After eating the century soup, Chen Yang’s strength has rushed to the level of 1,700, and it has increased by three or four hundred in one breath, this is the effect of the century soup, of course, it also depends on people, the average person drinks after you have gourmet cells can be activated, but the improvement is not much, but Chen Yang’s level, cells once activated, the improvement can be described as quite huge, so it will improve so much. If you put it on other people now, it is estimated that it will be up to twenty or thirty at most, the higher the strength, the more it will improve, and the continuous drinking soup can continue to be effective, but this continuous effect will become worse.

But it is indeed a good thing, of course, there is an upper limit, although in the later stage can also allow the gourmet cells to accumulate energy, but not very much, so in the later stage basically not much use, but always a good thing.

Chen Yang’s strength can be said to have skyrocketed a lot because of the century soup and these niteros, almost to the extent of strides, which is indeed quite good, but it is obviously a bit problematic to continue to improve like this.

This is unrealistic, after all, century soup and Nitro are special existences, not all ingredients can be used to compare, so eating these things is already very good, Chen Yang no longer continues to be greedy, now the only thing to do is to enter the food world, before he went to the Yellow Spring Road, that is, waiting outside the Yellow Spring Road to constantly brush monsters and fight monsters.

But this time is completely different, he intends to go over, every relic in the food world is huge, just this time the Yellow Spring Road and the part that follows it, has exceeded the original area of the earth, this is the horror of the food world, the earth of the food era, is 659 times larger than the current earth.

The human world can only occupy a small part, most of it is the territory of the people’s food world, but even so, the human world is much larger than the current earth, and the arrival of a relic of the food world has expanded the area of the earth a lot, but it is not a whole aspect of the increase.

Instead, it only expanded a part of the earth, equivalent to the size of its own earth, and suddenly added an area, and the situation on the human side remained unchanged, but it was squeezed to the other side, and it did not have much impact.

This is indeed very awesome, and this time Chen Yang plans to go behind the Yellow Spring Road to investigate, there should be a terrifying beast in it, and there is also one of Jiro’s full meal menu, Jiro’s full meal menu appetizer clover.

Jiro’s full-meal menu is all in the food world, and they are all very exaggerated, among which the back of the Yellow Spring Road is said to be connected to the fifth continent, but the fifth continent has not yet arrived.

And the eight kings of the fifth continent are the deer king sky deer, the body length of the deer king given in the data is sixty kilometers, and the height is ten kilometers, but Chen Yang felt funny after comparing it, you must know that the deer king is inhabited by countless terrifying creatures of super high level.

How can it be only so big, the joke is not so open, so Chen Yang will not believe the so-called data, unless he sees it with his own eyes, just like the data, the data given is one, but after meeting, I found that this data is really funny, and the size of Lu Mammoth is much more terrifying than this.

Therefore, Chen Yang is inconclusive before seeing it, but Chen Yang is also whether the Deer King still exists, although the fifth continent has not completely descended, but it means that the area of the deer has descended together.

Of course, the probability is not large, the place where the eight kings live is basically far from the human world, the human world is quite in the periphery of the food world, and the place where the eight kings inhabit will not be the periphery of the boundary, so if this time really brings the deer king with him, Chen Yang said that his food luck is really against the sky, of course, against the sky.

Because let alone the deer king, even any beast on the deer king’s back is not something he can deal with.

His current strength of 1,000 is just a daring to walk around the periphery of the food world, and by the way, he looked for the clover in Jiro’s full-meal menu.

According to Jiro, the place where the hovers grow is very high, and this creature called the cloud sea bird also inhabits it, as the name suggests, this creature is almost made of clouds, and on its back, there is a small ocean, and the biological level inside also has a thousand existences, and the cloud sea bird itself has a level of more than two thousand.

However, the reason why Chen Yang dared to explore was because although the level of the Yunhai Bird was high, beyond Chen Yang’s ability range, although the level was high, it would not attack people casually, and its size was too large.

An existence like Chen Yang in front of the other party is basically a flea, so there is no need to worry at all, after all, there is a small ocean on the back, so Chen Yang is completely worthless, as long as it does not provoke people, it is enough.

As for those fierce beasts on the road, they will take the initiative to attack people, and the highest level is one thousand five, this is the data that Jiro gave him, of course, it is only a reference data, after all, after so many years, whether there has been a change is also a problem, so it will be known after Chen Yang goes in and takes a look.

Jiro’s full meal menu is really no one at that level, Chen Yang wants to completely capture these ingredients, that level must exceed five thousand, so think about it is also drunk, what to do with so many high-level ingredients, but when I think of others, although the ingredients in front of several of their four heavenly kings are not very advanced, the human world can get them.

But basically everyone brings one or two ingredients from the Earth Full Meal menu, so this is the most troublesome, of course, if the food luck is strong, then you can cook those ingredients without going through the eight kings.

With a little special method.

Xiao Hui and others who heard that Chen Yang was going to the food world also wanted to follow, but Chen Yang refused, according to Chen Yang, this time he went in to explore the way, and Chen Yang himself did not know how the specific situation was, so wait until he came back, and then Chen Yang felt that there was no danger and would bring Xiao Hui and others with him.

And Chen Yang came back this time to bring the camping monster, the hot air balloon submarine turtle, although the other party’s strength is not strong, but the secret ability is super-first-class, in the food industry as long as you do not take the initiative to provoke a very terrifying existence, it is no problem.

So Chen Yang also brought the road camping monsters, as well as Xiao Jin, now the strength of everyone no longer needs Xiao Jin’s protection, the strength of these people, others want to deal with them, unless the earth is blown up, otherwise there is no rut at all.

So Chen Yang doesn’t have to worry about their personal problems, as for the intrigue is even more impossible, GT robots are not vegetarian, now there are a large number of GT robots near their families, who dares to do it will die. _

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