Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 70: : Will Noel also join the war? (Slightly changed 1~)

Under what circumstances will signal interference occur?

The answer is obvious... War!

The advance team has been discovered by the enemy.

It was only later that he noticed the operator's cry on the enemy ship's "Montgomery".

"Detected that the heat source is approaching! Four MSs! Three Zeons - the remaining one is - the Holy Shield! It's the X303 'Sacred Shield Gundam'!"

The operator's shocked voice made Captain Copeman hold his breath for a moment, and without any hesitation, he immediately gave the order: "Call the 'Archangel' to reverse and escape! - We urgently dispatch the MA!"

"What, what did you say? If you can't meet, what's the point of coming here?"

When George Arsta heard that the Archangel was going to return, he couldn't help but protest. Now that he was about to be reunited with his daughter, you told me to make it return!

However, in the face of George Arstad's words, Kopman bluntly roared back: "If that battleship is also captured, wouldn't it make more sense?"

At the same time, the Archangel also confirmed this fact.

"Is there a 'Sacred Shield Gundam'?"

Listening to Parr's report, Mariu closed her eyes for a moment, her clenched palms trembling.

Because of the appearance of the Aegis Gundam, it means that this is a Nazca-class battleship!

How strong it is, everyone on the Archangel has already experienced it countless times.

"Montgomery called! The assembly was aborted, and the Archangel immediately turned around and left!"

Soon, Parr, who was temporarily in charge of the CIC, received a message from the Montgomery ship.

"Turn around and leave? That ship...!"

Sai Yi raised her voice involuntarily.

It's not that they look down on the Montgomery fleet. The three advance teams are not the opponents of the Nazca-class at all. Now that Frey's father is also on it, how can they die.

After hearing this, Mariu lowered her head and pondered.

After a while, under the gaze of Sai and others, he secretly made up his mind, looked up and said with a cold expression: "Even if we turn around now, there is no guarantee that we can escape! The first battle position of the whole ship! The Archangel is going to cover the advance team! "

[Woooooooooooooooooooo! 】

Following Captain Maliu's order, the siren sounded.

Hearing the sudden alarm sound, Kira ran out of the room without any hesitation and ran towards the driver's locker room.


However, just as he walked past Lux's room, the door suddenly creaked open, and a white arm stretched out from it, pulling Kira back.

"This—the door lock is broken again?"

Seeing her grabbing her arm, Kira couldn't help being stunned.

What's with the lock in this room? How can both ends go bad in three days?

"What's wrong? Why did it suddenly become so noisy..." Lux raised her innocent face and asked curiously.

"The battleship has entered a combat state, come on, go in quickly..."

Although Kira wondered why this door is broken every day, but now is not the time to pursue it, she hurriedly pushed Lux ​​inside.

"Battle status... oops, is that going to be a war?"

I don't know if Lux really doesn't know or if it's fake, but the innocent and ignorant expression of Tanzhen is very well expressed.

"It's not that there's going to be a war, it's already started."

"...Mr. Kira, do you have to fight too?"

Listening to Lux's question and looking at Lux's clear light blue eyes, Kira couldn't help tilting her head and saying nothing.

"Anyway, please don't leave the room. Don't run out again. Okay?"

He tried to finish speaking in a gentle tone, pushed Lux ​​back into the room, locked the door again, then turned and ran towards the driver's locker room.

But on the way, someone suddenly grabbed him again.


Kira turned her head to look and found that it was Frey, her expression was very disturbed at this time.

"Why are they in battle positions again? Where's my dad's ship?"

Dad's boat?

Kira didn't know the specific situation, so she was very confused.

But being caught by a girl she once had a crush on, Kira's heart was still startled.

Facing Kira's silence, Frey grabbed Kira's sleeves with both hands, and asked nervously: "He, he should be fine, right? My dad's boat won't be hit, right? Right! ?"

"It's okay, Frey, we'll be there too!"

Kira didn't know the specifics, but now he had to leave. In a hurry, he could only pick up what Frey wanted to hear.

Afterwards, Kira made an understanding smile, pulled her fingers off her arm tightly, turned and ran quickly to the driver's locker room.

Frey's expression was still uneasy, but at this time she could only watch Kira leave silently.

"Are you ready for the first battle...I will go without you telling me."

Naturally, Nuoer also received the notification, and it was also a notification from Captain Maliu himself.

No way, who made Noel not join the Earth Alliance, and he is still a soldier to which he belongs.

Captain, if you don't ask me personally, no one else will be able to help you desperately.


"Noel, are you going to fight too?"

Just when Noel went to the dressing room, Lux's door opened again, revealing Lux's little head.

"As you can see." Noel glanced at the hello in Lux's arms and replied.

"Then wish you a smooth journey!"

After listening to the flickering eyes, Lux did not ask Noel the specific reason, but just smiled and gave a blessing.

"Thank you for your blessing. By the way, your hello is very beautiful. It seems that I have to ask Aslan to get one for me next time."

Noel chuckled, and after saying that, he glanced at the hello in Lux's arms, turned around and walked towards the driver's locker room.

At the door, Lux stared at the back of Noel's departure, the expression on her face gradually changed, and her palm rubbed the hello in her arms thoughtfully.


"Aslan! Let's see the performance of that guy!"

A message came from Keene, who was the first to set off.


Aslan just answered in a low voice.

In fact, he wanted to determine Lux's life and death a moment earlier, and he didn't want to continue fighting with Kira—

But he is a soldier, a soldier belonging to Zaft!

Recalling the oath he made in front of his mother's tomb, Aslan shook off these confusions and looked into the distance with sharp eyes.

At this time, the Earth Alliance dispatched "Mebius" and deployed it.

This is the main MA of the Earth Alliance Army.


However, this seemingly stable deployment was as fragile as paper in front of Aslan, who was determined to fight.

Divine Shield Gundam accelerated, easily dodging all the missiles they fired, and flew behind them.


"How can this be..."

Before the Mebius pilots could adjust the plane's raised his gun and pulled the trigger hesitantly.

"Boom boom~"

The four Mebius didn't even have a chance to react, and they lit up a splendid spark representing death.

The sports performance and driving ability of the two sides are like a world apart.

After solving a formation of Mebius, Aslan took advantage of the situation and flew to the local frigate - the Aegis Gundam is a mobile suit known for its speed, and it was paired with Aslan who attacked with full force.

With the blessing of the two kings.

It took less than ten seconds from the crash of Mebius, to passing through the second Mebius formation to catch up with the battleship, and firing off the engine.


The terrifying explosion lit up, and the Barnard frigate had to cut off the shotgun section.

Barnard, who had lost the power of the engine, just left the battle line.

"The frigate 'Barnard' is silent! The X303 Aegis Gundam is heading towards 'Luo'!"

"Our military aircraft that was stolen was shot down? How can there be such a stupid thing!"

"Kean" is also approaching "Montgomery" at the same time.

"Mebius" tried to stop the enemy planes, but they were all destroyed by "Kean" one by one.

Seeing the enemy plane getting closer and closer to his ship, George Arsta couldn't believe his eyes.

The difference in strength between the two sides is so great that it makes people feel suffocated and hopeless.


Suddenly, just as Gene rushed to the front, a ray hit Gene directly from a distance.

Gene instantly turned into a ball of fire.

Turn the lens, the direction of the ray emission is exactly the Archangel!

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