Hardcore crisis

Chapter 145 The Press Conference Begins (Part 2)

"Holy shit!"

Panting heavily, looking at the cheers and applause coming back from the live broadcast, the idiot brother was almost out of breath.

In fact, the entire screen was almost flooded with barrage. No one had imagined that the promotional video at the beginning could be so high-end. The atmosphere and style created by it directly blew up the press conference of domestic mobile phone manufacturers. Shit is coming.

If the domestic mobile phone launch conference is a low-level ox-cart, then this blockbuster-style promotional video is of a brand new Ferrari. The two are not on the same level at all.

Even Apple, the big brother of press conferences, felt that he was shocked by the promotional video just now at last year’s and this year’s press conferences, and the competition between the two is not on the same level.

Apple promotes how perfect its products are and how powerful its productivity tools are. However, this "hard-core technology" that emerged from nowhere has directly elevated its products to the level of human history and civilization, and its intentions are not the same at all. Level up.

The most important thing is that the entire promotional video is very well done, whether it is the choice of music or the switching of shots, or even the framing and the short story inside, there are both heart-warming scenes and shocking scenes, that kind of majestic history. The sense of vastness and grandeur, the tranquility of the deep space at the end, all bring people a feeling that is so unique and deeply rooted in people's hearts.

He even had the urge to play it back and watch it again.

No, calm down, calm down. It's still being broadcast live now.

The live broadcast continued. As the promotional video ended, there was a roar of applause. Many people even stood up excitedly. For the first time, they felt that a company is not just a product. It is the sense of responsibility that bears the burden of the development of human history and contributes to the progress of human history that can tell the quality of a company.

If it were another company, even if it had such an idea, could it be used well?


This idea is not worth the money. What’s rare is a company that can put this idea to good use. Definitely not many in this world. And there are very few companies that dare to use this idea.

There are almost no people who dare to use it without being laughed at.

However, "hard core technology" has done it, and it has done it perfectly and naturally, and has the premise of "cocoa". It seems that this promotional video is not so overestimated, but that they do have the power to change the world.

"Hello everyone."

Right in the middle of the applause. Yan Zhiwen walked onto the stage wearing a casual casual outfit. After greeting reporters and the audience below, he came to the center of the stage with a smile on his face.

"Thank you all for coming to this beautiful city of Donghai, and to the viewers watching the live broadcast anywhere in the world. Thank you very much for your attention and support."

"It's unbelievable. First of all, we have data here."

The display behind Yan Zhiwen showed data, "It has been nearly four months since we provided the flash package for two models to the world. More than 30 million devices are running our formulated system. "

"Pa bang bang..."

The audience burst into applause. This is not simple. The total sales data of one model is only 25 million units. Even if the sales data of 20 million units of another model are added, more than half of the people have installed this system.

"Of course, Mr. Lei and Mr. Ren don't have to thank us for our contribution to the sales of your models, because you have also made full contributions to the expansion of our system."

Yan Zhiwen crossed his arms and made a humorous joke. The Chinese people in the audience suddenly smiled knowingly, but most foreigners were puzzled.

"30 million devices will generate 3 billion voice commands every day, and talk to voice assistants every day for a total of more than 476 years. We have helped countless people solve their various problems, and we will also be convinced that in In the future, we will help more people solve most of the problems they encounter in life."

"This is what we named 'ARK OS', a new friend in your life, a new steward, and a new beginning."

Yan Zhiwen spoke calmly and orderly, but there was also a hint of humor in his words as he moved back and forth, making the people present laugh from time to time while applauding.

He looked at the people sitting in the audience below. In addition to the world's major media, there are also many people from domestic mobile phone manufacturers... But these are irrelevant. Below are the people sent by Alphabet, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook and other companies. They were all sitting at the table, staring at him with heavy eyes.

In the past few months, these big companies had sent people to look for him, but he cleverly avoided them all and did not talk to the people sent by a company. This was obviously very offending. However, there are no enemies in business, only interests exist between them. When all companies are spending great efforts to develop artificial intelligence, an unknown company wins the jackpot. You can imagine the anger of these multinational companies.

Out of the importance to this "hard-core technology" company, of course, they will not be absent from this conference.

Yan Zhiwen was still talking, and the idiot brother in the live broadcast room was also explaining and chatting with many viewers.

"Judging from Yan Zhiwen's words, it should be that the mobile phone is correct."

"Oh, are you asking about the price?"

The idiot brother smiled: "I said if the price is 5,288 yuan, would anyone be willing to buy it?"

This price is indeed very high, it is already the price of the beggar version of Apple mobile phone.

A barrage of words saying "Of course I want to buy it" floated across the screen.

"If the price is 6,088 yuan, will anyone still want to buy it?"

This time there were some people who didn’t want to buy it in the barrage, but most people still expressed their willingness to buy it. Even if the appearance is not good, many people will definitely buy it for the official “Coco”.

Compared with the Apple mobile phone, which has long been an arcade machine, there are not so many exciting features, and there are still a large number of people buying it. This time the official has made the quality so high, and it has made many world headlines in the past four months. In terms of brand popularity, it is definitely not inferior to Apple.

Besides, "Coco" is a killer. A lot of people would tearfully take out their wallets and swallow their tears to buy, buy, buy... The word-buying method is good!

"Then why are you asking about the price?"

Brother Dude shrugged his shoulders, "I'm determined to buy it anyway."

"Hey, everyone, stop arguing, it seems like it's about to start."

Brother Dude chatted with many netizens for a few words. Suddenly, after seeing Yan Zhiwen finish a paragraph about looking into the future and explaining artificial intelligence, he suddenly became energetic and concentrated on the screen seriously.

As expected, Yan Zhiwen shrugged and said: "Well, I think many people may be impatient to wait, but I still have to ask for your understanding. After all, this press conference lasts for two hours, so I won't say any more nonsense. , but it can’t be delayed for such a long time.”

There was a kind smile from the audience.

"Then... Next, is the first new product of our new product launch."

Many people had no time to notice the clue of "the first new product" mentioned by Yan Zhiwen, and all eyes were focused on the big screen at the venue.

As the lights dimmed, background music called "No Chance" began to play.

"People's lives are changing..."

"People's expectations are rising..."

"People's needs are changing..."

With the combination of background sound narration and BGM, the video picture showed the changes in people's life rhythm. Many people in the audience held their breath and quietly watched the picture on the display screen.

"At this moment, people get what they have always wanted and always hoped for..."

At 42 seconds, the BGM gradually increases in tone.

"At this moment, people's needs are met and enriched..."

The BGM tone is still improving.

"This is ARK, Ark Mobile!"

At 1 minute and 05 seconds, the BGM suddenly changed. Following the exciting rhythm, the one-piece shaped mobile phone with titanium-magnesium alloy and silver luster suddenly jumped into everyone's sight.


"Come on, rely on..."

The idiot brother suddenly stood up and looked at the mobile phone in the live broadcast with dumbfounded eyes. The astonishingly perfect concept style, the alloy structure manufactured at no cost, and the screen with almost no borders. Its appearance was beyond his imagination. , but never thought about it at all.

"Hua Hua Hua..."

Not only did the barrage skyrocket like crazy, but a large number of people immediately stood up at the live broadcast site, and they all couldn't help but exclaim in amazement. (To be continued ~^~)

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