The news that I read this morning said that a Samsung phone had a battery self-ignition fault." The man in the hat said with disdain, "Are these people hired by Samsung?" They are not hired. It is unreasonable that so many people are queuing up to buy phones after Samsung's scandal. Besides, it's just a phone. I don't understand why so many people are queuing up. If you say Apple, they spend money to line up for the launch of new products. He believes that there is nothing worth queuing up for the Korean phone. "Keep your voice down, don't talk nonsense, let's go, let's go." The girlfriend of the man in the hat quickly pulled his clothes, signaling him not to talk nonsense, and then pulled him away. "Samsung phone battery self-ignited?" The man in sunglasses took out his phone, opened Douyin, and searched for related videos. "Let's go." His girlfriend urged him to go forward. The man in sunglasses was walking and scrolling through Tik Tok. Soon, he saw a video of a Samsung phone battery self-igniting.

He stopped and looked back at the long line at the entrance of the Samsung flagship store. He complained, "These idiots must be agents."

"What did you say?" The man and woman in sunglasses didn't hear what he said clearly. Just as they were about to ask, a cheer suddenly broke out from the direction of the crowd.


Then, the man and woman in sunglasses shouted in surprise, "EXO, it's EXO!" Without paying attention to the man in sunglasses, they turned around and ran towards the crowd.

"What are you looking at?" The man in sunglasses quickly chased after him.

The girlfriend had already squeezed into the crowd and excitedly shouted with the crowd: "EXO!"


The man in sunglasses also saw that it turned out to be a male star from Kimchi Country, a member of the EXO group.

The arrival of EXO set off the atmosphere at the scene.

The crowd, which had already formed a long queue, became even more crowded.

The EXO member smiled and waved to the crowd, and then walked into the Samsung flagship store under the escort of bodyguards.

He was invited to attend the Samsung mobile phone new product launch conference.

After a while, the crowd in the store surrounded the EXO male star. I saw that the EXO group member was holding a Samsung Galaxy Note mobile phone in his hand and was cooperating with the reporter to take pictures.

"Ka Ka Ka..."

The male star posed in various poses and showed a charming smile to the media reporters and fans around him.

However, the accident happened at this time.

Suddenly, the mobile phone in his hand actually smoked.

The male star was startled and the mobile phone fell to the ground.


Everyone's eyes were focused on the smoking mobile phone on the ground.

The smoke became bigger and thicker.

The crowd around hurriedly stepped back.


With a bang, the mobile phone exploded.

The flames gushed out of the mobile phone and burned.

"Ah!" A girl screamed in the crowd.

The scene was in chaos.

Only the media reporters reacted quickly after the chaos and excitedly pressed the shutter.

This is explosive news.

"#News# Samsung Wangfujing flagship store new product launch site, the mobile phone suddenly burst into flames." - IT Home

"Samsung mobile phone exploded again, the new product launch became a "disaster scene." -

"Samsung mobile phone exploded, EXO group "fainted." - Dongfang Finance

"Samsung mobile phone safety hazards have attracted attention again, how should consumers protect themselves?" - Beijing Electronic Weekly


Related news reports quickly made headlines on major websites and became hot searches.

This is just the beginning.


At the same time, in Longgang District, Shenzhen, there were only three or five customers in a Samsung mobile phone store.

A female customer was holding a Samsung mobile phone and experiencing the functions of the mobile phone. Next to her, a sales consultant introduced the performance of the mobile phone.

Suddenly, the female customer screamed, and the phone slipped from her hand and fell on the table.

"What's wrong, miss?" the sales consultant asked in confusion.

"The phone is so hot!" the female customer said in horror.

"So hot?" The sales consultant reached out for the phone in confusion, wanting to see what was going on. However, before he reached out and touched the phone, smoke came out of the phone.

Oh my god!

The sales consultant was shocked.

The smoke became bigger and thicker.

The sales consultant was at a loss and froze on the spot.


The female customer screamed in fear and panicked.

and hurriedly stepped back.

Other people in the store were also startled by this sudden scene. They put down their things and gathered around.


Accompanied by a few exclamations, the mobile phone caught fire, and the flames instantly engulfed the entire phone.


In Gangnam District, Seoul, Samsung's largest flagship store in the world covers an area of ​​1,500 square meters.

On weekends, the store is crowded.


Suddenly, a woman in her thirties pointed at a mobile phone on the counter and exclaimed.

I saw that the mobile phone on the counter was actually smoking.

A few dozen seconds later...


The mobile phone exploded.

The glass counter was blown to pieces.


Dongjing, at night, the Samsung store in Ginza Plaza was brightly lit.

At this moment, a piercing fire alarm sounded in the store.

Customers in the store ran out one after another, and some customers were sprayed with water by the fire sprinkler system, looking miserable.

In the chaos, a mobile phone was seen burning on the floor of the store, and the water pouring from the ceiling could not put out the flames.

At one o'clock in the morning in New York, the streets were empty due to the time difference.

A police car drove slowly on the empty street.

Suddenly, a black policeman noticed the fire ahead.

He immediately drove over to check.

It turned out that a Samsung mobile phone store was on fire.

The raging flames burst out of the store, illuminating the surrounding buildings.

The black policeman quickly called the fire department on the intercom.

Half an hour later, the fire truck finally arrived at the scene, but the entire building had been engulfed by flames.

Afterwards, the New York police found the cause of the fire by checking the surveillance video in the store. It turned out to be a mobile phone that caught fire.

Fortunately, there was no one in the store when the fire broke out, so no casualties were caused.

At the same time on that day, mobile phones spontaneously combusted in Samsung stores in dozens of cities around the world, including Barcelona, ​​Moscow, and London.

Global mainstream media such as the BBC, The New York Times, and The Times reported the incident.

The spontaneous combustion of Samsung mobile phone batteries has become a hot topic around the world.

This has brought huge negative impacts to Samsung Electronics.

The most direct impact is that Samsung's stock price has begun to plummet like a laxative!

Before the close of the market that afternoon, Samsung's stock price plummeted by 7%.

The market value evaporated by 18 trillion won.

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