The first time, the second ... The chat history page popped up, and the last message was a week ago, and then it was blocked.

Su Yang's hands quickly tapped on the keyboard, and lines of code flowed down like a waterfall.

A few minutes later, a magical scene happened.

Xiao Li was surprised to find that he had been blocked by his ex-girlfriend and returned to normal.

"Wow~~ Boss, you are so awesome!" Xiao Li couldn't help but exclaimed.

"What's the situation? What happened?"

"Can you live broadcast it? Let us see it too!"

"Boss, please, let us open our eyes too."

Netizens could only see Xiao Li's expression changes, but could not see his mobile phone screen.

"Xiao Li, open your mobile phone album now, there should be an extra red envelope picture in it, you send this picture to your ex-girlfriend, and add a sentence 'Wish you a happy wedding'." Su Yang said.

"Okay." Xiao Li nodded, opened the mobile phone album, and saw a red envelope picture as expected.

Although he was a little confused, he still followed Su Yang's instructions and sent the picture to Juanjuan.

"Boss, why do you want to send such a picture?" Xiao Li asked curiously.

"It's a good opportunity to popularize network security knowledge to everyone." Su Yang explained with a smile, "This picture is not an ordinary picture, it contains a Trojan program."

"As long as the other party clicks on this picture, the Trojan program will be automatically implanted into her mobile phone, and then her mobile phone will be controlled by me."

"So, everyone must pay attention to safety on the Internet, don't easily click on links, pictures and files sent by strangers, be careful of Trojan viruses hidden in them."

"6666! Learned, learned!"

"It turns out that it can be operated like this! It's really eye-opening!"

"Boss, I'm 25 years old this year. Is it too late to learn hacking technology now?"

Netizens posted barrages to express that they have learned a lot.

"She clicked it, and she also said that I sent a fake red envelope to deceive her and scolded me for being sick!" At this time, Xiao Li spoke.

"Don't pay attention to her, just leave it to me next." Su Yang said.

The moment Juanjuan clicked on the picture, it meant that the Trojan program had been successfully implanted.

Su Yang's fingers flew, and soon, Juanjuan's mobile phone interface appeared on his computer screen.

He directly opened Juanjuan's WeChat and then clicked on her address book.

"Huadu Community Owners Group"

"Auntie Wang"

"Brother Zhang"


"Fish Group"


Su Yang's eyes swept over the names one by one, and finally stopped at the name "Fish Group".

Why does this name feel a little strange?

With a bit of curiosity, he clicked on the chat interface of "Fish Group".

——Fish Group (488 people)

Shuai Shuai (Xingcheng)

Zhao Bin (Shenzhen)

Adong (Shancheng)

Pizi Ge (Beijing)


Su Yang browsed the group member list and immediately understood the nature of this group.

This is a "fish farming group".

Juanjuan is a professional gold digger.

This was something Su Yang had not expected.

He randomly clicked on a "fish" avatar and looked at the chat history.

As expected, the chat content was ambiguous and explicit, and it was unbearable to watch.

Moreover, there was a video in the chat history.

Su Yang clicked on the video.

The video screen was a KTV box with more than a dozen men and women hugging each other in a decadent atmosphere.

Su Yang could not be sure whether Juanjuan was among them.

He downloaded the video, along with the chat history of the entire "fish group".

Then, he sent the video to Xiao Li.

"Take a look at this video, is your ex-girlfriend in it?"

"What video?" Xiao Li asked in confusion.

The next second, he saw Su

Su Yang sent a video.

He clicked on the video.

A few seconds later, Xiao Li's face changed and became very ugly.

"Boss, where did you get this video? Could it be... could it be from her phone?" Xiao Li's voice was trembling.

"Yes, I found it from a chat record in her phone." Su Yang nodded.

"How... how is this possible? She... she..." Xiao Li's emotions suddenly became excited.

"There are many such videos in her chat records. Your ex-girlfriend is not a good person." Su Yang couldn't help but say.

Xiao Li's face turned red.

"How could this be, how could she be such a person..." Xiao Li muttered to himself, unable to believe that the woman he loved deeply would be a professional gold digger.

If he hadn't seen this video with his own eyes, he would never believe it.

"What video?"

"Please show me the video."

"Boss, show us the video so that everyone can watch it."

"That's right, boss, don't keep us in suspense!"

"What kind of video is it that makes the guy look so ugly?"

The curiosity of netizens was aroused.

"Xiao Li, are you okay?" Su Yang asked concernedly.

"I... I'm fine." Xiao Li pretended to be calm.

However, across the screen, everyone could feel his inner torment at the moment.


Originally thought that the ex-girlfriend was just cheating, but unexpectedly, she was actually a professional gold digger who played with feelings.

It would be difficult for anyone to accept this.

"It's a blessing in disguise that you can see her true face in time." Su Yang comforted.

Xiao Li bowed his head and said nothing.

"Are you still going to expose her?" Su Yang asked.

Xiao Li raised his head suddenly, his eyes full of anger and determination.

"Expose! Of course I have to expose her! I can't just watch her harm others!"

"Brothers, do you think I should help Xiao Li expose his ex-girlfriend?" Su Yang asked netizens for their opinions.

"Expose! Must expose!"

"Support exposure, this kind of gold digger should be punished."

"Get rid of harm for the people! Can't let her continue to get away with it."

"What I hate most is this kind of gold digger who plays with feelings! Big brother, you must help Xiao Li."

Netizens sent barrages to support Xiao Li.

This is the voice of the masses.

"OK." Su Yang nodded and said to Xiao Li: "So, you send me the time and place of your ex-girlfriend's wedding tomorrow."

"Also, can you live broadcast it?"


"I mean the whole process?"

"Yes," Xiao Li nodded without hesitation, "Live broadcast is better, so that more people can see her ugly face."

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