“Well…………… What an exaggeration! ”

Looking at the demon qi that was directly bombarded by Thor’s roar, all the monsters widened their eyes, before Thor, they were Xiaohui let go of the breath once, they just knew that Thor was a dragon.

But now they have finally seen the horror of Thor, this demon qi is condensed by countless monsters, and even under such a demon qi, it is difficult for sunlight to shine in, and it will be easier to breed many monsters.

So this demon qi is also a difficult thing to deal with, but now it is directly blown up by Thor in one breath.

“Okay Thor, don’t be angry, you know what will happen if you get angry!”

If you are too angry, the world will go back and take the initiative to cater to the idea of an existence that has reached the level of the eight kings, so maybe because Thor is unhappy this time, this Kyoto will become a dead city in the future.

“Got it, it’s just to see that these guys are upset, I’m going to go down and beat them up!”

Thor said she doesn’t like the situation.

“Connor is going too!”

Connor in the back also raised his little hand, and then after Chen Yang nodded, the two of them rushed down excitedly.

“That, does it really matter? Thor is okay, but although little Connor is also a dragon, is his age a little too young! ”

Huakaiyuan Yuzu said with some hesitation, and the others obviously mean this, mainly because Connor is too cute, so he has been used as a mascot by everyone, and it seems a little bad to go on like this.

“Young? Do you think humans and dragons are normal? In your eyes, this little fart is more than 10,000 years old, and as for Thor, her age is more than 50,000, so do you think she is young? ”

Chen Yang looked at this monster and people with a strange face, and Xiaohui they were constantly snickering behind their backs, and everyone who saw Connor at first glance would be bloody by her, but Connor this guy also likes to sell cute maliciously, so it is even more cute.

In the face of such an existence, even if she knows that she is a dragon, she will subconsciously ignore other things, so after Connor goes down now, others will start to worry.

“I……… More than 10,000 years old? Just kidding, right? If you are more than 10,000 years old, isn’t that much longer than the history of our Huakaiyuan family? ”

At this moment, Yuzu Luo has fainted, a cute dragon that is more than 10,000 years old!

“I didn’t expect that my husband’s age was not a fraction of hers, and I was really ashamed to be a monster!”

Nu Liang Slippery Scoop was also speechless, and the other youkai were also collectively lost in thought, more than 10,000 years old or something, and it seemed that he was still in his infancy, and Thor who was more than 50,000 years old was still a girl, according to this calculation.

Is it that if this dragon wants to get old, according to human standards, at least more than a hundred thousand years old, as soon as they think of this number, they collectively have nothing to say, this special, all the monsters here plus a piece of age to surpass others.

It has always been human age plus a piece to reach the age of their monsters, but they have now seen that the age of these dragons is really terrifying, should it be said that it is worthy of the legendary dragon? Sure enough, it’s awesome enough. _

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