“Let’s go, Xiaojin still has his own things to do, let’s start climbing!”

Chen Yang said with a smile, they must climb faster than Ah Yu and Komatsu, after all, Komatsu is strictly an ordinary person with a fairly ordinary physique, and everyone here has awakened the food demon, and the most important thing is that the degree of activation of each one is very high, especially Chen Yang, who has broken through a hundred, according to Chen Yang’s own estimates.

His current level should be about one hundred and twenty levels, plus the power of food righteousness, all the hole cards are played together, and it should be higher, but there is no standard comparison, he can only guarantee that he deals with creatures of about one hundred and twenty levels.

In the human world can basically walk sideways, the speed of several of them climbing must be much faster than Ah Yu and others, Ah Yu is because he needs to take care of Komatsu, so it took a while to go up, and a few of them, if the speed is fully open, it should be possible to go up in a day or so, of course, in order to adapt to the environment and resist the destruction of the environment, it is estimated that it will take a few days.

“Let’s go, start climbing, it’s a lot more than climbing a mountain or something!”

Chen Yang said, and led everyone to climb, and a few girls also followed well, their physical fitness was not weak, a few people almost turned into phantoms and climbed up quickly, just half an hour later, they met Ayu They climbed a day or two to meet the sky gorilla and the evil bean tree.

But these guys don’t need Chen Yang’s hand, Xiaohui and others solved them by dividing them by two, after all, one capture level is only 40 and the other capture level is only 46, compared to them now, it is too weak to block them.

It’s just that with the continuous climbing, the temperature began to drop sharply, and the oxygen concentration began to decrease rapidly, which made everyone slow down a little and began to gradually adapt to such an environment.

“The temperature is below zero, and we have encountered cumulonimbus clouds, such a cold is quite a huge test for you, let’s go, go and adapt to the environment above!”

Chen Yang said and continued to climb, and soon entered the range of cumulonimbus clouds, and after entering it, the temperature dropped again, and a snowstorm had begun to blow, and huge hailstones like houses fell.

If ordinary people were here, they would have to give away their own lives, and there were lightning bolts falling from time to time, and everyone already had different degrees of ice on their bodies, and the three of them were weaker than Xiaohui, and they had gradually begun to have difficulty breathing.

“Try to adjust your breathing, don’t continue up for the time being, get used to this environment first!”

Chen Yang looked at the three of them almost reached the limit, and opened his mouth to remind that now the cold, storm and oxygen content are all a stage of problems, and it will take time to fully adapt to these things.

“This is the first time I have felt such a harsh environment since my physical fitness has become stronger!”

Xiaolin Gentian said while trying to adjust his breathing, in the past, she also used Shijie’s authority to travel to many places, and those places, there are also plateau areas, in the plateau area, the temperature will become lower, the oxygen content will drop, it is easy to have altitude sickness, she has also suffered such a sin.

But after the gourmet cell awakened, this was the first time, in the past, those plateaus were like a larger staircase for them, but now on this vine, she finally felt that feeling again, but this is much more terrifying than a kind of altitude sickness.

“It’s normal, now this is just a food relic in the human world, and when you reach the food world, you will know how cruel it is, that kind of place, when both of us are not strong enough, I will not take you in!”

Chen Yang is very clear about the horror of the food world, not to mention anything else, let’s say three entrances, each of which is a deadly entrance, the safest waterfall of life, Ayu almost died when he went down, monsters piled up one after another, the other Yellow Spring Tour and Evil Spirit Port, these two places, a frequent creature from the food world rushed in.

The other one is the most dangerous one in the three entrances, there is no camping monster, entering is death, Chen Yang also wants to camp monster, but camping monster is too rare, it is difficult to find, so he can’t help, without this can’t blame him.

“Food world, I’ve been hearing you say that the food world is dangerous, I really don’t know what is going on inside!”

Crimson complained speechlessly, after all, now the human world is so terrifying, what will the food world look like.

“Food world, basically my strength is sending my life when I enter it, in that kind of place, a person who is not careful will encounter the existence of a strength of breaking a thousand, so the strength is not five hundred or don’t touch it, even if the strength breaks a thousand, one of them will suffer a big loss if you don’t pay attention!”

Chen Yang shook his head, don’t you see that the old man Jiro back then will directly quit drinking after entering the food world? The level of danger there is not a joke, and unlike the slow escalation of monsters on this side of the human world, you may encounter a super high-level existence since then, and you may hang up if you don’t pay attention.

Therefore, before Chen Yang was absolutely sure, he would never enter the Jedi, and only after Xiaohui and the others’ strength broke through a hundred, he would tell them the specific situation of the food world.

“Is it really that dangerous? Even if you go in, it’s cannon fodder! ”

Xiaolin Gentian asked a little incredulously, Chen Yang’s strength they know, now hard to resist the nuclear bomb, almost invincible existence, but when they think that Chen Yang’s existence is cannon fodder, I am afraid that it is not to scare people.

“You’ll know later, but you don’t know if those ingredients are still there!”

Chen Yang is most worried about the special ingredients that hit now, it stands to reason that those ingredients are formed by the deliciousness that the earth is constantly emitted during the cooking process, but now the earth is like this.

So whether ingredients such as GOD still exist is a problem, of course, now Chen Yang knows that these things are empty, wait until you can enter the food world, now think about it, people can’t enter.

After a few girls adapted to the environment here, everyone continued to go up, and a few girls who knew the dangers of the food world were also a little afraid, which is like one day someone telling you that a nuclear bomb is a bullet in the eyes of some civilizations, and when anyone can use it casually, it is estimated that the expression will be very exciting.

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