Chapter 68 Start Happy! Stay in Hera Palace with all the staff!!

In the office, Bai Chengze hugged Caiyun in his arms, and the two snorted heavily.

Caiyun’s head gently rubbed Bai Chengze’s chest, “I never thought about this day. ”

Indeed, for ten years, Caiyun never had the luxury of hoping that he would one day be free.

Originally, in her life, her life was involuntary, she couldn’t help herself~, and she was helpless.

Even if Shi Dongchu is killed, there will be a Shi Ming who will forever and forever imprison her.

And Bai Chengze’s appearance, in a short moment, broke this spell and freed her from it.

Now she has unprecedented freedom and has got what she dreamed of.

At the same time, Caiyun also found some happiness that belongs to a woman in Bai Chengze’s body.

She lavishly makes up for what she has lost over the years, feels the sweetness of life, and the excitement of love.

This brought her life back to life, vibrant, and vibrant.

As for what group, wealth, status, these things,

It was never what she was after, and she didn’t like these things in her heart.

Therefore, Caiyun generously gave it to his benefactor, who is also his current lover, Bai Chengze.

The two do not shy away from ruling the current Golden Gate Group, going in and out at will, and no one is around.

Because, Bai Chengze has absolutely strong strength.

And the strength makes him fearless.

The war with the Golden Gate Group came to an end, and Bai Chengze finally had time to breathe.

The affairs of the group are still slowly clarifying, and the turnover of personnel is also carried out smoothly and orderly, and wait until the blood of the group is replaced again,

This group will be filled with people who belong to him,

And he, rightfully becomes the head of the group.

Of course, everyone in the current Golden Gate Group knows that Bai Chengze is the real master.

It’s just that everyone is under coercion, and no one dares to say anything.

If you say a word, then the end will most likely be like Li Zhengxun and Zhang Shouji, blood splattered on the spot.

Therefore, they can only wait like frogs in warm water for the day when they are cleared out of the group.

Gammon Group’s annual output value exceeds one trillion won,

Every year, it can continue to bring a lot of wealth to Bai Chengze and his team.

And the money that Bai Chengze invested in the stock market,

It has been growing and rolling at a rapid rate,

The revenue generated is completely no less than that of the Gammon Group.

Combined, these two incomes have allowed his wealth to grow faster than most entrepreneurs in South Korea.

According to Bai Chengze’s existing financial resources and strength,

He has completely entered the upper class and become an out-and-out aristocracy.

Naturally, his life level has also improved greatly.

First of all, the traveling vehicle,

Replaced with a limited Rolls-Royce Executive Extended model,

The design of the rear seat compartment is completely isolated from the front driver’s seat, and the rear space of the car is large, very wide and soft.

In such a car, it is possible to do limited things.

The corners and corners of the car show luxury,

The polished walnut material and the delicate texture of fawn leather make the entire interior space look extremely elegant.

The starry sky is dazzling, like the Milky Way flowing overhead,

The freezer of the armrest box is always stored with the top Romani Conti,

They are rare red wines that are vintage and show their unique taste and mood.

To buy this car, it cost Bai Chengze more than 30 million RMB,

Of course, this little money is nothing to Bai Chengze today.

With money, of course, enjoy it first, which is understandable.

Bai Chengze was very satisfied with this car and could hardly fault anything.

On the first day of taking the car, he first took Caiyun to feel the sound insulation in the car,

The privacy space in the back row is completely isolated from the front row, giving people an unparalleled sense of tranquility and security.

Even the conversation with the driver must be communicated through the buttons.

Bai Chengze let Caiyun experience the softness of the sofa,

Caiyun said that the sofa is very soft and soft, but it lacks a pillow to cushion the lower abdomen.

The two are on the streets of Seoul, lying in the car and looking up at the starry sky of Da Lao, the happiness of rich people is sometimes so unpretentious and boring.

Caiyun offered to sell the large villa along the river or renovate it.

Because she lived there for a long time, she didn’t like the environment inside very much, and she felt a little depressed.

When Bai Chengze heard this proposal, he suddenly felt that it was necessary to improve his living environment.

I have made the industry so big, and if I still live in a small apartment, it is really a little unpresentable.

Countless considerations flashed through his mind for a moment,

The first thing in line must be the problem of how many of his little girlfriends should get along.

Now that he has made a trace, he must not be able to abandon it all the time,

Wherever you move, you should also bring them with you, otherwise their safety will become a big problem.

Because he is now full of enemies, he should consider this hidden danger, otherwise he is also digging a hole for himself to find trouble.

And to bring all the women together and let them coexist under one roof does not seem to be a very easy problem to solve…

If this problem is not solved well, it will easily cause chaos in the palace

A backyard fire is an extremely troublesome thing, no less troublesome than saving the galaxy.

Therefore, Bai Chengze immediately abandoned the idea of living in a large villa.

Just imagine, if Fan Chenfei and Yang Qiaoan lived together, then they would have to pinch up.

Yichen can’t get along with Youxi and them,

There is also Caiyun, she has a prominent status, and she can’t get along with those other little girls, after all, there is no topic, it seems very abrupt and there is a barrier.

So, if they want to be under one roof, the eaves must be large enough.

So big that the divine dragon can’t see the head and the tail, even if you live on an upstairs, you won’t look down and don’t look up.

As long as you can’t see, your heart won’t be upset.

At the same time, Bai Chengze’s Da Lao happened to pass by Hera’s palace.

Hera Palace, a majestic building with a height of one hundred floors,

Inside it is a hundred independent large flat floors, each floor is a household, and a household has thousands of squares.

Its spaciousness and luxury are no less than a villa.

This is the gathering place of the entire Seoul elite,

Of all the elites, only the top one percent are able to live in it.

Seeing Hera Palace, Bai Chengze suddenly had an idea in his heart,

Just buy a few floors here and arrange them on different floors, won’t you?

As the best residence in Seoul, there is no need to worry about the level of security.

And it’s big enough that even if they live on the same floor, they don’t have to worry about them running together.

Because each floor here is a household, there will be no such thing as neighbors, only the relationship between going up and down.

Just arrange them a few layers apart, it is very suitable.

In this way, disputes between them are avoided, and the possibility of rebellion in the palace is avoided.

At the same time, if you arrange it this way, it is very convenient~

In the whole of Seoul, there is no more suitable residence than this one.

And, it’s more than just a residence,

Its own symbolism is higher than its own value.

It symbolizes supremacy, symbolizes a rare class.

As a woman of Bai Chengze, she should enjoy these things.

Bai Chengze immediately made up his mind and began to be happy from here,

First buy ten sets of eight, let all the women live on different floors, and here, in the future, it will no longer be the Hera Palace, but the Chengze Palace will die…

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