Hardcore crisis

Chapter 170: Chase (Part 1)

Taking advantage of the two people's negligence, Gaby successfully gained the upper hand, leaped out of thin air and grabbed the USB flash drive, rolled and landed on the deck, got up, and kicked Yolan, who was following behind.

"Bang bang bang!"

There were three consecutive clashes of fists and feet, and as soon as the two separated, Lu Yuan flew over and kicked Gabby in the chest.


As if Gabby was hit by a car at high speed, Gabby flew backwards and hit the cabin hard. It seemed that the entire cruise ship trembled. When his body rebounded and fell, the cabin area behind the impact was obviously dented. .

The tourists on the deck were stunned and couldn't react to the scene in front of them. But before they could recover further, Yulan, who was forced to retreat, jumped up from the ground, like a hurtful cobra, with a sudden roar. The sound of wind came directly from Lu Yuan's back, and there were signs of taking the opportunity to kill someone.

There is no doubt that with Yolan's cruel character, don't expect him to have any sympathy or mercy. He will only kill everyone who dares to stand in his way when he has the opportunity.

Lu Yuan's ears were sharp and how could he ignore the Youlan behind him from the corner of his eyes. When he suddenly rose up, he suddenly turned around and continuously changed his attacks, hitting Youlan's face with a fierce pop.

This time the carbine came with enough force and suddenness that Yolan was a little surprised and knew that the sneak attack plan had failed. He dispersed the attack and stepped back to let go of Lu Yuan's hand. Then he followed Lu Yuan with another swift kick. The corners of his eyes widened, approaching his waist in the blink of an eye.

Before he actually received the kick, Lu Yuan felt the strong wind stabbing his waist muscles like a sword, as if he was going to be stabbed by this kick and his internal organs would be exploded immediately.

With his eyes focused, Lu Yuan suddenly took two steps back. He dodged the poke in an instant, without turning his head or looking back. He bent his elbow and stabbed behind him, directly colliding with Gabby who was attacking.

The three of them intertwined again. Lu Yuan just attacked Gaby, but immediately attracted another attack from Youlan. Turning around to neutralize Youlan's attack, Gaby on the other side attacked Youlan again. Lu Yuan did not hesitate to seize the USB flash drive. The fists and kicks between the three of them were extremely fierce. Every collision made a "pop-pop" sound, which was so shocking. People around have eardrum pain.

Needless to say, the fight between the three people had already caused exclamations from the tourists on the deck. However, no one escaped. Instead, they spread out to the surrounding area and took out their cell phones to take pictures.

"Huh? Want to escape?"

Youlan saw Gaby's plan and naturally he would not let it go. He forcefully took Lu Yuan's punch and wrapped Gaby around. The arms and sleeves of the clothes and clothes of the two people collided torn and exploded, and sweat burst out, like crystal clear pearls, spinning rapidly away under the reflection of the sun's rays.

Such an intense encounter. Gaby couldn't hold the USB flash drive in his hand and flew out. Youlan, who had quick eyes and quick hands, laughed wildly, jumped several meters high to grab the USB flash drive, and dropped it into the water with a "plop".

This time, it was Youlan who got the upper hand, and it was related to whether he could go back. Without hesitation, Gaby jumped into the water too.

"These two bastards..."

Lu Yuan's face was ashen, and when he saw the two of them jumping into the water and swimming quickly to the shore, he did not follow them immediately.

Instead, he reached into his arms, took out his phone, and pressed the home button. The screen lit up for a moment, then stripes flashed, and the screen went black. Pressing the power button again produced no response.

Frowning slightly, Lu Yuan put the phone back in his pocket, raised his head and glanced around, then walked up to a woman...a British girl wearing a blue hat. While filming with his cell phone, he saw Lu Yuan walking over and shouted excitedly: "What the hell was that?"

Lu Yuan was too lazy to talk nonsense with the girl. He grabbed her phone, exited the camera mode, clicked to enter the dialing interface, and entered a series of numbers continuously.

"Hey, who are you? You were just..." The girl's face froze in excitement, and she watched Lu Yuan casually throw the phone into the river.

