Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 83: : My heart will always protect you

"But, Itzhak, you still..."

"Long-winded! Start guiding me! Don't make me say it again!"

The controller wanted to say something, but facing Yitzhak's almost distorted eyes and cheeks, the controller silently shut his mouth.

Even though Yitzhak only shows half of his cheek now, he can still see the ferocious look in his eyes.

Just when the controller was in trouble, Cruzer's voice calling to all MSs came over the radio, "The only target of this operation! Long legs! Don't waste time for others!"

Itzhak grinned grimly when he heard the words, and the killing intent in his eyes seemed to be real.

He never thought about wasting time on other goals!

"Today, you must die!"

The wound on Yitzhak's face has always had a scorching tingling sensation.

But compared to the self-esteem that was injured by the assault, this pain is insignificant!

In the previous battle, the "Strike Gundam" damaged the electrical system of the "Dueling Gundam", so a small explosion occurred in the cockpit.

The explosion damaged Itzhak's helmet, the fragments of the mask scratched his face, and if the cockpit cracked, it would even immediately threaten his life...

Perhaps it was God's blessing that Yitzhak survived.

But Yitzhak was not happy at all about his survival, but more angry!

The MS of the Earth Union Army, he should have been able to easily defeat it.

However, when faced with a strong attack, he failed the first time, which was something he couldn't accept.

When the second chance came, he heard that Aslan did not take the opportunity to shoot down the "Strike Gundam", which proved Aslan's "incompetence", and Yitzhak still secretly laughed at Aslan at that time.

Because he is different, as long as Aslan doesn't get in the way, he will definitely take care of those guys next time.

Based on this idea, Yitzhak will start a battle before the enemy ship and the lunar fleet rendezvous.

However, "Strike Gundam" avoided its own attack like a child's play, and could even deal with "Duel Gundam" and "Thunder Gundam" at the same time.

and hurt himself.

Yitzhak has always believed in his own ability, and also believed that the value of a person depends on his ability, so such an injury is undoubtedly more shameful than death.

"I must wash away this shame with blood!"

"Duel Gundam! Itzhak Jur - Attack!"

As Yitzhak let out a roar, the Duel Gundam, who was on standby in the ejection track, rushed into the dark space like an arrow.

Mebius flew out one after another from the destroyers and battleships of the Earth Alliance.

The Zaft ship also released MS.

"The whole ship is in a dense formation to attack!"

Through the communication machine, Admiral Halbarton of the "Mineraos" gave an order, saying: "The Archangel is not allowed to move, continue to follow this ship!"

On the bridge of the "Archangel", Halbarton's order came when everyone was staring at the screen with heavy anxiety.

Facing Halbarton's order, Mariu opened her mouth and finally chose to obey, because the current Archangel really doesn't have anything to take.

There are three enemy ships, and the MS alone has ten.

Recalling that three Gene and one "Aegis Gundam" easily sank "Montgomery", it is a question whether so many MS Eighth Fleet can hold.

"Bariant activated! Rear missile space-to-air missile (CorlnthM114 Clints)!"

"The yang electron smasher! Godfield! Ready to launch—"

Second Lieutenant Bucky Lulu ordered the preparation of each armed system one by one.

At present, some of the battleships in the Eighth Fleet have fallen to the earth, and they are not in a full state.

"Sorry, we're late!"

Just when everyone was busy, the bridge door opened, and the clear voices of the boys rang out.

Mariu and the others turned their heads in astonishment, and saw Thor, Sai, Mirialia, Kaz—the students who had boarded the ship in Hailipolis walked in full of energy, and sat on their seats. seat.


Mariu looked at them blankly.

"It's a volunteer soldier, accepted by Colonel Hoffman, and I also approve it."

Second Lieutenant Bucky Lulu knew this for a long time.

Mariu opened her eyes wide when she heard the words, and looked at a few people in disbelief.

"Ah yes, Kira got off the boat."

Sai Yi, who was seated at the CIC, suddenly said this without thinking.

"It's probably difficult for us to replace him, it better than nothing?"

Thor, sitting in the passenger seat, gestured to Neumann, who was driving.

Jackie glanced at the two behind him with a smile on his face.

The original stunned crew members also accepted their existence with joy at this moment.

But Mariu's mood was extremely complicated.

On the one hand, I am grateful for the determination of the teenagers, but on the other hand, I feel that the responsibility on my shoulders has increased.

They naturally have their own considerations when making this decision, but these children are too young and naive. What kind of shadow and future will the decision at this moment cast on their lives...

On the other side, when Kira rushed into the driver's locker room, someone had already arrived there.


Kira raised her voice as she looked at the familiar back.

Frey, who was squatting in front of his wardrobe, was startled and turned around suddenly.


Looking at Kira who appeared suddenly, Frey jumped into Kira's embrace. The soft and warm feeling made Kira froze in place, her eyes full of confusion.

"F... Frey, how are you...?"

Kira finally asked, but she saw Frey looking at her with tears in her I thought you were gone..."

Being stared at at such a close distance by a girl whom I admired from a long time ago, my arms felt her body again... Kira's head seemed to be heating up and was about to die.

I wonder if he noticed his appearance, Frey just continued.

"I... Although everyone stayed to fight, I was the one who said that at the beginning, but I couldn't do anything, so..."

Kira finally noticed that his locker was open, and when he caught a glimpse of the driver's clothes inside, he suddenly realized Frey's intentions.

"Frey, this kind of thing..."

His chest was full of emotions, she actually wanted to drive the "Strike Gundam" instead of him...

Such a delicate girl, who seems to be broken at the touch of a touch, has such determination...

"This is too difficult for you!"


Frey tried her best to defend herself, but Kira gave her a gentle smile.

"I'll drive the 'Strike Gundam'...for you..."

When Kira was about to continue speaking, Sai's face suddenly appeared in his mind, he hurriedly changed his words and said, "For your intentions, I will also work harder, I have decided that I will not run away in the future. !"

To fight to protect everyone, and to end the war as soon as possible, he decided to do what only he could do, because he had that power—

Frey listened to Kira's words and stared at Kira with lost eyes. In Kira's stunned eyes, Frey's body slowly approached, her face was close... and her lips touched.

"My heart will protect you..."

The warm breath between her lips and her words made Kira intoxicated.

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