
Chapter 1765: Amon14, desperate!

Often, cutting-edge technology or top-secret information is not stored in a data format, but rather paper storage. ∷

Even if you choose to save data, you will choose to isolate the Internet environment instead of storing it in a device with an Internet environment.

This is not to say that storing cutting-edge technology or top secret information in a device with an Internet environment is a brain-dead behavior.

Regardless of the choice, they have their own advantages and disadvantages.

If you choose to save cutting-edge technology or top-secret information in a paper-based way, although it completely isolates the possibility of being hacked, it will create new problems.

In the real world, paper-based materials are easily stolen, copied, photographed, etc., and even in extreme cases, they may be forcibly attacked by the enemy to store paper-based materials.

For example, the new energy information of Mi Rui Technology Group, if you choose a paper preservation plan, not to mention the organization, it is the intimate partner of the Mi Rui Technology Group Rongcheng Military Region, it is also possible to give birth to a heart.

As for the isolation of the Internet environment storage solution, it seems to combine the dual advantages of the paper storage solution and the Internet environment storage solution, and greatly weakens the shortcomings of both. But in fact, this is also a failure to store.

Isolating the Internet environment to store data means that the owner cannot manage it remotely. Once an emergency situation is encountered, the problem cannot be solved effectively.

This kind of storage scheme also has the weaknesses of paper-based data storage schemes, and even more obvious.

For example, Shi Lei’s Tiandi Xuanhuang Thief group. If they want to steal information from a closed network system, they only need to have a wireless network device. Secretly installed inside a closed network system, you can steal data remotely.

According to the hands of the heaven and earth Xuanhuang thief group. I am afraid that after stealing the information, I will not be able to find any traces!

So, it is not a good way to isolate the way the Internet environment stores data. It can only be an alternative.

Although neither the paper storage solution nor the isolation of the Internet environment storage solution is a perfect solution, it does not mean that a storage solution with an Internet environment is a good solution!

In fact. The shortcomings of the storage solution with the Internet environment are also very obvious. The biggest drawback is that it is vulnerable to hacking and even hacking to steal data.

As for the advantages, the owner can respond quickly and provide solutions.

When a hacker hacks, as long as the owner's technology is smart enough, the device defense system that stores the data is powerful enough to block the intruder. Not afraid of intruders at all.

Mi Rui Technology Group has strong network technology, coupled with the sensitivity of data, not suitable for paper storage and isolation of the Internet environment storage, naturally chooses the storage solution with Internet environment.

Duke Duke invades the Dream Entertainment Official Players Forum. Resist the resistance of the organization, which made Duke Duke understand the core information of the Miri Technology Group. It is definitely stored in the internal network, instead of using paper-based data storage. Or it is an isolation of the Internet environment storage solution.

This also means that as long as Duke Duke breaks the internal network defense of the Mire Technology Group. You will have the opportunity to obtain the core information of the Mi Rui Technology Group.

"Butler, I need to touch the resources of n14!" Duke Duke said.

"Duke Duke, according to your authority, can not get a resource of n14!" Butler responded.

For the resources that could not get supercomputer a touch n14, Duke Duke had expected. At the beginning, the chaos of the snake asked, after the a touch of n13 and a touch n14 permissions, it made the corresponding authority adjustment.

With the permission of the Duke Duke, only the supercomputer a can touch n13, but can not mobilize a touch n14.

"Start the savior program!" Duke Duke commanded.

The organization's pseudo-artificial intelligence system Butler, this time did not reject the order of Duke Duke, but implemented it.

"The savior program is being executed, and the main system begins to judge the advanced privilege..." Butler showed the relevant information on the Duke's laptop screen.

"The senior authority of the Marquis of Annlin, has been written off..."

"The senior authority of the Duke of Satan, can not get contact, according to the logic of the main system, the Duke of Satan has died, the corresponding authority is temporarily frozen..."

"The Duke of Andusias, the senior privilege, has died and his authorization is suspended."

"The Duke of Elig, the privilege of the senior authority, the Duke of Agarez, the senior authority, died at the s17 base in Nevada according to the information collected by the main system, and the authorization was suspended."

"With the request of the Duke Duke of the senior authority, the savior program is started, and the Duke Duke is granted the full authority until it is cancelled by the super-authority!"

Butler sent out a series of reminders. Obviously, there is a certain judgment mode inside Butler. When the number of core members of the organization is reduced to a certain extent, the program named ‘Savior’ can be started.

