people. Logically speaking, if the total white blood cell count is too high, it is often accompanied by severe anemia, and there may even be the possibility of leukemia. However, further examination and analysis ruled out the possibility of leukemia in both cases.

"Incredible... To be honest, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I really couldn't believe that these two people were healthy and alive. Their electrolytes were simply disordered, and their pH and carbonate ions were beyond the normal average. This is a sign of alkalosis, but they live very well without any respiratory center depression that patients should have." Albert said solemnly.

If that was all, it would not be worth Albert's shock. Further physical examination showed that the hardness of the bones of the two men far exceeded the human limit, with a density between 2.45 grams per cubic centimeter and 2.57 grams per cubic centimeter. The femur, tibia, and Compressive strength of humerus. It has reached about 5420 kg, 4680 kg, and 3720 kg. The maximum bending without breaking is more than ten times that of normal people.

Pure data may not make people aware of the abnormality, but the longitudinal tensile strength of steel is 4240 kilograms per square centimeter. The longitudinal tensile strength of the bones of these two people is already stronger than steel.

Both the bone structure and muscle tissue are fundamentally different from humans. And from DNA analysis. The DNA of the two people is 0.04% abnormally different from that of ordinary people. It can be said that there are unknown mutations in these two people.

Compared to Albert's shock, Lu Yuan himself was not too surprised. With such physical data, it is no wonder that Gaby and Youlan are so abnormal, and can punch through the steel plate with a casual punch. It seems. Even with conventional rifle bullets, it would be difficult to cause a fatal blow to these two people. The tight muscle tissue of the two people would force the bullets to get stuck inside, making it difficult to penetrate deeply and cause damage to the internal organs.

But doesn’t this physical examination report prove it? Killing yourself in the parallel universe will gradually change the deep DNA of your body? So that the entire body becomes mutated?

What the hell is this?

Lu Yuan shook his head, too lazy to use scientific thinking to explain the truth involved. Anyway, unscientific things like USB flash drives have appeared. At least at the current level of science, it is certainly impossible to understand a fighter jet that can fly in the air like primitive people did.

"I need you to make arrangements as soon as possible. Send these two people to training camp."

Although it was much more convenient to send it to Australia, there was a lack of manpower there and many things could not be arranged. Lu Yuan thought about it. It is more convenient to send it to North Sulawesi.

Of course, such convenience requires a detour of thousands of kilometers, and the transportation problem between the South Pacific submarine base and the South Pacific submarine base still cannot be solved satisfactorily. At first, Lu Yuan only considered concealment, but not the real convenience. At this time, he had to speed up the construction of related facilities in Davao, Philippines and Jakarta, Indonesia, and also consider how to shorten long-distance transportation.

"Sent to training camp?"

Albert did not intervene in the "Rock" training camp, but as a member of the organization, he also heard about it.

After only hesitating for a moment, Albert agreed. Although he was curious about the bodies and origins of these two people, he was very smart and knew what to ask and what not to ask, and he would not rashly interfere with certain taboos. things.

"It just takes a little time. The incident at the Los Angeles Police Department has made everyone in the FBI and Department of Homeland Security nervous, and the review of private jets will be much stricter."

"Yes, I understand. Let's get it done as soon as possible within the next week or two."

Lu Yuan expressed his understanding and said seriously: "In addition, I want to remind you...these two people must not take it lightly. After reading this data, you should understand that the Los Angeles Police Department five hours ago was the one that was One of them is destroyed by a single person, and he will not have any kindness or compassion. Once they regain consciousness..."

There was no need to explain the next words clearly, Albert also knew the meaning of Lu Yuan's mouth.

Next, Lu Yuan arrived at the laboratory of "Albert Enterprise" again and looked at Gaby and Youlan, who were still in a coma. Albert obviously paid great attention to Lu Yuan's instructions. No, he should have looked at the two of them. After the body data package report, Albert had to pay attention to it.

Every half hour, a large dose of nerve anesthetic drugs will be delivered. For ordinary people, let alone continuous infusion, a single dose can put dozens of people into a permanent sleep.

But with such a terrifying dose, Gaby and Yolan still breathed normally, just like ordinary people who took some sleeping pills and slept soundly.

It can be seen that the bodies of the two are completely different from normal humans.

The two staff in the laboratory saw Albert walking with Lu Yuan and walked out immediately. Looking back slightly at the two people walking out, Lu Yuan said softly: "Is it reliable?"

It was impossible for Albert to keep an eye on Gaby and Youlan. People had to be involved in monitoring physical data. But this is different from a regular physical examination. Gaby and Youlan's abnormalities, and the researchers who injected a large amount of neural anesthesia into the two people, will definitely notice that something is wrong.

"The researchers here have all signed confidentiality agreements and will not leak it to anyone. Please rest assured."

Albert replied.

"Nothing in this world is reliable."

Lu Yuan looked at Albert meaningfully: "Reliability is just a temporary lack of cost. When the cost is enough, the thing you think is reliable is often the first to have problems."

Standing in front of the glass wall outside the laboratory, Lu Yuan turned around and stared at Gaby and Youlan on the operating chair. Transparent rubber tubes were inserted into their arms and connected to a medical device. Whenever the set time was reached, the The injection will be performed automatically.

"There will be more important things that require your participation in the future, so I don't want any leaks, remember, nothing."

There are too many secrets involved, especially since Albert will be involved in deeper and more important secrets in the future. If you don't remind him, problems may arise inadvertently, and it will be too late to regret it by then.

After observing outside the glass wall for a while and confirming the physical condition of the two people, Lu Yuan left the laboratory and connected with Sonny.

"Sonny, how's it going?"

He was asking about the London incident and the LAPD incident.

All police and official communication phones in London have been monitored. Except for the confidential lines of important British departments that are physically separated and cannot be monitored, no device with an interface connected to the Internet can escape Sonny's big data surveillance.

And it would be impossible to keep important people in Britain away from telephone contact.

More importantly, after the Prism program was exposed a few years ago, the U.S. NSA did not stop its surveillance program on important figures in European countries. It just became more secretive. Sonny accidentally obtained a link in the NSA surveillance program. Although There is no way to obtain all monitoring networks and links, but by using only a small part of the working procedures, a large amount of precious and secret intelligence can be obtained.

At least for now, it seems that after the London incident, the internal communication cooperation between MI5 and MI6 of the British interior departments still failed to find more effective intelligence. Instead, under Sonny's deliberate guidance, the suspects were placed on the rest of the people. .

For example, Middle Eastern refugees in the UK. (To be continued ~^~)

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