Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 477 Chapter 474 Professional Transformation


The mobile phone in Zhuang Xuteng's pants pocket vibrated again. He took it out and took a look. It was still a text message sent to him by the bank: Another amount of money had arrived, this time it was 65,000 euros. This was the dividend from the "New Pin Operation". After Lucy laundered the money, she transferred it into Zhuang Xuteng's new bank account in batches and for different reasons.

His new identity is an investment expert, a freelancer, working for himself, and has some business in real estate, futures, stocks, bonds, and angel investment. In addition to money games, he also anonymously provides financial advisory services to some companies and individuals, and has some small shops of his own in other cities. In short, Lucy has built a fairly rich resource network for this character, which can fully explain his source of income.

To be honest, if Zhuang Xuteng had certain financial knowledge, he could use this new identity as a white glove for others, or even open some money laundering business of his own, and make a lot of money.

There are specializations in the profession. In reality, no one can do everything. It is already very good to be able to fully master all the skills required for one's job. Zhuang Xuteng was very satisfied with the role of his new identity at this stage, and at the same time he kept both new identities. One is used to collect money, and the other is used as the final escape route.

Anyway, two identities have been made, leaving only one is a waste. However, it is definitely not enough for a mercenary to only think about the retreat. Zhuang Xuteng still has to make progress. This time, his progress is about to land in Kaho's spoils.

Colonel Taffe finally left. He left quietly. Lucy inquired in many ways, including the internal staff of Dingxin Magic, and finally confirmed the news. The mercenaries are afraid, and so are the middlemen. They are all afraid that Colonel Taft's departure this time is just a ruse, and that there might be a counterattack at some point. Peicheng's middleman-mercenary industry has already suffered enough, and it will continue to suffer due to the leak of the list, but once Colonel Taft leaves, at least there is a bright future.

Zhuang Xuteng also dared to take out Kahuo's implants and shadow slaves to study them carefully.

The most important thing is of course the invisibility cloak. Thanks to Zhuang Feifei's reminder, Zhuang Xuteng found two adsorption-type shadow slave energy and control signal transmitters located on the inside of the cloak, which corresponded to the interfaces on the shoulders of Kaho's armored jacket. All functions of the invisibility cloak are controlled by these two interfaces, including the energy consumed by the operation, which is also provided by the user.

It was obviously not prudent to rashly fasten the cloak directly to the armored jacket. Zhuang Xuteng needed an expert in shadow equipment to take a look at such a thing. On the one hand, he asked Lucy to try to search for channels in this regard. On the other hand, he also asked Zhuang Feifei. After all, his sister had also provided clothing to the company and might have experience in this area.

It's a pity that the clothes are clothes and the shadow followers are shadow followers. Zhuang Feifei wanted to help, but her technical accumulation was indeed not enough. She could only help Zhuang Xuteng analyze the approximate power consumption of the invisibility cloak, guess what technologies it used, and what implants it might need to support it.

"This rare shadow slave must have the function of binding identity. It is impossible for ordinary people to use it directly after picking it up." Zhuang Feifei was very sure of her judgment and said: "Companies like to use implants for identity. Binding, especially implants whose functions depend on each other. This set of shadow slaves provides the invisibility function. According to your description, its invisibility method is to blend into the surrounding environment, so it must first know what the surrounding environment is."

Zhuang Feifei carefully inspected the fabric of the cloak and said: "This thing does not have any device interface for collecting environmental characteristics on the surface, so it is most likely to be associated with some kind of eye implant."

Eye? One of Kaho's eyes is an implant, which was removed by Zhuang Xuteng and has been kept in a refrigerated jar! If his sister's judgment is correct, Zhuang Xuteng can study the function of the invisibility cloak starting from the eye implant. Compared to invisibility cloaks, eye implants are more common and less likely to be noticed.

Using the Wraith series of spells, Zhuang Xuteng disposed of the eyeball implant. No matter who looked at it at this time, they would not think it was taken from a dead person. Zhuang Xuteng washed it clean and used disinfectant to remove any remaining biological information. If he wasn't careful enough and someone obtained Kaho's DNA from above, it might cause another series of waves.

