The horror of the first ecological region makes people dare not touch it at all, and now the only thing they are glad about is that these terrifying creatures are not bordering any continent, otherwise God knows what will happen, and the average capture level 27 monster ah.

Now there are few people who have activated the gourmet cell for the first time, which is still the result of the big league carrying it behind, but the people who have the gourmet cell activated on this can take a stroll in a lower-level place.

Their strength can’t deal with the high-level, but the Balon Islands can still be explored, after the Grand Alliance meeting, the people have dispersed, but not completely dispersed, after the collective meeting, another meeting is also quietly unfolding.

These people are different from most people, they have ambitions, but a peaceful world, no one wants any war, so their ambitions cannot be expanded, but now it is different, the world has begun to be chaotic, although it can still be controlled, but these people have gradually begun to be restless, they are carrying a big alliance behind their backs, and they are training their own private soldiers.

“Guys, the situation is getting more and more serious now, although the impact of those creatures that appear on us is not particularly great, but sooner or later there will be problems, although we have cultivated a group of people, but after all, they are cultivated behind the back of the big league, so the progress can not keep up with the people of the big league, now what do you think we should do?”

One of the gloomy old men asked, these people are restless, so they will gather together, but after all, they are doing things behind their backs, and they can’t see the light, so this matter is really a bit troublesome.

“During this time, we have included some people who have awakened their gourmet cells, but the horror of this relic is getting higher and higher, and the progress of human beings cannot keep up at all, just like this new continent that appeared this time, nothing else, we can’t deal with the monsters that look ordinary above, let alone the mountain-like giant beasts.”

“Now our target should be shifted to this person named Chen Yang, he is the first person to take out special ingredients, and according to our intelligence, the people around him have more or less awakened the gourmet cell, the appearance of the gourmet cell is completely random, but only he is completely different.”

“And recently, according to our surveillance, he brought the people of the far moon to an island, and that island had not appeared before, so it should be a gastronomic relic that came later, but it is a building with human life, so I suggest that we should start with him.”

One of them babbled a lot, and then turned his attention directly to Chen Yang.

“This person is indeed worth paying attention to, those guys in the big leagues are too naïve, when you encounter this kind of person, you should be in your own hands, he must have more secrets that we don’t know, after all, as the only regenerative master, and there are many means, take advantage of the fact that he has not fully grown up, ready to attack him!”

In the end, after discussing it here, they planned to quietly send someone to find out the specific news of Chen Yang, or directly do it against him, in general, there are many methods, depending on how to operate, and this also shows another side of human nature.

This man will always be controlled by ambition and greed, so it is not surprising that this group of people would make such a choice.

On the other side, Chen Yang has already returned to the Food Forest Temple with Xiao Hui and the others, and what he doesn’t know is that someone has already extended their claws to his side, of course, even if he knows Chen Yang, he will not feel that there is any problem, who dares to stretch out his claws, then cut it directly, and by the way, the beast with its claws will also be done.

In order to be just in case Chen Yang captured some more double-jawed dragons before leaving, this was prepared to prevent someone from attacking Xiaohui’s family, Chen Yang didn’t have to think about knowing that someone would definitely make a black hand, so he had already made some preparations.

But Chen Yang also said that he definitely has no way to take care of them all, Xiaohui’s family on their side, he can definitely protect it, but the family’s family is the problem, his group of people, if you want to pull, relatives and friends can pull out a lot of people.

So Chen Yang knows this very well, but he can’t do it perfectly to protect these people, so it is a little bit to do a little, which can be regarded as very face-giving, which is why Chen Yang does not like to form an organization.

He thinks that he does not have the ability to manage a large enough organization, so he will want to train a group of people to fight by themselves, as for himself, it is good to be a behind-the-scenes and does not care about anything.

After all, there are many tedious things, he has no time to waste on this, he does not have a large enough IGO behind him to live as an organization such as a food club, and if others want to target him, it is almost pervasive.

Therefore, Chen Yang can only try to avoid it, and also focus on his several partners and his partners’ relatives, which is already the limit, and he will not have to come more.

Everyone who had rested outside for a month had also returned to the Shilin Temple one after another to continue cultivating Shiyi, and the island soon became unquiet, and those who wanted to get enough profits and secrets from Chen Yang had already stretched out their hands.

These people have landed on the island, and according to the positioning of the satellite, they have approached the location of the Food Forest Temple, but they have not yet come to the front of the Food Forest Temple, they have been discovered by Chen Yang, Chen Yang’s current five senses, although these people are very careful, but they have been discovered when they are close.

“Someone really reached over, but it was slower than I expected, but the two-jawed dragon is almost done, and I don’t have to worry too much about it next!”

Chen Yang shook his head, someone came to engage himself, he had already been prepared, but he came later than he expected, Chen Yang said that if he was the person on the other side, he would have already taken measures.

There are many people outside, it can be said that they are fully armed, of course, it is obviously impossible to want to engage him like this, Chen Yang smelled some anesthetics on their bodies, Chen Yang was also a little surprised, it seems that those people are not all idiots.

The activation of gourmet cells represents the crazy improvement of individual combat power, among these people, he found several people with different physical qualities than ordinary people, not surprisingly, it should be awakened gourmet cells, and these people intend to use this anesthetic against themselves and others.

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