The old man was very happy.


The monkey was choked by Su Yang's question. He turned to look at Gao Meng, and his eyes seemed to ask: "Is there any hope of saving this guy?"

"Yangyang, don't say that brothers are disloyal. Today, I will help you." Gao Meng said, picked up the phone and called Liang Lele.

"Hello? Liang Lele, let's have dinner together tonight. Su Yang will treat us... Which restaurant shall we go to?" Gao Meng looked at Su Yang.

"Ah?" Su Yang hadn't reacted yet. He didn't even say he wanted to treat us.

"Yaxuanlou." The monkey answered on his behalf.

"Yaxuan Building, we'll go there now and meet at Yaxuan Building, OK?" Gao Meng said, then hung up the phone, and then made an "OK" gesture to Su Yang.



Su Yang couldn't help but complain, "I say, what are you two doing!" He wasn't really stupid, and he reacted.

"Let's go, let's go, don't dawdle." Gao Meng urged.

"You can't bear to part with that little money, right?" Monkey asked with a smile.

"Am I that kind of stingy person?" Su Yang asked back.

"Then stop talking nonsense, let's go."

The three of them talked and laughed, and walked out of the dormitory together.


In the night sky, the stars are twinkling with faint light.

The breeze is blowing.

The campus at night is quiet and beautiful, a good place for couples to take a walk.

However, Su Yang didn't understand the situation. When he reached the fork in the road, he stopped and said, "I'm going back."

He was going back to the rental house, and Gao Meng and Liang Lele were not on the same road.

"Bye!" Su Yang turned around and was about to leave.

"Hey, you idiot, aren't you going to take us back to the dormitory?" Gao Meng complained.

"Do I have to take you back?" Su Yang was puzzled.

"This section of the road is very dark. You are a grown man, can't you show some gentlemanly manners and take us back?" Monkey winked and hinted when he spoke.

Having said that, Su Yang naturally understood what he meant.

"You three are walking together, and you are still afraid of the dark?" Su Yang said contemptuously, "I have something else to do, so I'm leaving first, bye!"

After that, he left without looking back.

"Damn! This kid is hopeless!"

"Destroy it!"

Monkey and Gao Meng shook their heads helplessly at the same time.

Su Yang walked away and disappeared into the night.

In fact, he understood what Monkey meant, he just didn't want to give it to her.

It's not that he has any opinion on Liang Lele, after all, they are classmates, how could he have any opinion?

It's not that he doesn't like her, no boy doesn't like beautiful women.

Su Yang just doesn't want to fall in love.

Falling in love is too troublesome, dating, giving gifts, asking about each other's well-being, and having to endure all kinds of "little emotions" from girls... When I think of all the troubles of falling in love, I feel a headache.

So, is being single unhappy?

Or are games not fun?

It was nine o'clock in the evening when Su Yang returned to the rental house.

Turn on the computer and prepare to play games for a while to relax.

He hasn't played games for a long time.

Time passed quickly, and it was eleven o'clock in a blink of an eye.

Su Yang turned off the computer and went to bed.

Su Yang woke up at seven o'clock the next morning.

He lay in bed and used his mobile phone to browse Douyin.

Log in to Douyin account, number of fans: 3.23 million.

When the live broadcast ended yesterday, Su Yang remembered that the number of fans had just exceeded 3 million. This night, the number of fans increased by 230,000.

I checked the system points again... Haha, it increased by almost 1 million points.

This should be the impact of yesterday's live broadcast.

Yesterday's live broadcast had 500,000 people online, and in conjunction with the embassy, ​​a fraud gang in Dubai was destroyed. Such a big news will definitely be on the hot search.

Thinking so in his mind, Su Yang opened Weibo and saw a hot search, "Douyin hacker anchor LittleBoy, in conjunction with the Chinese Embassy in Dubai, arrested a criminal gang engaged in telecommunications fraud in Dubai..."

"Well done."

"I watched the live broadcast yesterday, 'LittleBoy' is really awesome!"

"Like for the embassy!"

"Crack down on telecommunications fraud!"


The comment area of ​​the hot search has as many as 100,000 comments.

Not only Weibo, but also, Bilibili, and Penguin's mainstream websites have reported it.

Haha, it's really popular.

The name "LittleBoy" has gone viral for the first time.


LittleBoy was on the hot search list before, but it was limited to Douyin and the anchor circle. There were not many mainstream websites reporting on it. This time, major mainstream websites reprinted the report, and LittleBoy's account was truly out of the circle.

Time unknowingly reached 7:30.

Su Yang got up and went downstairs to have breakfast.

At the breakfast shop, he continued to browse Douyin and saw several videos about him in succession, all of which had a high number of views.

While browsing, a video came into his eyes:

"The first domestic network security reality show "I am a Geek" invited "Genius Eyes" Wang Liheng, crosstalk actor Guo Qilin, and "Nine-ball Queen" Pan Xiaoting as guests of the show. The ten-member jury composed of authoritative experts in the network security circle is not only full of fun, but also shows the professionalism and importance of the network security industry..."


This show... Su Yang remembered that a director invited him online yesterday, and the show he was talking about was this "I am a Geek".

Su Yang was not interested in recording the show at first.

However, looking at the promotional video of this program, it is quite large and professional.

He clicked the link below the video and jumped to the official website of "I am a Geek". The first thing that caught his eye was the introduction of the program:

"I am a Geek" brings mysterious hackers to the stage, and in the form of a network security attack and defense show, it shows the security risks of "high technology" in daily life, and rings the alarm bell for the public's smart life.

The program uses the form of variety shows to show the more hidden corners of life, popularize the potential crises of smart life to the public, and has taken a different path..."

Su Yang continued to read on.

"In each episode of "I'm a Geek", three cybersecurity teams will be invited to accept the challenge.

The winning team will advance to the next episode.

Finally, the winning team in the final will receive a bonus of 5 million.


For Su Yang, the 5 million bonus is not attractive.

He is more interested in the content of the program.

The official website also introduced the members of the program's jury, authoritative experts from the cybersecurity circle:

Qu Xiaowei, Chief Security Expert of Alibaba.

Pan Hong, Senior Researcher of 360 Noah Lab.

Ma Kailin, Security Director of Microsoft Asia Pacific.

Yuan Jie, Chief Security Expert of Green Alliance Technology, Technical Advisor of Red Hacker Alliance.


In this list, ten experts are either from large companies or famous hackers.

One of them, Su Yang is quite familiar with, "Brother Yuan" of Red Hacker Alliance - Yuan Jie.

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