If you want to use this eyeball, you must first understand its function, and this requires an implant engineer. Implant engineers are different from implant doctors, one designs and manufactures implants and the other installs and maintains them. For common implants, the doctor's knowledge is sufficient. However, this eyeball is most likely a unique implant, and may even be the only model, so you must find a real professional.

Neither mercenaries nor middlemen can control people with implant engineering skills. But Zhuang Xuteng and Lucy had dealt with a person who had such resources and completed a very difficult task for him. That person was Liuko Shinra, the technical director of Sanke Yingcong Biotechnology Company. Zhuang Xuteng helped him vent his anger by stealing a section of the casino group's treasury train car. Lucy also did some mercenary tasks for him later, which always satisfied him. This time, Lucy found Liu Ke and asked him about this situation.

Liu Ke has a problem: he likes to gamble, which makes his savings fluctuate and become very unstable. Ever since he met Lucy, using this channel to convert the unique resources he had into money has really contributed to his gambling hobby. While he was short of money again, Lucy also wanted to use the income from the "Insertion Project" to buy some implants, and by the way, she built a bridge for Zhuang Xuteng.

The arrangement of the meeting was very clever. First, Zhuang Xuteng's implant care shop was asked to purchase products from Sangke Yingcong Biotechnology Company, such as two anti-rejection X-ray machines. After that, when the machine came to the normal maintenance period, Liu Ke sent someone to inspect it in this name. This person happened to be the expert Lucy needed and could easily complete her request.

This kind of transaction has been carried out many times in implant care stores, and Zhuang Xuteng has heard about it for a long time. Since he has handed over the daily operation of the store to Doyle, he has less interference in matters that he is not familiar with. I believe Doyle is the same.

The basement that was originally used as a combat base is now an implant technology exchange. Liuko asked his confidant and fellow gambler Tural Luk to come here to make extra money. He helped identify several shadow slaves, sent back the implants and shadow slaves he took away for repair last time, and prepared to leave with some new ones. But this time he had one more job: to inspect a precious implant on site.

Zhuang Xuteng personally took the eyeball there. He changed his appearance and changed his body posture and walking habits, so that even acquaintances could not recognize him. Doyle failed to recognize him. He only knew that this "stranger" was arranged by Lucy, paid a large price, and temporarily stored several implant jars in the refrigerator upstairs. Lucy reminded him: Don't ask about this person's affairs, don't have any entanglement with him.

Doyle is well aware of the rules of mercenaries, and he has become more and more accustomed to the current life. As the host, he arranged the transaction site to ensure the safety and privacy of both parties. After activating the equipment specially designed for secret transactions, the entire basement can be blocked from communication signals.

"This is the implanted eyeball. I got it from a collector." Zhuang Xuteng spoke through a voice changer, truly hiding his identity to the extreme. He placed the jar containing the eyeball implant on the table. Tural took it, opened the jar, and began to look at the implant.

Although Tural is very young, not even thirty years old, he is indeed a good hand in implant engineering technology. If he hadn't fallen in love with gambling at a young age, and was overly superstitious about his mathematical calculation skills and underestimated the evil intentions of the casino staff, he certainly wouldn't have to worry about a good life, and he wouldn't have taken the risk to take on private jobs.

"Hiss... I've never seen this kind of implant, let me take a closer look." Tural would only be particularly serious at the gambling table or when encountering problems, and he quickly unfolded a set of special tools and began to This eyeball is analyzed. "Advanced Eyeball Nerve Interface, a high-end product produced by the company. There are codes and nameplates here, Dingxin Magic Company, high-end..."

Tural swallowed hard, slowly raised his head, and said: "I already know whose eyeball belongs to me. I don't want to die, including being chased by the company or killed by you. Two hundred thousand euros, paid in platinum coins, I'll get you this eye implant, and then I'll forget about it."

Zhuang Xuteng did not agree to him immediately, but first asked: "What needs to be done for this eye, and to what extent can you do it?"

