Looking at the demon snake below, Chen Yang took off his shirt, exposing his terrifying but not swollen muscles, and then his fingers slammed into his body several times in a row, and then he saw that his body began to expand rapidly, directly rushing to the level of a five-meter-tall little giant, this scene made several girls behind them almost sit on the ground in fright.

“Flashpoint, you can let your physical potential explode in a short time, but with my current strength, I can only swell to this extent, and then continue up, although it is okay, but there will be sequelae, fortunately, I specially used special materials to customize this pants, otherwise it is estimated that I can’t bear it!”

Chen Yang saw the expressions of several girls and explained, this kind of point he has not long learned, and because of the strength problem, so it is not as good as the last time, if it is Jiro, it is estimated that the body swells to tens of hundreds of meters is as simple as playing.

But in the case of ensuring that he will not have sequelae, he can only let the body swell to five meters, of course, not only the body is so simple, even the strength is also expanded, if the normal situation to deal with the demon snake, although it is not a problem, but it is inevitable to entangle, so Chen Yang in order to fight quickly, did not hesitate, by the way, try this trick.

“You guys are waiting for me here, Xiaohui, pay attention to it, your gourmet cells are developed better than them, even if a scorpion cockroach appears, it can’t hurt you, of course, this is the territory of the demon snake, and you don’t need to worry about other creatures appearing, but just in case, so remember to be vigilant!”

After saying that, Chen Yang jumped down directly, and directly aimed at the weakest demon snake with a thunderous momentum, and punched fiercely, impacting the point point to punch the force directly inside, and in an instant, the body of the demon snake seemed to be pressed down by something, directly pressing out a semi-circular pit on the ground, and directly lying still.

“Get it done first!”

After the first one was taken away by an impact, the other four tortured snakes all reacted and stared at Chen Yang very vigilantly.

“Because of the gap in strength, I didn’t launch a rash attack, but predators like you should know very well if you stay for a long time!”

Chen Yang will not wait for the Demon Great Snake to react, he has no problem resisting the attack of the Demon Great Snake in his current state, as long as he is not sprayed by them with a mouthful of poison, the poison of this thing is very exaggerated.

Although he can also form antibodies in the body, but it is not as good as Coco’s poisonous person, he needs time.

Seeing Chen Yang attack first, the Demon Great Snake also roared, and then began to attack, while the one with the highest level stared at Chen Yang with three eyes, and then suddenly sprayed out a mouthful of green venom.

Chen Yang, who had long been paying attention to this demon snake, directly dodged and avoided, and at this time, he just came to the side of the nearest demon snake, raised his right leg up, and slashed down.

“Leg knife!”

This kick slashed fiercely on the body of the demon snake, and instantly chopped off the head of the demon snake, although the self-healing ability of the demon snake is extremely strong, but now it is the head that is chopped off, so the self-healing ability is useless.

And Chen Yang is very aware of the vitality of snakes, so this kick kicked this snake head into the wall abruptly, and directly embedded it, and it is definitely impossible to sneak up on people again.

However, the body of this demon snake is still twitching, it can be seen that the vitality of this thing is tenacious, but it can no longer pose any threat, Chen Yang also eyed other demon snakes, losing two demon snakes in a row, other demon snakes are also a little timid, although they are also fierce, but they can never be compared with the wolves.

But timid Chen Yang will not let them go, the demon snake is a good thing, this thing can be eaten, Chen Yang has also got some before, has been eaten a little by him, the taste is indeed very good, although this thing looks a little ugly, but the taste is still very good, so Chen Yang naturally has no reason to let go of the demon snake here.

The next two lower-level heads were nailed to the wall alive by him with his leg forks, and the last one with the highest level was also handled by him with the impact point.

“Get the job done, this bursting point is really useful, the strength has increased so much in one breath, and fighting the demon snake is the same as hitting the grandson!”

Chen Yang said that it is indeed very good, except for the last one that used a few attacks, the first few low-level ones are all second kills, with his current strength, there is no problem at all in getting these guys, that is, some calories are lost.

Although the flashpoint point has no sequelae, but it also consumes a lot of calories, although these calories will not make Chen Yang hurt his bones, but he also needs to recover, and now the demon snake is the best food, within the range of his five senses can be observed, there are no other demon snakes, so you can start eating snake meat with peace of mind.

“Is the meat of these guys really edible? It always feels so weird! ”

Because the demon snake was killed, the smell of blood below was relatively strong, which made several girls a little uncomfortable.

“It’s a little ugly, but it still tastes good, and I’ve eaten it before.”

Chen Yang said that it is not a problem, as long as it is not special cooking ingredients, such as soap bubble fruit, golden wheat and other things, it is not a problem for him.

After that, everyone quickly processed the demon snake, and then put it in the pot, as for the materials, water, kitchenware and the like, Chen Yang has a lot here, and it has been prepared.

And that super cauldron has also been used, just suitable for such a terrifying creature.

“Your preparation is really complete, but I envy your kind of space where you can take things and put things casually!”

Xiaolin gentian said that he is very envious, but envy is useless, at present, Chen Yang can’t prepare a copy for them, except for some camping monsters, basically can’t find such a thing at present, there is, but the material is very precious, the level is very high, with the current Chen Yang encountering this kind of thing, that is, waiting for death, so Chen Yang is not in a rut.

After the snake meat is cooked, everyone naturally begins, the people here, one or two are super stomach kings, and because of the high level of ingredients, so their cell accumulation capacity can be much faster than Chen Yang, after all, someone brings ah, this is also Chen Yang can’t help but sigh again.

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