Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 715: : abnormal 2 people (2)

at the same time.

Because of Noel's delay, Chisaka successfully recovered the Savior Gundam.

In the anxious eyes of Cagalli and Kira.

Two unexpected stretchers were pushed out.


Seeing Aslan lying on a stretcher, Cagalli ran over involuntarily.

The wounded was in a coma, and her bandaged arms were weakly hanging beside the stretcher. Her head was also bandaged, and her pale face was covered by an oxygen mask. Looking at the scene in front of her, Cagalli's tears immediately poured into Mohu. out of sight.


A soft and nostalgic voice echoed in my head.

The voice seemed to be attractive, and he couldn't help but cast his eyes when he was hazy, and focused his attention there.

Then, Aslan's eyes widened.


The face was swaying, as if it was about to go away, Aslan wanted to stretch out his hand, but felt a sharp pain coming from his whole body.

Looking at Aslan's pale face.

Crystal tears rolled out of Cagalli's eyes again.

Aslan looked over helplessly, but saw that the ring was still shining between her fingers.

Aslan remembered the day he handed her the ring, but it felt like a distant lake.

At this moment, his vision was gradually blurred.

Heaven's Pillar.

Because of the support, the wound that was about to be healed was opened again.

After applying the medicine, Noel returned to the room to rest with the help of Lux.

"Noel, rest early, don't touch the wound."

When Noel went to bed and lay down, Lux stood aside and said.

"Don't worry, you also go to rest early. You have worked hard for the past two days."

Speaking of which, Lux hasn't had a good rest in recent times.

"Well, then you go to bed early."

Lux nodded, turned around and walked out of the room.

After confirming that Lux was gone, Noel subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

The atmosphere between Lux and Mina today was a little scary indeed.

Although I don't know why Lux was angry, Haoxuan passed the test.

"It's finally time to rest-"

The follow-up battle will not be easy, and the injury must be healed quickly. With such thoughts, Nuoer closed his eyes heavily.

No mistake

Recently, Noel's body has consumed a lot.

Also fell asleep quickly.

He almost fell asleep with his eyes closed.

in sleep.

Noel seemed to appear in the garden, and the refreshing fragrance made him happy.

However, just when he was intoxicated by the refreshing fragrance, he suddenly smelled another floral fragrance.

If the former is as soft as water, and the peony is as refreshing as the lotus, then the latter is the plum blossom?

"The fragrance of the flowers is coming out, I really- huh!?"

In the middle of the lake, Nuoer woke up from his sleep, and then a cold and beautiful face appeared in front of him.

Noel instantly returned to his soul without any sleepiness.

Silk-like black hair fell down his cheeks, and on his cold white face, the bright red lips were like roses blooming in the dark night.

The distance between the two was very close, and the unknown scent of Dandan was transmitted to the brain from the tip of the nose, which was impressive.

"woke up?"

Mina Sahak, who was staring at Noel, noticed Noel's wide eyes, but she didn't have too many expression fluctuations on her face, she just straightened her body calmly and asked.

It was as if nothing had happened, or that everything was normal.


Noel nodded stiffly.

"When you wake up, get up and prepare to change your medicine."

Mina Sahak turned and walked towards the cart that appeared in the center of the room, with potions and bandages neatly placed on it.

"Ah, well-huh?"

However, just when Noel was about to get up, he suddenly found that his arm was unconscious.

This sudden change scared Nuoer into a cold sweat, and hurriedly turned his head to look at his left shoulder—

A pink head came into view.


When Noel looked at Lux lying on his left side, he felt dazed.

What's the situation?

I am dreaming?

Didn't wake up?

But the tingling sensation in the arm confirms that this is the reality.

But it also made Noel even more confused.

Why is Lux here?

Why is she here?

It doesn't match her personality!

Lux is this kind of person?

No, it seems like I've had this experience before—


For no reason, Noel suddenly lost his head and thought of Mia Campbell. It was said that Mia Campbell ran to Aslan's bed, and Aslan's harem almost didn't explode.


However, before Noel could recover from the situation in front of him, a sudden soreness in his arm made him cry out.

"Noel, you are awake."

Lux, who was wearing a long white dress, sat up slowly as if awakened by Noel, and looked at Noel with sleepy eyes.

If it wasn't for the feeling from the arm just now, Noel really thought that Lux had just woken up.

"S-Lux, why are you here?"

The pain in the arm and the pain in the back made Noel want to die.

By the way, how did Lux ​​do these things?

Don't they know they are wounded?

"This has always been my room."

While talking, Lux got out of bed and straightened her hair.

"your room?"

When Noel heard the words, he looked around subconsciously, and it was indeed different from the room he slept in at first.

"Thank you for your hard work, let me apply the medicine."

Lux didn't explain much, just walked over to the drug cart.

"Are you afraid of me?"

Mina Sahak stepped aside and asked Lux.

Lux stopped what she was doing when she heard the words, and turned her head to look at Mina Sahak.

Mina Sahak looked at him calmly.

As for Noel, who grinned and got up on the bed, they were briefly ignored by the two of them.

After a brief silence, Lux suddenly smiled and said to Mina Sahak: "I don't actually like to fight for anything, because I only want what belongs to me, and I believe that what belongs to me must be mine."

"It's an amazing speech. Now it seems that our personalities are really contradictory."

Mina Sahak had a smile on her face when she heard the words, and continued: "After all, for me, as long as it is what I want, I will use all means to grab it, whether it belongs to me or not."

Noel did not know the conversation between the two.

But when he looked at the two people standing side by side, his heart trembled for no reason.

Even the soreness in the arm was suppressed.

"Well, why don't you let the people from the medical class come."

Seeing that the two didn't speak for a long time, Nuoer, who was a little flustered in his heart, couldn't help but speak.

"fair enough."

Lux heard the words and turned to Noel and nodded with a smile.

But before Noel could breathe a sigh of, Lux continued to ask with a kind smile and tone, "Speaking of which, Noel, have you met some new friends in Zaft?"


Nuoer, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly took a breath.

"For example, a girl named Mia."

Lux said with a smile, "I really want to see this person Noel calls out to even in his sleep."

Mina Sahak frowned slightly when she heard the words, and turned to look at Noel without saying a word.


Noel —

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