"Oh my God, you bastard, I just bought that phone!"

Lu Yuan didn't even listen to what the girl was shouting. He turned around, walked around, grabbed everyone's mobile phones on the deck, and threw them into the river.

Under everyone's fearful eyes, Lu Yuan turned around, jumped into the river, and swam towards the shore.

Gaby and Youlan had already landed ashore. Youlan grabbed a person's car on the street and rushed out. Gaby, not to be outdone, also grabbed someone's car and followed closely behind.

When Lu Yuan swam ashore, he could only see the butts of the two people's cars disappearing around the corner of the street.

These two people have absolutely no legal awareness whatsoever!

How dare you snatch a car in the street in broad daylight? You have no respect for British laws!

Lu Yuan looked away speechlessly and turned to the seven or eight motorcycles next to him. A group of British young people with hair dyed in various colors and cigarettes in their mouths looked at the two owners of the vehicles that had been taken away, and burst into ridicule. Laughing, with an obvious expression of schadenfreude.

Lu Yuan walked over expressionlessly. As soon as the young white man who laughed the loudest turned around, he was lifted up from the motorcycle and suddenly fell to his companions behind.

"Pa la..."

The laughter stopped suddenly, and the seven people behind the car were in a mess, and they were almost knocked to the ground by the white young man who was thrown over.


The locomotive engine made a huge roar, and everyone watched in stunned silence as a strange Asian man climbed onto the locomotive and flew out.

"Youputthatdownnow, youlittlebi·tch!"

Just then, he laughed at the two car owners whose cars were robbed. Unexpectedly, his own car was also robbed in a blink of an eye. The white man roared angrily. Looking at the face of the Asian man, someone shouted: "They are in a group."

"Assholes, make them pay!"

Needless to say, everyone started the car, hit the accelerator and gave chase.

Lu Yuan grabbed the motorcycle and drove towards the street in front of him. As an international city, even if it was only early in the morning, there were not many vehicles on the street.


Lu Yuan passed between the two cars by a hair's breadth. He glanced at the rearview mirror slightly. Behind him, seven identical motorcycles were chasing after him. It seemed that he had robbed their car. Caught up.

Lu Yuan didn't care at all about these British gangsters. He only cared about the whereabouts of Gaby and Youlan.


Lu Yuan's eyes lit up. He casually glanced at the street to the left and actually saw two cars speeding past.


With the roar of the locomotive, it suddenly deviated ninety degrees, almost turning at an angle pressing the ground, and abruptly passed through the numerous vehicles at the intersection. This thrilling scene made the seven motorcycles catching up behind them a little shocked. The young white man who had the motorcycle taken away shouted loudly: "Follow me!"


It's a pity that not everyone has such good skills. Even if they don't dare to imitate Lu Yuan's life-threatening behavior and turn honestly, the green light suddenly turns on. One of the motorcycles did not come to avoid it and directly hit the starting vehicle. A Mercedes Benz.


Tragically colliding with the car door, the young driver was thrown out violently and rolled to the ground screaming.

"do not mind him!"

The young white man looked back angrily, but continued to move forward without letting anyone stop.


Lu Yuan, who had just seen the shadows of Gaby and Youlan, wanted to catch up but found that the red light in front of them came on again, and all the vehicles immediately stopped. He didn't have time to stay here.

After thinking for almost a moment, Lu Yuan bent his hand and turned directly into the alley next to him without any delay.


The huge roar of the motorcycle engine spread in the alley. It is said to be an alley, but it is actually a relatively narrow street for ordinary pedestrians to walk around. There are many open-air coffee shops on both sides of the street, and many people sit here to eat in the early morning. breakfast.

Lu Yuan drove a motorcycle and suddenly broke the silence of the morning. Several people who were reading newspapers looked up and saw a motorcycle flying in. It passed by at a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour. The strong wind it brought blew the newspapers. There was a swishing sound.

Amid such ferocious speed and the roar of the engine, pedestrians in the alley hurriedly gave way. A waiter came out with morning tea, but when he backed away, he spilled the morning tea on the guests next to him. (To be continued ~^~)

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