Hardcore crisis

Chapter 162 Sudden Firefight

I don't know if they don't want to live anymore, but the unkind attitude of these indigenous people is quite obvious. The tense confrontation between the two sides is extremely intense, and a conflict will break out in an instant if they are not careful.

At this time, the Indonesian who spoke the local indigenous language finally rushed out and nervously and loudly talked to the indigenous man. They communicated for a long time in an incomprehensible language. Unexpectedly, the indigenous man still had no intention of leaving. He shook his head and refused the request to leave.

"What's wrong?"

At the right time, Ivy rushed over.


The Indonesian who knew a little about the indigenous language saw his leader coming out and said in embarrassment: "They are people from the Malososo tribe."

"What do they want to do?"

Ivy glanced around, not afraid of the bow and arrow aimed at her.

"They said...demanded that we hand over the man who interrupted their coming-of-age ceremony..."

Naturally, the Indonesians did not dare to hide their leader's request, and honestly stated the other party's request.

After hearing this, Ivy didn't understand why. They were asking for Chen Ran to be handed over. Not to mention that Chen Ran is the logistics manager, and her status in the "Panshi" company is not inferior to hers. Even if Chen Ran is just an ordinary subordinate, she will definitely not hand over people. Otherwise, what is her prestige?

"Tell them that this is absolutely impossible and tell them to leave quickly, otherwise..."

There is no need to say the following words. The thin translator naturally understands what it means. It is obviously impossible for Ivy's character to ask his side to hand over people. Looking at the other party's toughness, it seems that he will not hand over people. Don't give up.

He stuttered and translated Ivy's request and threat. Sure enough, after hearing these words, the strong native man immediately became furious. The voice suddenly raised a level, as if if they didn't agree to their request, they would take action.

Ivy sneered. She didn't believe that these people came simply for this reason. It was obvious that their requirements were more than that.

"Chief, they said that if we don't hand over that person, they want us to leave here and never come back... They said that because of us, this forest has no longer been peaceful and has offended the god of the forest. We're all going to die here."

"Die here?"

Yas, an old man with his eyes narrowed and always wearing a peaked cap, emerged from nowhere. He looked at the indigenous people present with great interest, especially the leading indigenous man.

"Oh, these people want us to die here?"

Behind Yas were a large number of elite armed soldiers with live ammunition. They had just returned from training, which was obviously a bit beyond Ivy's expectations. Among them, Brando, who took over Yas's words, crossed his arms as if he had heard some joke, with disdain on his face.

"Why did you come back early?"

Facing the old man Yas, even Ivy. Also deeply fearful.

"Haha, this survival training ended early. The boys performed very well, only one person died."

Yas had a kind face and showed no concern for human life in his words.

"But I encountered such interesting things as soon as I came back. It's really good luck."

He didn't mind at all the reason for the confrontation between the two sides. On the contrary, he admired the aboriginal people's courage in daring to surround the camp. However, how much real appreciation there was in this appreciation had to be discounted.

After two months of contact with Yas's character, Ivy has already had a deep impression. This guy is a war madman. He wishes that the world would be filled with wars for his own entertainment. Even his own people like to trick him. Definitely not a good companion. The key is that this war madman not only has a twisted personality, but his actual combat capabilities are too appalling.

In close combat, a pair of three elite retired soldiers can still defeat each other with bare hands. Even with guns in hand, one man fought against 13 elite soldiers in a jungle confrontation training, and still achieved zero damage and completely annihilated his opponents. The physical strength of an old man in his sixties is completely invisible. On the contrary, he has stronger physical strength than most young people.

With Ivy's pride, she didn't dare to say that she would survive to the end if she faced Yas. She had to admit that the old man had a better chance of winning.

Seeing that the number of people in front of the camp was increasing, the strong native man seemed to change his color. After weighing the strength comparison between the two sides, he glared at Ivy, Yas and others, and waved his hand to evacuate.

"Wait, are you leaving so soon after you arrived?"

Although the strong native man did not understand what Yas said, it did not prevent him from feeling threatened. However, before he could react, he couldn't help but scream, and the entire palm of his right hand fell off.

Everyone didn't even have time to see clearly where Yas's dagger was taken out. They saw a fleeting afterimage. The palm of the strong native man was cut off, and the edge of Yas's dagger was cut off. There were drops of blood on the blade, and he was staring at the strong native man with a smile on his face.

Both sides were stunned for a moment. No one expected that Yas would suddenly take action.

But the next moment, Ivy only had time to curse "madman", and the battle between the two sides broke out instantly!


"Bang bang bang bang..."

A volley of sharp arrows came, gunshots suddenly sounded, and the battle between the two sides was triggered instantly. The indigenous people at close range, including the dozen or so strong indigenous men, were immediately swept into a hornet's nest by a large amount of firepower. However, the indigenous people hiding in the forest at a distance kept their bows free at all times. As soon as they noticed something was wrong, they immediately let go and shot sharp arrows. As the largest indigenous tribe on the entire island that maintains tradition, Malososo mobilized almost all its combat power this time. Hundreds of indigenous people fired volleys of bows. It is almost impossible to see it in reality in modern society. However, at this moment, on this island that was not even known to the world, hundreds of sharp arrows suddenly shot out!

Facing this rain of arrows, Ivy pounced and pulled a pirate as a shield without hesitation. However, the dozen or so elite soldiers who had just returned from survival training were already familiar with Yas's temper and had no intention of attacking him for the first time. He shot immediately, but immediately sought cover after Yas took action.

Only the pirates present shot directly.

The cost was undoubtedly huge. No matter how many rounds of shooting, it was impossible to kill all the indigenous people in the forest. On the contrary, the oncoming arrow rain no longer had a chance to dodge. After a few "pops", the twenty people standing outside were Almost all of the pirates were hit by a few arrows, but apart from hitting their vital parts and killing them on the spot, a dozen or so of them just screamed and did not die immediately.


As long as the skin is scratched, it is almost certain to die.

In ancient hunting, after all, there were only a handful of sharp archers who could kill their prey with one arrow. When facing large prey, in addition to making traps, they also relied on poison. After shooting the prey, the venom smeared on the arrow would slowly kill the prey. Corrupt prey, then follow the trail to find the prey's body.

If the Malososo tribe only had bows and arrows, it would not be enough to make people feel afraid. The reason is that they apply poison on the bows and arrows, and apply the poison secreted by the skin of the poisonous frogs on the island. As long as the skin is scratched, the neurotoxin can It enters the blood and kills people in just two or three minutes... There is no antidote for the poisonous frog, so it can be said that there is no cure.

This is what makes pirates afraid.

As long as one is hit by an arrow, no matter whether it hits the vital point or not, he will definitely die, which is more terrible than being shot.


The pirates on the two sentries only fired a few times before they were shot in the body with arrows by the natives in the forest, and were thrown away in fear.

"Quick, close the door."

These natives were too cunning. They basically hid in the dense jungle and relied on big trees for cover. After the first round of volleys, they started shooting in the cold, not stupidly rushing to seek death for revenge for their companions.

Basically, the power of the bow and arrow was too low. Ivy glanced at it and knew that only seven or eight people died on the spot under the arrow, but at least thirty indigenous people were shot dead. This is only done by a group of pirates who have neglected training and can only sweep at close range. The power of modern thermal weapons is evident.

But among the pirates who were shot in other parts of the body, scratched, or shot in the thigh by arrows, there were still seventeen or eighteen people. These people were actually dead.

In this way, the battle losses between the two sides were almost even. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: I almost couldn't update today. I couldn't log in to my account for no reason all afternoon. Fortunately, I suddenly felt better in the evening. I was tired.

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