Duke Duke received a temporary full authorization from Butler through the ‘Savior’ program.

"Butler, ready to touch n14 computing resources!" Duke Duke issued an order again.

This time, Butler did not directly refuse, but responded: "I am reviewing the supercomputer a touch n14 computing task, there is no super-authority authorized task, is sending a related task suspension notice, is finishing supercomputer a touch n14 computing resources, please wait…"

Duke Duke waited patiently, supercomputer a touch n14 is the core supercomputer of the organization, the key computing power of the organization to develop biological genetic technology, is the super computer a touch n14 provided.

About half a minute later, Butler gave the tip again. "Duke Duke, supercomputer a touch n14 ready to complete!"

On the notebook screen in front of Duke Duke. Shows that supercomputer a touches the computing resources of n14, and has a total of 1200tflops of intensive distributed computing resources!

Four times the lightning of a supercomputer!

Supercomputer a touches n13 and a touches n14 computing resources add up. It reached 1700 tflops and is a dense distributed computing resource.

In order to break the network defense of Mi Rui Technology Group, Duke Duke is obviously ready to fight!

At present, the defensive strength of the cyber defense of the Mirei Technology Group demonstrates the degree of intensive distributed computing resources of only about 500tflops.

Although the defense defense ratio of the endless defense system is very good, it is also possible to be tragic when faced with the 1700tflops intensive distributed computing resource attack.

This is not an endless defense system is not enough, but the loose distributed computing resources provided by iwn secret network is not enough. As long as the iwn secret network fluctuates slightly. The computing resources provided cannot be put on time, and the endless defense system will crash.

Duke Duke gathered the supercomputer a to touch the computing resources of n13 and a touch n14, slightly paused the attack rhythm, let the defenders of the Mi Rui Technology Group relax their vigilance, and then immediately launched a sharp attack.

When the 1700tflops of intensive distributed computing resources, like the tsunami, attacked the official gamers forum, the Dream Entertainment official player forum immediately appeared to be slow to browse, or even unable to provide services.

Rafael exclaimed for the first time, "stone. The situation is not good!"

Shi Lei has found something wrong, and loudly told him: "jazz, hurry up and fight, help Fini resist the attack!" After that. Shi Lei continued to command, "Well, start the over-color program of iwn secret network!"

Over color ed. Overclocking!

By increasing the computing resources of each iwn color ed, iwn secret network gets more computing resources. According to the current iwn secret network. Without affecting users, iwn.com can get up to 8000tflops of loose distributed computing resources.

Although only from data analysis. 8000tflops far exceeds 1700tflops, but in reality, 8000tflops is a loosely distributed computing resource, while 1700tflops is a dense distributed computing resource.

The two are not a concept at all!

Even if you ignore a lot of problems, including consistency, coordination, delay, etc., in a very simple proportion, 8000tflops of loose distributed computing resources, up to 1000tflops of intensive distributed computing resources, even only 800tflops The extent of intensive distributed computing resources.

Despite the 300tflops of intensive distributed computing resources provided by Supercomputer Lightning, it still lags behind Duke Duke's 1700tflops of intensive distributed computing resources, but in the end there will be no difference, there is no gap between performance and computing resources.

Rely on the endless defense system, you can also block it!

If there is no computing resources provided by iwn secret network, there is no over color ed to draw more iwn secret network resources, only supercomputer lightning, facing the mighty Duke Duke, I am afraid the internal network defense of Mi Rui Technology Group, early Just crash!

Fortunately, Shi Lei has long been a foresight, built iwn secret network, as one of the cards of the Mi Rui Technology Group, to protect the network environment of Mi Rui Technology Group.

Iwn secret network played a vital role in many hacking wars!

Duke Duke and Tao Wenxian and Rafael, who attacked for nearly half an hour, finally gave up the plan to break through the network and break the network defense of Mi Rui Technology Group.

Duke Duke did not think that the Mi Rui Technology Group could mobilize so many computing resources!

‘It seems that only in the current world, try to enter the internal network of Mi Rui Technology Group! Duke Duke thought secretly.

Although there is a certain degree of danger in entering the internal network of the Mirren Technology Group through a real-world approach, there is no way.

And in the view of Duke Duke, the current situation is also the best time!

Once you miss the good time, I am afraid there will be no chance to acquire the cutting-edge and new technology of the Mi Rui Technology Group. Fortunately, Duke Duke had anticipated this situation and made a predetermined plan.

(To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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