The situation in the "Pictures" folder is similar. The last photo is a selfie that Gao Ming posted on WeChat Moments on March 10. The IP address shown in the photo shows that he was in a hotel in Yunlan at the time.

From March to now, for a year, no text or picture information about Gao Ming can be found on the domestic Internet.

No information about him can be found on the Mianbei network either.

This is completely consistent with what Xiao Gao said, that his brother has been missing for a year.

A person has been missing for a year and has not left any trace on the Internet. What does this mean?

There are several possibilities. One is that this person is an old antique of the grandparents' generation and does not go online at all.

Gao Ming is young and it is impossible for him not to go online, so this possibility can be ruled out.

Another possibility is that he changed his name and identity, so his information cannot be found.

The last possibility is that he is dead.

Su Yang estimated that the second possibility is the most likely.

Gao Ming went to Mianbei. If he was deceived into telecom fraud, he would definitely change his name and hide his identity.

But why can't even a photo be found?

Could it be that he not only changed his name, but also had plastic surgery?

If he really had plastic surgery, then there is really no way.

Su Yang couldn't think of any good solution for a while.

After all, he is a hacker, not a god, and it is impossible for him to be omnipotent.

"Let's see if Xiao Gao can provide more information after he goes online." Su Yang thought, then got up and went to wash up.

The crawler software continued to search for Gao Ming's information.


In the morning, the sun was shining.

Su Yang sat in front of the computer and learned about the business of Galaxy Satellite Company.

The super administrator account of the bank satellite company he exchanged can log in to the database center of Galaxy Satellite, access and control the company's more than 180 commercial satellites distributed in space, which cover countries around the world.

Time passed in the study, and it was 12 noon in a blink of an eye. The crawler software still did not find any information about Gao Ming.

I can only wait for Xiao Gao to provide more information.

Su Yang went to have lunch first, then returned to the room and prepared to start the broadcast.

When the clock pointed to 1 noon, the broadcast started.

As soon as the live broadcast room started, 100,000 netizens poured into it.

Is it so popular?

Su Yang himself was surprised that the "new track" of "upholding justice" was so popular.


The first connection application popped up immediately, and it was the director named Ouyang yesterday.

"Master, hello, we connected yesterday and want to invite you to participate in our program. I extend my sincere invitation to you again." Director Ouyang said straight to the point.

"Sorry, I'm still considering it." Su Yang politely refused.

"Master, this is my contact information. If you change your mind, you can contact me at any time. I'm waiting for your good news 24 hours a day." Director Ouyang said, and sent a mobile phone number in the barrage.

"Okay, if I think it through, I will contact you." Su Yang said.

"Okay, I won't bother you anymore."



At this time, Xiao Gao's connection application popped up.

Su Yang clicked "Approve".

"Hello, anchor, netizens, hello everyone!" Xiao Gao's avatar appeared in the small window of the live broadcast room.

"Xiao Gao, I used crawler software to search for your brother's information. From last night to now, there has been no result. All I found are information before March last year." Su Yang said, "Think about it carefully. Since March last year, has your brother really not left any information? Whether it is text, pictures, or videos, any information is fine."

"Let me think..." Xiao Gao lowered his head and pondered for a moment. Suddenly, he seemed to think of something and his eyes lit up. "I remembered that my brother sent a photo to my mother in April last year."

"Look for it."

"The photo is in my mother's phone. I'll find it now." Xiao Gao said, and then left the camera.

"Mom! Mom! My brother contacted you for the last time last year and sent you a photo. Do you remember? Is the photo still there?"

"Photo? I don't know..." A woman's voice came from outside the camera.

"Where is your phone? Let me see if the photo is in your phone."

After a moment, Xiao Gao returned to the camera, holding

Holding an old-fashioned straight-screen mobile phone, he was looking through the mobile phone album.

A minute later, Xiao Gao said excitedly: "Found it! Found it!"

He turned the mobile phone screen to the camera.

Su Yang carefully observed the photo.

In the photo, Gao Ming was standing by a river, and there was a tall building in the distance on the other side of the river.

Su Yang carefully identified the river in the photo. There was nothing special about it, and he couldn't tell what kind of river it was.

The tall building was too far away and couldn't be seen clearly.

On the beach by the river a few dozen meters away from Gao Ming, there were a few white people.

"Didn't Gao Ming go to Mianbei? Could it be that there are Europeans in Mianbei?" Su Yang was puzzled.

Looking carefully, he still couldn't tell where Gao Ming was from this photo.

He was about to take a screenshot of the photo and input it into the crawler software, when a barrage caught his attention: "This is Dubai River."

"'Bu Fu Shi Guang', do you know the place in the photo?" Su Yang asked quickly.

"I know, this is Dubai." Netizen "Bu Fu Shi Guang" replied.

"Dubai? But Xiao Gao said his brother went to Mianbei?" Su Yang was even more confused.

Xiao Gao was also confused.

"'Bu Fu Shi Guang', are you sure that the photo is Dubai?" Su Yang asked.

"I'm sure! I'm in Dubai!" 'Bu Fu Shi Guang' said with certainty, "The tall building in the photo is the Armani Hotel in Dubai. I go there often, so I'm very familiar with it. I can't be wrong."

Dubai Armani Hotel... Su Yang opened the Bone Song map and searched for "Dubai Armani Hotel".

Found it.

Compare the photos provided by Xiao Gao.

It's true, exactly the same.

After all this time, Gao Ming didn't go to Mianbei at all, but went to Dubai?

No wonder the crawler software couldn't find his information.

"Xiao Gao, the photo has been confirmed, your brother is in Dubai." Su Yang said.

"How could it be Dubai? I always thought he was in Mianbei..." Xiao Gao was stunned.

"Your brother may not be telling the truth." Su Yang said as he changed the search area of ​​the crawler software to "Dubai".

At this time, Su Yang noticed that some netizens said in the barrage that Dubai is the new global fraud center in recent years.

"Are there many fraud gangs in Dubai?" Su Yang asked.

He only knew that there were many fraud gangs in Mianbei and San Ge's family, and he didn't know the situation in Dubai.

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