"Zhaolushan port is sunk! Toyama cannot sail!

"The Sixth Mobile Air Force, please go to the coast of Yinxanaqi! Repeat, the Sixth Mobile Air Force—"

The defense headquarters kept ringing the operator's voice reporting the battle situation and conveying instructions, and on the other end were search reports from all over the place.

"The ninth district, no sign of Jibril was found."

"There is no abnormality in the tenth district!"

Listening to this series of reports, Cagalli bit her hand in a hurry.

"Damn! Where the **** is that guy hiding?"

The search line has gone all over Orb, but Jibril's whereabouts are still nowhere to be found.

But finding him in such chaos was as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack.

Don't be afraid--Cagalli thought, fighting back her anxiety.

The passage to escape abroad has been blocked, and the quality projection equipment has been completely closed. As long as you can block Zaft's offensive in front of you, you can slowly find him later.

The battle situation has gradually favored Orb.

Looking at the fighting figures of the National Army on the screens, Cagalli only felt her heart tighten.

――Everyone...you must hold on...!

She was closing her eyes and praying when she suddenly heard a loud cry from an operator.

"There are planes taking off in the three districts of this island!"

Cagalli opened her eyes to look at her husband.

Third District! The report just came in that there was nothing abnormal.

"What's the matter? Call District Three!"

Cagalli looked at the map while shouting.

From this point of view, the third area is located on the back of the island - there is a space shuttle launch site.

No way!

Cagalli's back froze, watching the space shuttle taking off on the screen, and a familiar emblem of Cagalli was painted on its tail.

"This is... a space shuttle under the name of Sailan!"


Tremors ran through his body like lightning.

In that space shuttle was--

Cagalli woke up from the shock and shouted with all her strength: "Tell Murasame to rush over! It doesn't matter if you shoot it down! Never let it go into space!"

Minerva, who was located in the outer sea of ​​Chennengqilu, also caught the movement of the space shuttle.

"Luna Maria, go! Stop the space shuttle that is taking off!"

Luna Maria was on standby on the landline.

Listening to Thalia's instructions, her expression immediately became solemn.

"That's probably Jibril's escape plane! If necessary, allow it to be shot down!"


Hearing the urgency of the situation, Lunamaria's plane immediately flew out of the ship.

The fusion time of Pulse Gundam was extremely short, but Talia could hardly wait at the moment. Fortunately, the MS after the fusion dashed straight towards the space shuttle taking off at a faster acceleration.

At the same time, several Murasame appeared in the direction of Orb chasing the space shuttle and shot with beams, but unfortunately the distance was too far to shoot it down.

Watching Pulse Gundam drive past the group of Orb fighters in the blink of an eye, he narrowed the distance with the space shuttle, and stretched out his rifle, aiming at the climbing target.

- Hit it!

Thalia watched this scene and prayed in her heart.

It must have been Gibril in that space shuttle.

Deliberately avoid Victoria and Panama and choose to live in Orb, not just for the mass projector here, but for the space shuttle launch station that hides people's eyes.

If he escaped to the moon, he would pose a great threat.

Pulse Gundam's muzzle flashed.

One shot, two shots—

But it couldn't hit, and the speed of the space shuttle did not decrease at all—


"Looks like you need more practice with your marksmanship—"


Just when Luna Maria stiffened from her mistake.

Noel's voice suddenly entered the cockpit.

When she turned her head, the eternal covenant with the wings of light suddenly accelerated faster than Pulse Gundam.

When he turned around, the rifles in his hands were connected together.

The beam shot, from bottom to top, went straight through the space shuttle.


The space shuttle exploded high in the sky, scattering debris like fireworks.

Lordo Gibril, ended his life when he was evacuated from Earth.

"Captain Noel—"

Luna Maria stared stiffly at the body holding the rifle beside her.

It all happened so fast that her mind was still a little cloudy.


Noel called out.

Driving the Eternal Covenant, he turned and flew towards Aslan and the others below.

The moment he saw the space shuttle appear, Noel rushed over directly.

The Requiem thing must not inspire.

In fact, at the beginning, Nuoer thought about informing Yinzak and the others of the existence of Requiem, but after thinking about it later, this was not realistic.

Equipped with a large beam shield Requiem repeater, it is not something that Yin Zak and the others can break through in a short period of time.

So the best solution is to kill Jibril on Earth.

Jibril is dead, and Requiem has lost the person who gave the order, so naturally there will be no action.

Of course, that's not to say that people at the lunar base don't use Requiem.

But without Jibril, a madman, the people at the lunar base would only make Requiem a deterrent weapon. After all, not everyone would have the courage to order Requiem to shoot directly at the colony.

"It's pretty quick."

Inside the space shuttle launch site, Prea couldn't help but smile when he saw the bombed space shuttle.

After putting the detonating device in his hand in his pocket, he turned around and got into the vehicle that had been prepared in the back.

Jibril's death was already doomed.


Arthur stared blankly at the debris scattered in the air, this - solved?

Speaking of which, I don't know if the person sitting above is Jibril or not.

Thalia also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although I don't know if the one on the board is Jibril, but the result is good, let's just pretend he is.

"Because the flagship was sunk, from now on, this ship will take over the command of the fleet."

Everyone on the bridge was still staring at the screen as if they had lost their souls. After hearing Thalia's order, they came back to their senses and began to send this message to the remaining friendly forces.


Thalia continued to order: "Hit the signal flare, our army temporarily retreat!"


"What? Captain—"

Arthur jumped up in shock and looked at her, only to see that Thalia just said mechanically: "The battle situation is not good for us, and we can't be sure of Jibril's existence, there is no point in continuing the battle."

"But...that's with the Speaker..."

Arthur timidly wanted to object, but Thalia didn't let him continue, and interrupted him sternly: "The Speaker's order is to arrest or kill Jibril, not to fight Orb! Now we just need to wait. Subsequent evidence of Aube will do."


As if he only understood the situation they were in, Arthur nodded and sat back on the console.

Maybe it's the truth - Thalia's heart froze and she couldn't help thinking.

Perhaps the expedition of Aube is the real purpose of Durandal, and Gibril is just a pretense.

But that doesn't mean he wants to let him dictate the decision.

Durandal's recent behavior is so abnormal that it's a little hard to understand.

Moreover, whether it is to continue to fight to reduce the strength of the army, or to successfully conquer Orb, neither of these two results are what she wants.

Take it as her little resistance to Durandal.

So, she resolutely gave the order: "The MS returns. The whole army is evacuated and withdraws from the territorial waters of Orb!"

Minerva fired a flare, which exploded in the smoke-filled sky.


Colonel Sokai was only stunned when he saw this scene at the Orb Defense Headquarters.

And Cagalli witnessed the MS fleet returning home with the flares, and a warm feeling emerged in her heart.

"Captain Kuradis..."

This is indeed like the character and style of Captain Minerva.

She might have her reasons, but Cagalli couldn't help thanking her for letting go at the right time.

Therefore, she immediately ordered in a stern voice: "The other party has retreated, and we must not pursue it! Pass this order to the entire army!"


The operator in the command room immediately conveyed Cagalli's instructions to the troops~www.NovelMTL.com~ Although the sacrifices were heavy, they gathered the strength of everyone and they finally defended the country.

But this is not the end.

Whether Jibril is dead or alive, he must produce strong evidence to prove it.

If this matter does not give a definite answer, Orb will inevitably be frustrated in the future.

Thinking of this, Cagalli turned around and rushed towards the location of the third district with several soldiers.

The spaceport hasn't been hit hard, and there should be something for it.

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