"I will modify its encoding information so that it will appear in various scanning instruments as eyes that can be purchased on the black market, such as military night vision scanning eyes. I can rewrite its operating system and use the open source foundation of Today's Group Tree 5.5 comes with a shell so you can interface with other implants or slave devices that support base Tree 5.0 and above codecs."

Zhuang Xuteng frowned slightly and said, "What if there is a video slave device that needs to be connected to it, and its native operating system must be used?"

"It doesn't matter, the basic tree is for you. How to describe it... Just like driving a car, the basic tree operating system is the steering wheel. Without it, you can only turn the wheel manually. Any foreign system can drive as long as it knows the steering wheel. This car, which originally didn’t need a steering wheel, still uses the same connection method as before, and there’s no problem at all.”

Zhuang Xuteng understood, nodded, and said, "Is there anything else?"

"I scanned the eyeball and found that there is a communication module inside it. Generally, this kind of module is connected to the company's network. In this eyeball, it is connected to Dingxin Magic. It is not a tracking module, don't worry, I judge that it should be some kind of data query module. That is to say, if you use this eye to look at it, it will query Dingxin Magic Company for the specific data of an object in the field of view. This thing must be blocked because you have no available query database. Unless..."

"Unless what?"

"In Peicheng, apart from the four major companies, only the riot squad has a similar database. During the company war, the database of the Constitutional Army actually belonged to the company, and branch databases were opened for each of them. If you If there is a way to get access to the database from the riot squad, then I can change the direction of this module..."

"Change the direction and then block it." Zhuang Xuteng said: "No continuous data connection is required. The function is only enabled when needed. Can you modify it to this extent?"

"Yes, this does not involve basic engineering modifications, it can only be done at the operational level." Tural rubbed his hands and said excitedly: "This is really a good eyeball! From an engineering point of view, it will be ten The six functional modules are perfectly combined, and the stability of the implant is also very good. How did you convince Kaho to voluntarily hand over this eyeball? "

"This question makes me worry about your curiosity and endurance, so I will only give you 180,000 euros."

Tural opened his mouth slightly, originally wanting to say something, but finally held back. He patted his head with the palm of his hand and admitted that he had made a mistake and crossed a line just now, and he would never make the same mistake again. Next, he only talked about technical issues, finalized the plan to transform the eyeball, and started his work.

All modifications are only at the operating system level and do not require modification of the basic structure of the eyeball. This is excellent news for Zhuang Xuteng. The equipment that directly controls and modifies implants is completely in the hands of the four major companies. Sang Keying Biotechnology Company also has one, but once that machine works, it will automatically send the data to the Today Group, and all operations will be carried out. Can't hide it. Sanke Company will not take the risk of adjusting the machine and concealing the truth from Today Group just for the sake of Zhuang Xuteng. Normal people can figure out whether a full meal or a full drink is more important.

This time, the only engineering-level action was to erase the nameplate number and replace the model identification number with a non-hazardous one. Tural prepared a "personalized" model that would reduce the suspicion of the implant surgeon. But he also reminded Zhuang Xuteng not to go to regular hospitals, such as Peicheng Second Hospital, for surgery. This eyeball can only be installed by a black market implant doctor.

"The best solution is to buy a high-end eyeball first and find a good hospital to install it, so that you can get the best fundus interface surgery. You can resell the eyeball and then install this one." Tural said Snapping his fingers, he said: "I thought of it. You can buy Hongmeng III implantable eyes, specifically the batch from October to December last year. The doctor will charge you an extra 30,000 euros, so prepare 70,000 euros." Euro, let him give you the amplification interface."

"The so-called amplification interface is..."

"It's an upgraded interface that can directly connect to the eye in my hand. I can change its model information to Hongmeng Type 3, so it can correspond to your medical information. The only problem with Hongmeng Type 3 is that it is prohibited to carry When you enter a casino, those eyes can be used to cheat."

"I don't gamble."

"It's such a pity that life is less fun."

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